Steve Jobs Apple Barrel of Life Research Report

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English 7
Ms. Serafini
27 May 2016
Steve Jobs Apple Barrel of Life
Ever since Steve Jobs founded Apple, Inc., technology rapidly changed more and people
started to purchase computers. Ever since the first Apple computer, Apple continued to grow.
Now, Apple is the leading technology enterprise in the world. When Jobs was a young boy, he
assembled and took apart electronics and it stuck as a hobby and grew to become a business.
Then, Jobs encountered Steve Wozniak and they developed Apple, Inc. Steve Jobs early life,
developing Apple and the end of his life has greatly impacted technology today.
According to Biography, Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in San
Francisco, California, to Joanne Schieble (later Joanne Simpson) and Abdulfattah "John" Jandali,
two University of Wisconsin graduate students who gave their unnamed son up for adoption
(Steve Jobs Biography, 2016). Jobs biological father was a Syrian political science instructor
and his biological mother was a speech therapist. Jobs did not find out about his biological
parents until he was 27 years old. Biography states that, The infant was adopted by Clara and
Paul Jobs and named Steven Paul Jobs. Clara worked as an accountant and Paul was a Coast
Guard veteran and machinist (Steve Jobs Biography, 2016). Clara was an accountant and Paul
was a Coast Guard veteran and a machinist. The Jobs family lived in Mountain View, California,
later became known as Silicon Valley, California. His father showed Jobs how to build and
disassemble electronics, which started to become a hobby for Jobs. Jobs childhood was filled
with trouble due to school. In school, Jobs was an intelligent thinker. Because he was so smart,

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Jobs could have gone to high school early. Though, his parents denied. Unfortunately, in school
Jobs was a prankster due to boredom and some of his teachers had to bribe him to study for tests.
After elementary school, Jobs enrolled in Homestead High School, where he was introduced to
Steve Wozniak, his future business associate, who was, at the time, attending Berkeley
(University of California). Later, Jobs registered in Reed College.
After the two met, Jobs and Wozniak realized that computers were not selling too well.
All of the computers that were selling were mainframes. The computers were too bulky and too
costly. Jobs and Wozinak created Apple Computer Company in 1975. They raised about $1300 to
start up the company by selling Jobs microbus and Wozniaks calculator. Apple Computer
Company started selling circuit boards while they both worked on their computer. Once they
released their first computer, they revamped their computer and released the Apple II. According
to Encyclopedia of World Biography, The Apple II went to market in 1977, with impressive first
year sales of $2.7 million. The company's sales grew to $200 million within three years (Steve
Jobs Biography). Six years later, Apple released a new computer called the Lisa. Encyclopedia of
World Biography states that, Early in 1983 he unveiled the Lisa. It was designed for people
possessing minimal computer experience. It did not sell well, however, because it was more
expensive than personal computers sold by competitors (Steve Jobs Biography). Then, in 1984,
Apple unveiled the Macintosh. Some new additions were that icons were on the screen. Also, a
new piece called the mouse was able to move a cursor around the screen to click on the icons.
Unfortunately, the Macintosh failed because it lacked what other competitors computers had,
such as a printer. The failing Macintosh created Apples downfall. In 1985, after long failing
years, Jobs resigned from the company he helped found, but he became the chairman of the
companys board of directors.

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According to Biography, Not actually having had an official title with the company he
co-founded, Jobs was pushed into a more marginalized position and thus left Apple in 1985 to
begin a new hardware and software enterprise called NeXT, Inc (Steve Jobs Biography, 2016).
In 1986, Jobs acquired a portion of an animation company from George Lucas, who owns
Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, which later became known as Pixar Animation Studios. Since Jobs believed
in Pixars potential, Jobs invested $50 million of his own money into the company. Pixar later
became known for creating popular movies such as Toy Story and Finding Nemo, causing Pixar
to gain $4 billion from their movies. Then, NeXT, Inc. released the NeXT Cube. Unfortunately, it
did not sell. According to All About Steve Jobs, When it came out, the NeXT Cube was indeed
a great machine. But it didn't sell it was late, and way too overpriced: universities has asked
for a $3,000 computer, and Steve Jobs had built a $10,000 workstation (Short Bio: All About
Steve Jobs). After two years of poor sales, NeXT, Inc. released the NeXT Station, a cheaper
computer. It failed too. The company failed and some of the workers started to leave. By 1993,
NeXT, Inc. became a niche computer software company. Jobs finally started to focus less on
work and more on his wife and son.
According to Graphics, Turnaround artist Gilbert Amelio had been named the new CEO
at Apple, as well as chair of the board; Mike Markkula accepted a demotion to vice chair
(Graphics).The company was doing fantastic with sales. The only setback was its operating
system. According to Graphics, There were at least three options on the table: license Suns
operating system and put a Mac face on it; do the same with Microsofts NT operating system; or
purchase Jean-Louis Gasses BeOS outright (The Life of Steve Jobs). Larry Ellison, Oracles
founder, said that he would buy out Apple. A little while later, Apple acquired NeXT, Inc. Then,
an announcement was made. Steve Jobs was returning to Apple. Since Apple kept losing money,

