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Andy Kunz/Sophia Weist

Mr. Zielen
Clinometer report
The goal of this project is to find various immeasurable objects by a person and find the
measure using a clinometer. The purpose of a clinometer is to find the height of an object that
can make a right angle by looking at the top of the object and seeing the angle that it gives.
Before this however, you must measure the distance of the person measuring the angle from the
object. Once you have recorded these numbers you use either sine, cosine, or tangent to calculate
the height of each object.
The first step we took was creating the clinometer. The materials used included a
protractor, string, a weight (quarter), tape, and lastly a straw. After that we planned out what we
would be measuring and why. Next, we carried out the data collection and calculated the lengths.
We went to three parts of North Catholic High School and measured various objects that could
not be measured. The three objects we observed was the top of the stair case, the steeple/bell
tower outside the school, and finally the stage of the auditorium looking from the stage lights
above down.

Short description of
what you are measuring
Top of staircase
Steeple outside school
auditorium lights

Guess the height


Angle pf

Height to eye

Did you take a

250 inches
650 inches
200 inches

402 inches
532 inches
721 inches

70 degrees
40 degrees
80 degrees

level of person
69 inches
69 inches
69 inches


looking down to stage

Above is a chart of the data collection made about the clinometer project.

Above is a picture of the calculations paper where the right angle of the object was drawn and
the height was calculated.

These are three pictures measuring each of the three objects. The first was the stage from the
lights in the back, next the steeple, and lastly the clinometer measuring the top of the second

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