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The Throne of Rome

Formal Game Elements Analysis


Which game did your group design?

The Throne of Rome
2. Summarize the main objective of the game.
The goal of The Throne of Rome is to get more points than the other players
by conquering territory and temples.
3. Which general type of objectives does this game include (race, alignment,
exploration, etc.)
Exploration and construction
Player Interaction
4. Which player interaction(s) are included in the game?
Multilateral competition
5. Describe the interactions between the players of the game.
The players are directly competing to control more territories and temples,
and ultimately to gain the highest number of points. Players compete to win
territories and take over territories from each other.
Rules & Procedures
6. What is the difference between a rule and a procedure?
A rule clearly states expectations and forbids certain actions, while procedures
are guidelines for playing the game. If a rule is not followed, its considered to
be cheating, but if a procedure is not followed, the game is being played
7. Summarize the starting action procedures of the game.
Players roll a die to determine the player order, and then the first player
chooses what action to take for their first turn.
8. Summarize the progression of action procedures.
a. Conquer Unoccupied Province:
i. To conquer a province, a player declares their intention to
conquer. Then, roll both dice. If the sum of the two dice is greater
or equal to 8, the invasion is a success.
ii. If the sum of the dice is less than 8, the invasion is a failure, and
the player loses one mobile unit.
b. Conquer Occupied Province:





i. To conquer a province controlled by another player, both players

add the number of stationary units in their home territory
(displayed on the game board) to five times the number of mobile
units in their home territory. Whoever has the largest total
number of soldiers wins the conflict. If there is a tie, players each
roll a die; whoever rolls the highest number wins.
1. If the opposing player wins, they must skip their next turn,
and the defending player sacrifices one unit.
2. If the defending player wins, the opposing player sacrifices
one unit.
Conquer Unoccupied Temple:
i. To conquer a temple, a player moves one unit into the temple
area. The player rolls both dice. If the sum of the two dice is
greater than or equal to 10, the endeavor is successful. If the sum
of the dice is less than 10, the player sacrifices the mobile unit in
the temple zone.
Conquer Occupied Temple:
i. To conquer a temple occupied by another player, both players
roll two dice. The player that rolls the highest total number wins
the conflict and moves a mobile unit into the temple zone.
Move Mobile Unit:
i. A mobile unit can only move into a province adjacent to its
starting position. If the player controls the adjacent territory AND
has a mobile unit already stationed there, they may skip over that
territory when moving a mobile unit and move the unit to a
territory adjacent to that one. Mobile units cannot travel through
a province unless the player that controls the unit also controls
the province being moved through.
i. When a player passes, they do not take an action that round.

9. Summarize any special action procedures.

When a player conquers a territory, either occupied or unoccupied, they gain 2
additional mobile units. They must also place one of their flags in the newly
acquired territory. If they win a conflict with another player, they cannot
conquer their next turn.
10. Summarize the resolving action procedures.
The game ends after 25 rounds have been played, or after one player has

conquered all territories. Players then count up the number of points they have
amassed and declare a winner.
11. List any explicit rules from the game.
a. When players conquer a territory, they skip combat their next turn.
b. Players must use flags to designate conquered areas.
c. Mobile units represent 5 stationary units.
Game Resources
12. What are the game resources that are used in the game? For each resource
that you list, please express how it is scarce and how it has utility.
a. Mobile units are scarce because it is difficult to gain more of them but
are useful because they can add to players point totals and decide who
wins a confrontation.
b. Territories and temples have utility because they contribute to the
number of points each player has at the end of the game, but are scarce
because it is difficult to conquer them
Game Mechanics
13. Which game mechanics are incorporated in the game? List each and describe
how they impact the game.
Turn-based strategy and action points limit the number of actions each player
can take. This makes it necessary to set goals and prioritize. The mechanic of
capturing is used because the goal of the game is to conquer territories to win,
and role-playing is a part of the game because each player represents one
historical leader.
14. Which type of conflict is included in the game (Obstacle, Dilemma, Opponent)?
Describe how the conflict occurs and how it impacts the game.
Opponent conflict is prevalent because if a player does not strategize based on
other players movements, they will be unable to win since the other players
movements affect them. Dilemma conflict is also present because a player has
to decide whether to attack, defend, move, and how to gain points.
15. What are the game boundaries?
The boundaries of the game are the limits of the Roman Empire and some
surrounding areas, and there are boundaries between territories as well.
16. What separates the game from real life?
The game is separate from real life in that the decision to attack someone

does not literally mean attack them, and the act of conquering does not
actually affect whether Rome conquered an area or not. The decisions that a
player makes are relevant only to the game.
17. How does the game end? Is there a winner? Describe the outcome and how it
is determined.
The game ends with a player either conquering all the territory or after 20
rounds of play. The winner is the person with the most points, which are obtained
through territories, temples, and soldiers.
18. What type of randomization tools are used in the game? How do they function
to make the game work and ensure replay ability of the game (Dice, Spinners,
Cards, Coins, etc.)?
Dice are used to randomize the conquering of unoccupied territory and
ties between players forces, as well as the play order.

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