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Bearing Fruit

May 29,14,
after Pentecost
8:50 & 11am
8:50 & 11am Worship Services

We exist to connect all people with Jesus Christ.

We do this by welcoming enthusiastically, growing deeply and serving courageously.

204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, Mo. 65201

(573) 443-3111


8:50 & 11am Worship

The prelude is a silent, personal preparation for the worship of God.

(+) Please stand as you are able and comfortable.
Responsive readings: One (Italics) All (Bold)
FWS = The Faith We Sing, UMH = United Methodist Hymnal
Children of all ages are welcome in our worship services.
Childrens worship and activity packets are available at the entrances.
They may be left in the pew or returned to one of the baskets following worship.

y Coming Together into Gods Presence z



(P. Toms de Elduayen)


FWS NO. 2233

Nancy Cooper, Childrens & Family Life Leader

Children are welcome to remain with their family in worship or may proceed now to
participate in one of these ministries:
Children 1 year 5th Grade: Childrens Church and Serendipity Choir (W6)
Children Kindergarten and under: Nursery Care (W7)
Parents and children reconnect following worship at the room listed.

SPECIAL MUSIC Desirae Jenkins

Ave Maria

(Franz Schubert)

y Receiving the Word of God z


John 15:9-17

This is the Word of God for all people.

Thanks be to God.


Bearing Fruit

Rev. Kendall Waller

y Responding to the Word of God z

HYMN OF RESPONSE UMH NO. 560 Help Us Accept Each Other

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
To give your offering electronically, scan this QR code or
click the DONATE button at

(Robert Lind)


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

y Sending Forth into the World z


As a Fire is Meant for Burning


Gaudeamus Pariter 

(David Lasky)


Rev. Trista Soendker Nicholson; Rev. Charity Goodwin
Rev. Hank Jenkins; Rev. Kim Parker
Marty Hook, Director of Music
Jenna Braaksma, Pianist; Craig Datz, Organist
Flower Acknowledgments
The flowers that grace the chancel this Sunday morning are given to the glory of God
by Michele Chapel, Dan Chapel, Howard Chapel and their families in loving memory of their
beloved parents, Dr. James L Chapel and his wife, Lorraine Chapel;
by Paul Guptill and family in loving memory of Peggy Guptill;
and by Todd Oberlin and Christina Thebeau in celebration of their marriage today. Theyd
like to invite all of their church family to the wedding ceremony this afternoon at 4pm.
The rose on the altar is placed in celebration of the birth of Easton James Belmore, born
on May 7, 2016, to proud parents Keith and Dawn Belmore, and big brother Kaden. We
welcome Easton to the family of God.

June 2015 May 2016
Gifts were made in support of the many ministries of the church in memory of:

Bill Trumbower

Charles Shipman

Mary Hoff

Betty Miller

Charles McClain

Rose Mary Langland

JoAnn Ruhr

Ed Gibbs

Pat Williamson

Richard Erickson

James Weaver

Mary Lou Davis

Gene Ruhr

Gene Ridenhour

Dean Winter

George Shelby

Elise Overholser


Memorial Prayer Garden Open House - Committee

members will be available before and after each service to
give tours and answer questions or share information about
the Garden.
MUMC Blood Drive - Stop by the Atrium outside the MPR and
give the gift of life! Free Red Cross t-shirts for donors while
supplies last!
Are You a Health Care Professional? Health care
professionals are needed in case of medical emergencies
during services and church sponsored events at MUMC.
During each worship service, we want to have one health
care professional identified in order for the ushers to know
who can help during a medical emergency. If you are willing
to serve in this capacity, please send your name, the worship
service you typically attend, email address and phone
number to or mark todays tear-off.

