9 Portfolio 2016

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Name: ___________________________________

English 9

Year-End Portfolio Evaluation Due Thursday, May 26

Part One: Categorizing Your Pieces
Re-read your written pieces from this past year. After doing so, select 3 pieces from this
past yearthat is, one piece for each of the 3 categories listed below that you feel best
fits the category.
*Most Reflective/Thought-Provoking/Inspiring/Motivating/Creative
*WowDoes This One Need Improvement!
Requirements: (1) No more than one can be poetry; (2)
must already be in folder
Part Two: Revision
1 Carefully re-read each of your 3 pieces with a view to making two grammar edits
and two written expression/organization revisions (word choice, placement of
information-did you need to add a detail or take one out, interntal citations, works
cited, reformat a paper,) in each piece .
2 As you read, clearly mark places on the draft where changes need to be made in
these areas by underlining in a colored pen or by highlighting. I should see at least
2 grammar edits (pick one color highlighter) and 2 written expression edits (pick
another color highlighter) for each paper. Label on paper with highlighter.
Part Three: Reflection--a 4-paragraph letter addressed to me, which contains the
An introductory paragraph containing (1) some thoughtful reflections on your
academic experience in English this year and (2) a thesis that outlines the
organization of your body paragraphs (10 minutes)
A paragraph in which you examine how our writing projects this year have
changed or challenged you as a writer and/or thinker.
Refer to specific pieces (personal narrative, research paper, etc.) and identify things
that, in writing the piece, you had never done before or had never considered
before. Identify whether you consider these changes/challenges good or bad, and
explain why you feel this way.
In case you feel neither challenged nor changed, refer to specific pieces that you
feel asked you to merely repeat the same procedures or thinking processes that you
learned from kindergarten to 8th grade. Explain why you do not feel changed or
challenged as a writer and/or thinker. Identify ways in which you feel the writing
instruction in this class could be improved to help students become better writers.
A paragraph in which you look ahead to next year.
In this paragraph, identify (1) two strengths you have as a writer/thinker that you
would like to continue to build upon and (2) two goals you would like to set for
yourself as a writer/thinker that will help you improve in areas in which you may
have a weakness.
Once you have chosen your two strengths and two goals, reference specific pieces
in your portfolio that led you to choose those strengths and goals.
Also, be specific about your goals. For example, dont just say, I want to improve
my grammar. Be specific! What grammar point do you fell you are still struggling
with? Commas? Subject-verb agreement? Writing complete sentences?

Consider the following writing- and thinking-related topics: organization, grammar,

logical thought, fluidity, spelling, vocabulary, use of details and facts, creative
writing, time management (so that you can put more time and effort into the work),
concentration and dedication (so that you will complete the assignments and make
sure that they are turned in as quality work that best represents you), honesty and
integrity, curiosity and an enthusiasm to find the answers, etc.
A concluding paragraph that summarizes your letters main points and
brings the letter to a logical end
Your use of examples will be key to your grade. Invest yourself in this assignment
because what you figure out here about yourself as a writer/thinker will follow you
into next year and into your life beyond these halls at PA.
REMEMBER: Watch your grammar! (over)
Part Four:
Create a cover sheet (doesnt have to be fancy) that contains the following information:
*portfolio title
*your name
*the course title
*my name
*the titles of the 3 pieces in the portfolio, labeled as
1. Most Reflective/Thought-Provoking/Inspiring/Motivating/Creative,
2. WowDoes This One Need Improvement!,
3. & Best-of-the-Year
Part Five: Compile your portfolio according to the following order; use a staple to hold it
all together.

cover sheet
reflection letter
Most Reflective/Thought-Provoking/Inspiring/Motivating draft
WowDoes This One Need Improvement! draft
Best-of-the-Year draft

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