27 May Religion Jesus As A Jew

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Zac Efron

Mila Kunis

Ansel Elgort

Hailee Steinfeld

Adam Sandler

Who am I?
Heres a hint: I am most famous
for my discovery of GRAVITY


Mark Zuckerburg

And the most important

Jesus Christ

In this lesson
Learning Intention

To identify who Jesus Christ was as a

follower of a Jewish faith.
To make a biography on Jesus

Success Criteria

You have made your biography and

can share it with the class.

Who is Jesus Christ???

Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, but spent most of his time as a boy in the town
of Nazareth.

Who was Jesus Christ

His parents were Mary and Joseph, and they raised him lovingly to follow a Jewish
Just like Jewish people today, Jesus experiences the Jewish traditions of Brit Milah
(the naming ceremony) and Bar Mitzvah (being accepted into the community as an
Do you remember when the Brit Milah and Bar Mitzvah occur???

Who was Jesus Christ???

Just like everyone else, Jesus needed to have a job in order to provide food and
shelter for himself.
Use your I-pad to google what Jesus Christ did for a job!

Jesus was a carpenter!!!

What is a
Look up on
your I-pad
what Jesus
did as a

Jesus Christ the Carpenter

Isnt this the carpenter? some asked in Mark 6:3. Jesus could
have worked in another occupation, such as a physician,
priest, scholar, soldier, fisherman or shepherd or even an
earthly king. But, why did Jesus choose to be a carpenter?
Carpenters make things of utility and value. The carpenter
does the work and the object in his hand yields to his design.
Carpenters have a plan. They take what is common and make
it special.
Carpenters are builders and this is what God the Father wants
us to understand about his SonJesus Christ is a builder.

Jesus Christ the Carpenter

Today, Jesus is building you, me, and every Christian. There is
no person who cannot be improved by the work of Jesus Christ
in their life. We are in his hands and under construction at all
times and his plan is to make us more like him.
Much of Jesus construction takes place where we spend most
of our time, and that is at our jobs and in the workplace. God
can use the circumstances and events in your work-life to
change you for the better. He is sovereign over your successes
and your failures. Jesus can bring good out of every situation
you will ever experience.

Make a biography on Jesus Christ. You can write this on your I-pads or in your books.
Make sure you include the following:
Where he was born and where he lived
Who his family and friends were
What his job was
What his faith was
Any interesting facts you can find about Jesus
IF you have time left, include a picture or illustration of Jesus.
Then we will share our biographies together on the floor.

In this lesson
Learning Intention

To identify who Jesus Christ was as a

follower of a Jewish faith.
To make a biography on Jesus

Success Criteria

You have made your biography and

can share it with the class.

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