Angel Young 3

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Angel Young
Mr. Philips
English 3
9 May 2016

Indias Domestic Abuse issue

India is known as the second populous nation in the world, with a great
economy, the largest democracy and a strong federal force but yet fails to
protect and take their childrens life into consideration. India has the highest
sexual crime rate in the world, their children are being abused by family
members, close friends and even in some orphanages. This issue has been
hidden from the outside world and ignored by the public for years thus, it is
extremely serious and dangerous because it causes problems emotionally,
mentally also physically for victims. The government has failed tremendously
to listen and protect those who are being victimized. Although there has
been laws passed to prevent this issue it is obvious that it has not been
properly enforced and yet still nothing has been done to fix it.
About 8 cases of sex crimes against young children is reported each
day for the past two and a half years. According to Claire palmiste, in 1944
the violence against women act was passed and also in 1998 the child
protection act was passed (palmiste). With both of these laws in place we
would infer that situation would be compromised, however this is still an
issue and the government is not making an attempt to help. They need to
take into consideration the amount of hurt, distrust and lives they are


purposely putting in danger, they are just destroying their nation if they
continue not to care. The criminal justice system has not been helpful by
threatening these young children and adults females, making them change
their own statements when they report the horrible things being done to
them. Twelve year old Lina was allegedly raped by an adult male who was
involved in political connections, after reporting this incident to the police,
she was put in jail for 2 weeks, separated from her family and forced her to
tell society lies and was also told to change her story. All of this happened
because she made the mistake in trusting the police (Seth). That is just
wrong for a young girl to be put be such terrible and painful positon and
officials not care, it just shows the kind of society we live in. Do they do not
understand that this can result in many children ending their lives due to
suicide simply because they feel like they do not matter?
These children are sometimes being abused by their own
relatives and people they thought they could trust, which is why most of the
time they fail to report incidents and even when they do these victims are
being ignored so basically there is no point in speaking out. Medical
professionals can help prevent sexual abuse but has fallen short in helping,
in some cases doctors uses an unscientific finger test to examine females
(Seth). So how can they tell, these doctors are damaging these females
inserting their fingers in the same areas that they came to get help on.
Indias aids infection has increased since last year 14 percent says Sruth
Gottipati of the international herald tribune. In some cases the government


has no official record of all the children and young adult facilities (Sruth), this
gives outsiders a chance to enter and do whatsoever they would like to do
and nothing is done to the offenders. According to the Delhi high court terms,
this is an epidemic 53 percent of subjects parents are not aware of their
childs abuse. It is so unfortunate that these victims have no one to turn to.
This is defiantly an issue that needs to being taken up into
consideration and those who are causing such hurt to the lives or others they
need to be put to death or put in jail. Despite how separated this country is
they should finally come together and make sure these political offenders are
put away. If they do not take action this nation is only get worse, however
due to the fact that India has the least amount of police in the nation, and
also the Allahabad high court only have 160 judges to manage about a
million people I for every million(Viswanathan). So in this case it places the
judges in the position where they cannot handle this load, and in this case
they would have thousands of people to deal with, which is why they push
this situation to the side. For every 100 guys, there are only about 92 girls.
Parts of Delhi, this ratio falls to 80 girls for every 100 guys. Thus, 20+ guys
for every 100 will go unmarried.1 out of this 20 could become very
depressed and vengeful. 1 out of these 10 depressed bachelors could turn
more violent (Viswanathan). This is just unsettling that the female is so
inferior to the male.
Due to the fact that the government and criminal justice system fail to
redress the laws, it place a significant negative impact on the nation. It is


understood that they do not have enough resources for it to be implemented.

Because of the absence of the legislature there have been nongovernment
organizations (NGOs) and the central government ministry and child
development has been working hard trying to help break the silence and
have been trying to address this issue(Mohsin,kacker). They are trying to
prevent so many lives from being at risk, unfortunaly they might need more
willing civilians to join. The effects of having drugs and alcohol in your
system can allow the increase of abuse People struggle from substance
abuse and deal with it in many different ways and in most cases abusing
these kids is one of the ways they do deal with it and this behavior is just not
This is a definite issue in this country and it is time for a change, time
to put a full stop in sexual abuse those who are being victimized dont have
the courage to speak out these little children cannot speak out for
themselves. The government need to take care of their future generation,
Silence is a friend of the abuser (Gupta). Abuse includes silence, secrecy
and shame, things no one should ever go through, the time has finally come
for the government to start caring and reinforce proper and healthier laws for
their nation.

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