Coming Up

Coming Up on Sunday, June 12 - During worship services

at 8am, 8:50am & 11am, Rev. Trista Soendker Nicholson will
bring us a message God of Surprises from I Samuel 16:1,
10-13. This will be her last Sunday at Missouri UMC. The
congregation will celebrate her ministries with a reception
in her honor in the Connector from 10-11am. Please join us
during this time to celebrate with Trista and her family as
they begin the next journey in her ministries at Red Bridge
UMC in Kansas City. Trista has requested that gifts be made
in her honor to support scholarships for missions to Haiti.
Gifts may be left at the church office, left in the offering
plate with a memo stating the purpose, or brought to the
celebration on June 12.
Save-The-Date Oct. 1: Welcome Service for the New
Missouri Bishop at Missouri UMC
1-1:30pm Gathering music
1:30-3pm Worship
3-4pm Refreshments

Ministries at Missouri UMC

Sign up online at Find the activities that

interest you and your family in the list of active forms!
Open Door Ministry will meet again on June 16. Watch
the newsletter for program details. Contact: Jo Lee at jo@
COLLEGE AGE: Ignite Weekly Gathering & Bible Study on
Tuesdays at 7:30pm in Cornerstone Coffee Shop. Contact:
Rev. Kim Parker at

Church Family News

The congregation is invited to a memorial service for Jeanie

Stewart on Tuesday, May 31 at 1pm in the Sanctuary. A
reception will follow in the Connector.

Welcome to Missouri
United Methodist Church
May 29, 2016
Please place this in the offering plate.
o8amWorship o8:50amWorship o11amWorship
Name ______________________________
Street Address ________________________
City, State, ZIP ________________________
Phone ____________________________
This is a new:

oAddress oPhone #

I am a/We are:
oGuest: o1st time o2nd time
oRegular Attendee(s)
oStudent at _______________________
How did you learn about us?

Prayer Concerns
oShare with Prayer Team & Caring Ministries
oShare with Prayer Team & Staff
oConfidential Pastors Only
oMy offering is made via regular electronic funds
oPlease send form/instructions so I can begin
donating electronically.

Preferred Method of Contact:

I/We would like to:

oSubscribe to the weekly email newsletter,

The Messenger (provide email above)
oFind out more about
oWednesday Night Live
oGrowth Groups
oChildrens ministry
oMUMY (Youth) activities
oCollege Age/Young Adult activities
oDiscovery Days Preschool
oSinging in the Choir
oWesleyan Ringers bell choir
oUnited Methodist Women
oLinked to Learn Tutoring Ministry
oJail Ministry
oContainer Project
oOpen Door Ministry
oPrayer Shawl Ministry
oMissouri UMW Scholarship
oHelp with Makin Waves VBS this summer
oHelp with MUMCs Flower Ministry
oSupport the Saturday Morning Breakfast Cafe:
oSet up, serve food, visit with guests and
oDonate breakfast items
oReceive the Growing Deeply daily scripture
guide weekly by email. Please provide email
oI am a heath care professional who is willing to
help in case of an emergency at the service I
attend. Please provide info above and indicate:
I usually attend: o8am o8:50am o11am

Next Sunday, June 5

During worship services at 8am, 8:50am & 11am, we

will have a guest speaker, Rev. Mike Graves, William K.
McElvaney Professor of Preaching and Worship at Saint
Paul School of Theology. He will bring us a message from
Acts 10 entitled, Pentecost: the Sequel. All Missouri
UMC pastors will be out of town at Missouri Annual
Senior Recognition Sunday-Graduates! Come and be
recognized in the 8:50 or 11am service. We will have a
reception in the Connector at 10am to honor you.
Its also Donut Sunday in Cornerstone Coffee Shop!

July 24-28 evenings & July 25-29 mornings

Its time to register your children for weekday morning
VBS or register as a family for evening VBS! Registration
forms available in the Connector today.
If youd rather register online, you
may do so at For
more info, see Nancy Cooper in the
Connector or email

It's easy to join our weekly

email list!
Just send your email address
by text message:

to 22828 to get started.

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