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Dayne Marchant

English 11
Ms. Oberg
1 March 2016

To the Republic for which it stands, One nation Under God

The Pledge of Allegiance was created in 1892 by a man named Francis Bellamy. Later,
the phrase Under God was added into the pledge in 1954. For the past decade, the phrase
Under God has been accused of being unconstitutional because it is violating the first
amendment of constitution of religious freedom and that this phrase makes the pledge into a
prayer. When the pledge is not a prayer because firstly, Americans are pledging to the republic,
not to God, our country was built on the idea that freedom comes from God. Also, Christianity
did have a big part in the development of the United States of America, our founding fathers
were big believers of God and Christianity so God is a big part of this culture. Finally, this
country should have something to keep reminding where our country came from since this
country is very progressive and has got rid of lots a things that showed where we started.
We as Americans when we say the pledge of allegiance, are saying our allegiance to the
republic, not to God. This country started from a few men that believed in freedom that was
naturally given to every human being. There are people who says that Under God is a prayer
like one big case of this is the Michael Newdow. This case was that his daughter was being
forced to say the pledge like every other child in this Country. The government realized this was
unconstitutional for forcing children to say it because that is not freedom of speech so it than
become an option if a child wanted to say the pledge or not. But the pledge is not religious
affiliated because it is a statement of fact. It is a fact that the founding fathers established our

government on the proposition that freedom comes from God. It does not mean that the
government today necessarily believes in God but that it helped influence this countrys
Our country was built on the principles and foundations of the Judeo-Christian faith. The
men who created our government were men of strong faith. In establishing this country, they
understood the naturally given rights that God, their Creator, gave to all men. The idea of God
has helped immensely to bring Americans together when in a crisis. For example,:.. That we here
highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have
a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people,
shall not perish from the earth. This was after the Gettysburg address and this shows that when
this country is at a low, it will got back to its origins of the creation of the United States and
remember what we as a country are fighting for, for freedom for every man, woman and child.
To ensure safety from those outside of us that try to cause harm and safety within this country.
Others could argue that Under God has only been in the Pledge for about 60 years so it
isnt part of our culture. True that it hasnt been our history for very long but the idea of God and
its influence on this country has been here since the creation of the United States. Some of the
people that originally came to the United States to escape religious persecution. It has also been a
concept that has brought Americans together when in a time of need. To be together and fight
through the conflict as a country. For example When Pearl Harbor was attacked, the President
called on the country to pray. Also, when Apollo 13 was disabled in space the President called on
the country to pray. God is a thing that brings Americans as one.
In conclusion, Under God should stay in our pledge because it relates and goes back to
the culture of America, and since this country is so progressive now, it should have some piece of
history to conserve so Americans dont forget where they come from and how this country was

built and what morals it was built on. This phrase isnt pledging to god but to a republic that was
based on the ideas of God.

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