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their future was unclear. Then, Amelio revealed that there was a new operating system being
released called NeXTSTEP. About three weeks later, Amelio uncovered the future of Apple at the
Macworld Expo in San Francisco, about how NeXTSTEP will change Apples future. Then he
revealed Jobs. Jobs was returning to Apple. Everyone in the crowd applauded wildly. A few
months later, Jobs phased Amelio out completely. Jobs took control of his company once again.
In 1998, Jobs shut down various developments so Apple can focus more on computers.
On May 6, 1998, Jobs unveiled the iMac. It became available for purchase in August 1998. In
2000, Jobs became the permanent CEO of Apple. Then, Jobs unveiled the Power Mac Cube.
According to Gizmodo, First Apple retail store opens in McLean, Virginia. iPod comes out. OS
X 10.0 comes out (The Life of Steve Jobs). On January 9, 2001, Jobs created iTunes for Mac
users. On March 24, 2001, Apple shipped the first version of Mac OS X. On October 23, 2001,
Jobs unveils the iPod. In 2003, Jobs discovered a tumor on his pancreas. Fortunately, it was a
rare form of cancer that can be cured, but, unfortunately, it was not cured after nine months of
taking medicine. According to CNET, Jobs undergoes surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in
his pancreas (Steve Jobs: A Timeline). In 2005, Jobs turned 50 years old. On January 11, 2005,
Jobs unveiled the iPod Shuffle. On January 26, 2006, Disney buys out Pixar Animation Studios,
making Jobs Disneys largest shareholder. On January 11, 2007, Jobs unveiled the iPhone. In
March 2007, 108 million iPhones are shipped. On September 5, 2007, the iPod Touch is
unveiled. On January 15, 2008, the App Store is launched along with the MacBook Air. On June
9, 2008, Jobs unveiled MobileMe, Apples first cloud offering. On January 14, 2009, Jobs leaves
for six months for medical reasons. He received a liver transplant in Tennessee. On January 27,
2010, Jobs unveiled the iPad along with updated products. On January 17, 2011, Jobs leaves
work for medical reasons. On March 2, 2011, Jobs surprised the world with an appearance to

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unveil the iPad 2. On June 6, 2011, Jobs made his last appearance at the WWDC (Apple's
Worldwide Developers Conference). On August 24, 2011, Jobs resigned from being Apples
CEO and he became chairman. On October 5, 2011, Jobs died at age 56.
Ever since Apple, Inc. was founded, it grew significantly from manufacturing their first
computer to manufacturing phones and tablets and computers. Steve Jobs early life, developing
Apple and the end of his life has greatly impacted technology today. His life has greatly
impacted technology from back then to today. Apple is now the foremost technology company
in the world. Jobs interest in computers began when his father showed him how to take apart
and build electronics, which led to the founding of Apple. Jobs later encountered Steve Wozniak
and the duo created Apple, Inc. Steve Jobs changed the way technology is developed forever.

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Works Cited
(2014) the return of Steve Jobs to Apple. Graphics.
CNet News Staff (2011) Steve Jobs: A Timeline. CNET.
Lam, B. (2011) The life of Steve Jobs. Gizmodo.
Moisescot, R. (2012) Short bio. All About Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs biography. Biography.
Steve Jobs biography. Encyclopedia of World Biography.

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