El Verbo Tener

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l, ella, usted
Ellos/-as ustedes

TENER, usually translated

as "to have in the sense of
meaning "to possess" or "to
own. It is a particularly
useful verb.

Tiene mucho

But it is not only used to

ndicate possession, it is also used in a
variety of idiomatic expressions to
indicate emotions or states of being.

For instant in Spanish we use TENER to talk

about age, this is because its not about how old
you are but how many years you have.
Tiene 25

- Cuntos aos tienes? (How old are you?)

- 35.
TENER to express physical sensations:

TENER to express sensations more

psychological in nature:

tener fro (to be cold)

tener calor (to be hot)
tener hambre (to be hungry)
tener sed (to be thirsty)
tener sueo (to be sleepy)
tener dolor de(to hurt or be sore)
tener mala cara (not look so good)

tener prisa (to be in a hurry)

tener miedo a/de + noun (to be afraid
of something)
tener celos (to be jealous)
tener confianza (to be confident)
tener cuidado (to be careful)
Other uses of TENER:
tener vergenza (to be ashamed)

tener razn (to be right)

tener xito (to be successful)

tener la culpa (to be guilty)

tener suerte (to be lucky)

tener lugar (to take place)

tener ganas de (to feel like)

tener en cuenta (to take into account)

Notice that the equivalent of the English auxiliary verb "to have," as in "you
have seen," is haber (as in has visto you have seen).
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