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Junior Democratic Party of 5B

Vote For US

Our Members
Leader/Candidate: Erem McMillan
Vice Leader: Lauren MacKay
Head of Operations: Hillary Andru
Head of Economy: Amanda Nguyen
Advertisements/Perfectionist: Mackai Redway

Candidate Biography
Erem McMillan, our leader, is wise, enthusiastic, knowledgeable,mature and
worth voting for. Some of his hobbies are playing ping-pong, Minecraft,
swimming and Southpointe soccer. Born in Canada, he is aware of many
problems in the classroom. He is 10 years old but mature for his age by doing
chores, volunteering and other challenging responsibilities. He wants this class to
have fun as well as keep the class organized and on task. Vote for Erem and this
class will be awesome!

The Choice Is Clear.


Do you think the desk islands are unfair? We do! We think that you should be equal with everyone. Our
plan to fix this is by people having their own desk islands if they want, but there can be groups of
islands. It is the individual's choice.
There will be pretend money to exchange table points. The money will be called RDB Money standing
for Royal Democratic Bank. We think using pretend money can help us in the future because it will teach
us to use our money wisely. The money will have codes so you cant cheat and make copies. It will be in a
jar on Ms. Leos desk. You will start off with $100 RDB money. You can earn $15 RDB Dollars by bringing
a litterless lunch to promote a clean environment. Classroom jobs will be changed EVERY week so
everyone has a chance to earn money regularly. There might be some little trinkets you can buy with
your money. Whoever gets the most money at the end of the month will earn a small prize as well.


To have a safer and fun class we need to:

To be mindful of others
Respect your peers/Ms.Leos belongings
No running in classroom
No talking while chewing food
And Be Awesome!

Voting For JDP Makes The Classroom More Safe. Why Not Vote For Us?



We want everyone to be equal. If it is a group

assignment, everyone will work in a group. If it
is a self assignment, people will work on their
own. No unfair treatment. No cheating. If you
disobey the rules, we have the right to tax you
RDB money. We may hold a vote to change
form of government. Books must be put away
where they are found or supposed to go.
Personal belongings must be put away and
supplies will be in desks.

Bags will be put away, supplies will

be in desk or somewhere out of the
way of the class.
If this is failed to be done, we have
the right to tax you RDB money.

There will be jobs. The jobs will not be done by Ms. Leo. If you have a job, you and
only you will get to do the job. Pays:

Bell-$15 RDB Money Per Day

Handouts- $15 RDB Money Per Day
Tidy Manager- $15 RDB Money Per Day
Board-$20 RDB Money Per Day
Scholastic- $20 RDB Money Per Scholastic Package
Laptop Lock Up- $20 RDB Money Per Lock Up
Reminders-$15 RDB Money Per Day

If you disobey the following laws (that are added throughout the
term), you will be taxed $50 RDB money.

Shouting Out 3 Times In Class Per Day (Have 3 Strikes)

Cheating On Tests
Not Being Respectful During Class (Essential Agreement)
Disobeying The Teacher
Littering On The Floor
Not Putting Paper/Cans in Proper Bins

How to make money!

How to make RDB money without a job:

Litterless Lunch = $15 RDB Dollars

Must contain nothing that is not decomposable.
Cubby Being Clean = $10 RDB Dollars
Nothing spilled on the floor or in the neighboring cubbies
Desk Space Being Safe = $20 RDB Dollars
No Hazards
No potentially dangerous objects on desk unless being used
Being Equal and Fair = $50 RDB Dollars
Being equal and fair is exactly what we seek here in JDP.

Other Topics


And JDPs Key


JDP And Southpointes Key Values



Southpointe Values


As You Can See, The JDP

Values Are The Best
Representing Party For
But we have another value
we seek: Equality/Fairness

Extra Plans
-Our motto will be; Dont Stop When Youre Tired. Stop
When Youre Done. Instead of Work Hard & Be Kind. That Is
-There will be Kindness Mondays, DEAR Tuesdays, Lights
Off Wednesdays, Throwback Thursdays which is a dance
break for 5 minutes! And Catchup Fridays in the mornings
We are the Federal Republic Presidential System

the Future
JDP: A Brighter Tommorow

Vote For Us!

Vote For Us!

Campaign Speech
Hi everyone, my name is Erem McMillan and as you may know I am running for
class president. Class president is a fairly hard job so I beleive you as the citizens
deserve the best. If you vote for me, I will take your advice, be responsible and
most importantly have fun! My platform is structural and realistic. For my
general platform I feel that every individual should have the choice to be a
separate desk island or in a group. Though if you are disruptive we have the
power to change the desk formations. We will also start a new currency system
called RDB money standing for Royal Democratic Bank. Most of our platform is
based on equality. If you vote for us youll have a brighter tomorrow!

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