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1. A typical high school student consumes 67.5 pounds of sugar per year.
As part of a new nutrition plan, each member of a track team plans to
lower the sugar he or she consumes by at least 20% for the coming year.
Assuming each track member had consumed sugar at the level of a
typical high school student and will adhere to this plan for the coming
year, what is the maximum number of pounds of sugar to be consumed by
each track team member in the coming year?
54 is the correct answer. For each member of the track team to
consume 20% less sugar, the track member will consume
100% 20% = 80% of the level of a typical high school
student. 80% of 67.5 = 0.80(67.5) = 54.
2. Potatoes are made up of 99% water and of 1% solid "potato matter." Vladimir
bought 100 kg of potatoes and left them outside in the sun for a while. When he
returned, he discovered that the potatoes had dehydrated and were now only made up
of 98% water. How much did the
potatoes now weigh?
6. The potatoes originally contained 1 kg = 1% 100 kg potato matter.
After some water has evaporated, this 1 kg matter now forms 2% of the
total mass. So the total mass must now be equal to 100% 1 kg = 50 kg

1. The lead of a screw is the distance that the screw advances in a straight
line when the screw is turned 1 complete turn. If a screw is 2


long and has a lead of

inch, how many complete turns would get it all
the way into a piece of wood?
20 is the correct answer. With every complete turn
inch of
the screw goes into the wood. So after 8 complete turns, 1 inch
of the screw would be in the wood. So, x(
by 8, x = 8(2 ) = 8( ) = 20.

) = 2 . Multiplying

Which one of the following expressions has an even integer value for all
integers a and c ?
The correct response is F. 8a + 2ac is even because it is
divisible by 2, 8a + 2ac = 2(4a + ac), and 4a + ac is an integer
because a and c are integers.

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