PLC Agenda For 4 2 14

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Agenda for CAFE / Daily 5 PLC

April 2, 2014
Grades 4 - 6
We will be meeting in the Science Lab at 2:30.
1. Looking back and moving ahead (2:30pm)
2.) Pensieve Homework Share - Group Work (2:40pm)

- Remember your homework was to bring two samples from your

+ An example of something you like
+ An example of a work in progress something you want to improve upon

3.) Small Group Share (3:00pm)

4.) Skills Grouping (3:10pm)




We will maintain a positive tone in our meetings.

We will begin our meetings on time and stay fully engaged throughout
each meeting.

We will contribute equally to the workload of the team.

4. We will come prepared with requested materials and have completed the
required reading.


We will listen carefully and listen carefully and consider matters from


We will sit in the seating provided.

anothers perspective.

5.) 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Ticket to Leave (3:25pm)

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