Solving Problems of Engineering Practise Using Geogebra: Dlouh Ad., Cervenka F

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Dlouha D.1,Cervenka


Department of Mathematics and Deskriptive Geometry, VSB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic

In this year we begin to inovate our lectures in subject Geometry on Computerwith a support of a FRVS grant. We use program GeoGebra for teaching plane
geometry since it is easy to simpicity and logicality which allow us concentrate on mathematical and geometrical principles of solving problems. Curriculum of the
subject is completed to fulfill students needs in their following studies. In this paper we present application tasks where principals of clasic geometry are used:

Articulated antiparalelogram

LORAN Navigation

Bezier curve and its use in 3D modeling

The LORAN (Long RAnge Navigation) system

enables the navigator of ship or airplane to find its
position without relying on visible landmarks.
Radio stations at F1 and F2 simultaneously
broadcast signals that are received by the ship at
P . The navigator measures the interval
t = t2 t1
between the time t2 when he receives the signal
sent by F2, and the time t1 when he receives the
signal from F1. If T1 is the amount of time it
takes the signal from F1 to reach the ship, and T2
is the amount of time it takes the signal from F2
to reach the ship, then the difference between the
distance from the ship to F1 and the distance
from the ship toF2 is

Pic. 1.: Hypebola with tangent t in point T

(T is moveable).

|P F2 P F1| = c.t
where c is the speed ot light. The ship lies at
some point P on the hyperbola. The navigator
can locate the ships position exactly if he receives
signals from three stations F1, F2, F3.

Pic. 1.: Bezier curve.

Pic. 2.: Reflects hyperbola across tangent t.

Pic. 2.: We modeled curve into the desired shape

and then we export coordinates of forming point J .

Pic. 1.: Position determination

Pic. 3.: When point T moves on hyperbola, then

points A0, B 0 draw circles. Point D in the middle
of segment between A0, B 0 draw lemniscate of

Pic. 2.: Position determination with GSM


Pic. 4.: This mechanism is used in chassis of Czech

locomotive Skoda.

Pic. 3.: We used coordinates to create 3D model of

transmitters Jested in Liberec.

We appreciate support of FRVS 2464/2012 Inovace poctacovych predmet
u na Hornicko-geologicke fakulte, Vysoke skole banske Technicke univerzite Ostrava and
of our Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry.

International GeoGebra Institute Conference 21.9. - 23.9. 2012, Warsaw, Poland


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