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Samuel Frederick


Famosa Slough Reflection

1) Describe one thing you learned or one thing you found interesting at Famosa Slough.
One thing that I learned volunteering at the Famosa Slough was that estuaries support life for many
different organisms, and there always needs to be consistent maintenance to keep the organisms living. I
learned that not only salt water, but fresh water flows into these estuaries that help support the life, but there is
also maintenance that needs to be regularly done to keep the water flowing through the estuary and to keep it
from clogging. My group actually had a nice hands on experience with working to un-clog the mouth of the
water flow and to make the small stream of water reach the big pool of water in the middle.
2) What do you think the purpose of nature preserves are? What functions are you curious about?
One purpose of a nature preserve would be to sustain the life it contains, and give birth to new life.
Another purpose of a nature preserve would be to allow a consistent natural stream of water continuously flow
from point A to B (whether it is preserve to preserve or fresh water to preserve). I am curious as to
understanding what organisms live within these estuaries and what role they take to give back to the preserve.
3) What is ONE thing in biology or one concept you are curious about that you would like us to cover after
Spring Break?(Do not say Sex Ed. That will be covered.)
Sex Ed. (Just kidding)
One thing that I would like to develope more of a understanding for would have to be the biology of

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