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Thursday, May 26, 2016

8:50am Morning Meeting

Gather students together for morning meeting down at the rug.
Bring students to the rug for greeting. Ask the class for a
suggestion in how we should greet one another. Ask the class
to explain how the greeting will work. Once it is explained,
then choose two students to model it. Have them greet each
other. Talk about how successful parts looked and sounded.
Students signed up for share today are on the Share Wheel for
Thursday. Students can choose to share something they have
made or done with their classmates. Then, they are allowed
three questions.
Read Flashlight by X.J Kennedy, from The 20th Century Children's
Poetry Treasury.
Take 3 questions or connections from the class about this poem.

News and Announcements

Go over the morning message with the class about the
significance of Memorial Day. Validate their responses. Model
double checking information from World Book encyclopedias.

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