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Prime minister should answer questions

in National Assembly: Khurshid Shah

KARACHI: Opposition leader Khurshid Shah said that the prime minster should come
into the Parliament and answer the questions raised by the opposition regarding his
familys names mentioned in the Panama Papers.
He was addressing at a Press conference here on Friday.
Khurshid Shah said that the Supreme Court of Pakistan has responded to the
governments letter on Panama Leaks and has supported the stance of the opposition
regarding Terms of Refrences (TORs).
The opposition leader said that laws should be legislated in the assembly before
formation of the judicial commission.
He said that the opposition had demanded to the prime minister Mian Mohammad Nawaz
Sharif to explain the matter in the National Assembly. The opposition has been trying its
best not to derail democracy.
He assured the prime minister that opposition would welcome him in the assembly and
would not create any hustle or chant slogans against him. He demanded that the National
Assembly session be telecast live.

Khurshid Shah demanded that government should write another letter to the Supreme
Court (SC) before Monday and SC should be informed that government would approve
TORs after consultation with the opposition.
He said that the Chief Justice of Pakistan has also been informed of oppositions stance.
The opposition leader said that the prime ministers children have admittted that they
owned offshore companies and now the opposition just wants to know what were the
sources and they paid tax or not.
The opposition leader said that Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and opposition have already
stated that Panama Leaks issue has not been surfaced by any media house or any political

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