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Ex) A there are 3 branches of CN V the trigeminal; opthalmic, maxillary, mandibula

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) B
2) A
3) D
4) C
5) B
6) A
7) B
8) A
9) B
10) A
11) A. The medial nasal prominences fail to merge in the midline
12) C. The medial nasal prominences fuse but the maxillary prominences fail to meet and fuse with the fused medial nasal
13) B. The maxillary prominence on one side fails to merge with the medial nasal prominence on the same side
14) C. The lateral palatine processes fail to fuse with the median palatine process
15) B. The lateral palatine processes fail to fuse with each other, the nasal septum, and the median palatine process
16) A. The lateral palatine processes fail yo fuse with each other and with the nasal septum
17) D. Unilateral cleft lip
18) B. Cleft of the secondary palate
19) D. Cleft lip
20) C. Mesoderm around the stomodeum
41)C ... Plain and simple I is for the external and III is for the internal
42)C.... Dr. Kvist said that coarctations most likely happens from muscles spilling over into the aortic arch and causing the
arch to constrict
43)B....... the ligamentum teres is from the umbilical vein
48)D The blood from the sacrocardinal segment will flow up to the renal segment then to the hepatic segment... there for
the renal segment will not anastomose with its usual point at the liver which flows to the IVC..... it will flow to the hepatic
segment which dumps into the SVC.

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