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Pre Investigation
1. What is Cinco de mayo?
A Spanish holiday in may
2. What does it celebrate?
The independence day of Mexico
3. Who celebrates Cinco de mayo?
4. How is Cinco de mayo celebrated?
A big festival
5. List everything else you know about this holiday (prior to doing your
People dress up in vey festive attire and eat special food for the special


a) History Hunters
1. Who were the following people?
Benito Juarez Former President of Mexico. Served for five terms
Porfirio Diaz Mexican soldier and served as president for seven
Ignacio Zaragoza Mexican general and is most known for defeating
the French in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862
Napoleon III He was the President of the French second republic
Maximilian He was the only monarch of the Second Mexican Empire
2. What role did each of these people play?
3. What is the biggest misconception about Cinco de mayo?
People believe it is the day Mexico gained its independence.
4. What caused the conflict that led to the Battle of Puebla?
Mexico was in serious debt to France, Spain, and Britian and these
countries demanded their money
5. Explain what happened at the Battle of Puebla.
6. How long did the conflict last and in what year did it end?
The war lasted one night. It ended in 1862.
7. What was the end result of the conflict?
The Spanish won

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b) Festive Foods
1. Explain what the following foods are:
- Mole Name for a number of sauces originally used in
Mexican cuisine
- Chipotle a smoke chili pepper
- Chilaquiles Fried tortilla strips topped with a spicy
tomato sauce and cheese.
- Enchilada - rolled tortilla with a filling typically of meat
and served with a chili sauce.
2. Name and describe three typical foods served at Cinco de
mayo celebrations. (not including the ones listed above)
Chiles en Nogada
Mole Poblano
3. Describe a traditional tortilla.
The main ingredient is wheat flour. It is a sandwich served on a
thick crusty roll
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4. What is recommended in terms of eating while traveling?
5. What food item accompanies almost every meal?
6. What is the typical Mexicans meal schedule like?
7. What Mexican foods do we eat in the U.S. today?
We eat tortillas, enchiladas, and guacamole
c) Modern Music and Moves
1. What are some common topics in Mexican songs?
Mexican songs talk about what work life is like for migrants across the
border and the drug trade.
2. What is Mariachi music?
A group or band that can have up to 20 people in it.
3. What kind of instruments are used in Mariachi music?
two violins, two trumpets, one Spanish guitar, one vihuela, and one
4. Identify at least two modern-day Mariachi groups and give a few
details about each one.
5. What is Tejano music and why is it so popular?

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Forms of folk and popular music originating from the MexicanAmericans.
d) Fascinating Facts
1. Other than the Battle of Puebla, what three things does Cinco de
mayo celebrate?
2. What was France's excuse for invading Mexico?
They demanded reimbursement
3. Why doesnt the whole country celebrate the Cinco de mayo?
4. How many Mexican soldiers and French soldiers were involved in
the Battle of Puebla?
There were 6,000 French soldiers and only 2,000 Mexican soldiers.
5. Why was the initial victory at Puebla important in Mexican history?
It was a great victory for the Mexican gov. And it bolstered the
resistance movement
e) Typical Traditions
1. What can you expect to see in a Cinco de mayo parade?
You would see food, drinks, festives and music custom to
2. Other than parades, what other activities are common for a
Cinco de mayo celebration?
3. Describe the typical costume for Cinco de mayo.
For women they usually wear big dresses that are very colorful.
And men usually wear pants and a vest with a sombrero
4. Why is Cinco de mayo celebrated on a much larger scale in
the U.S.?
Because of the large amount of people with a Mexican heritage
living in the U.S.
5. Name and describe two popular decoration made for this
Serapes a type of Mexican poncho that is more colorful.
Luminarias colorful and festive lights

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