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Looks Arent

Shania Portilla B4

How much do you care about

I picked this question because
it seemed
to me how much/little
time people spent getting ready in the morning because they really cared/did
not care about how they looked.

My prediction was that people who took more time on getting ready really
cared about how they looked.

How did I pick my Sample?
I picked my Sample by making a survey online. I posted it on twitter and
facebook. I ended up getting 67 responses, both female and male. My
sample were people who use twitter and facebook
Observational study or experiment?
After I analyzed my results, I concluded that I did an observational study
because I didn't have two different groups with one receiving special
treatment or a placebo. All I did was a survey and observed the results
that I got.

the first set of number is How much time
do you spend getting ready?
30 out of 66 people spend more than 30+
minutes getting ready.
the second set of numbers is On a scale of
1-5 how much do you care about how
you look?
35 out of 67 people somewhat care about
how they look. 16 out of 67 people
really care on how they look.

In this histogram the frequency is how much
time the person takes to get ready and the s
means the scale of 1-5 on how much they
cared about how the looked.
From looking at the histogram you can see
that the people who took more time getting
ready in the morning, they're the ones you
really care/somewhat cared on how they look.

Mean: 2.04
Median: 2
Standard Deviation:0.896

What I learned about my statistics project is that people who spend more time
getting ready in the morning they care about how they look. I agree with some
of these results because I do care about how I look but I spend very little time
in the morning getting ready. Also these results made me wonder why they
cared so much? so it made me come up with reasons like maybe they're
scared of what people think of them or maybe they're really self conscious. It
made me think about or society these days. Doing this project really got me
interested on social media and what it makes us think and feel about our
bodies. In the future I would really like to study this on why social media does
this to us. This project made me think on what I want to go into when I grow
up / got to college. I'm glad that I picked this topic.

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