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Source 1 Berube, Alan. "Global Growth on the Orient Express." Brookings. Accessed May 16,
This source was an article about the Economy of Istanbul and how much the
Metropolitan economy is important in Turkey. I learned a lot about the economy in this
tab and how big the economy in Turkey is. It also shows how much the situation has
changed with it being a hub of Industry now and the site changing because of that.
Source 2 Britannica Academic, s. v. "Istanbul," accessed May 11, 2016,
This encyclopedia entry is all about Istanbul with a lot information in it about all aspects
of the project. I found this source useful, since it had a nice general view on all the tabs,
which was good when I was starting the project. This source helped prove how the site
and situation has changed, since Istanbul has become a port.
Source 3 "Economy and Business in Istanbul." greatistanbul. Accessed May 17, 2016.
This was a website which had information about Istanbul's Industry, specifically about
how important Istanbul is to Turkey's economy. This article shows how Istanbul's
situation turned into a hub of Industry.
Source 4"History of Local Governance in Istanbul." Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
Accessed May 12, 2016.
This was the government page which had lots of information all about local government
in Istanbul. I found this source very useful for the government tab and it also had
information about the history of governance in Istanbul. This article about the
government shows how far Istanbul has come from having little government to having a
council for each district.
Source 5Khan, Sulmaan. "An Economic Boom in Turkey Takes a Toll on Marine Life."
Environment 360, June 17, 2013. Accessed May 13, 2016.
This source was an article from the environment 360 newspaper, and talks about how
marine life in Istanbul is rapidly decreasing. I found this source very helpful with my
environmental Challenges tab, because of all the information about this environmental
challenge. This article proves how the situation changing because of rapidly
industrializing Istanbul, hurts the site.
Source 6Kurtulus, Ozcan. "NCBI." In NIH. N.p.: n.p., 2012.

This was a case study from the NIH database all about air pollution in Istanbul. I learned
a lot in this tab about air pollution which helped me with environmental challenges. All
of the air pollution in Istanbul shows how modern the city is now, since it is producing
large amounts of CO2. When the situation changed into the port it affected the site by
emitting CO2 which is hurting the environment.
Source 7Maps of World. "IstanBul Map." Maps of World. Accessed May 13, 2016.
This was an article talked culture and transportation in Istanbul, and helped me for both
of those tabs. This article showed how much the city had changed with it having
extensive transportation , such as trains going through different physical characteristics of
Source 8"Republic of Turkey." In Culture Grams. Accessed May 16, 2016.
This encyclopedia entry was very useful for finding general knowledge about Urban
Parts of Istanbul, and had a lot of information about Culture in Istanbul. All of the new
buildings for Culture such as soccer stadiums, show the change in Situation and site
since they are changing the geography of what they built them on.
Source 9 Sansal, Burak. "History of Istanbul." AllaboutTurkey. Accessed May 12, 2016.
This was an article was from a tour guide, all about the history in Istanbul, which was
helpful during the history tab. It talked about Istanbul gaining new land through the
years, changing both site and situation.
Source 10 "Turkey Country Profile." BBC. Accessed May 16, 2016.
This was a article all about Turkey and Istanbul from BBC, specifically had a lot of
information about current events going on in Istanbul, and was very helpful for the Land
use tab. This source allowed me to understand how Istanbul is divided and how the land
of Istanbul has changed.
Source 11Turkish Statistical Institute. "Population Projections." Turkish Statistical Institute.
Accessed May 13, 2016.
A website showing population predictions for Istanbul,which helped for the population
demographics tab. This showed how the rapidly growing population is changing the site
and situation by making the city grow.
Source 12 ?enerdem, Erisa Data. "Istanbul still top migration destination, figures show." Daily
News. Accessed May 17, 2016.
This source was a Article from Hurriyet Newspaper all about recent migration trends in
Istanbul, which helped me for the migration tab. This article revealing how many new

people are coming to Istanbul, helped me realize how much migration can change a

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