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Recommendations & best practices for SAP BW on

HANA migration
Prerequisite checks for SAP BW on HANA migration







If you are planning to migrate BW system to HANA and you want to perform feasibility check in order to get
understanding of loading process and performance improvements then you can order this remote service from SAP.
For more information, please refer to SAP note 1777465.
SAP HANA requires unicode. You need to perform unicode conversion prior to migration to HANA or combine
migration with unicode conversion.
Before starting database migration, perform SAP HANA hardware check using script For more
information, please refer to SAP Note 1652078 HANA database- Hardware check. In case, Hardware check fails
because of latest hardware then please check SAP note 1658845 - Recently certified SAP HANA hardware not
If you wish to use some external software with HANA then please check SAP Note 1730928 - Using external
software in a HANA appliance.
When you plan to migrate SAP BW system to HANA then you need to perform hardware sizing. You can use report
/SDF/HANA_BW_SIZING for sizing. Please refer to SAP Note 1736976 & 1637145 for more information.
In scale out architecture, sizing of master node differs than slave nodes as all system tables are stored on master
node while all transactional and master data is distributed across slave nodes. Please refer to SAP Note 1855041 for
more information.
Before migrating to HANA, you may wish to find out which ABAP statements will be optimized for SAP HANA.
Please refer to SAP Note 1847431 - SAP NetWeaver BW ABAP Routine Analyzer.
You want to find out what are the regular tasks for maintenance of BW system then please refer to SAP Note
1829728 - BW Housekeeping Task List. Note: In order to use this feature, you will be required to have SAP LVM
Enterprise Edition License. Please refer to SAP Note 1589145 for more information.
For Optimal settings of SUSE Linux to run HANA system, please refer to SAP Note 1824819 - Optimal settings for
SLES 11 SP2 and SLES 11 for SAP SP2.
Conversion of standard DSOs in to HANA optimized DSO is no more required. Please refer to SAP Note 1849497
- SAP HANA: Optimizing standard DataStore objects. If you have already converted standard DSO's to HANA
optimized DSO's then please refer to SAP note 1849498.
In order to check all prerequisites for HANA migration automatically, please refer to SAP Note 1729988 - SAP
NetWeaver BW powered by SAP HANA - Checklist Tool.
Refer to SAP Note 1775293 - Migration/system copy to SAP HANA using latest SWPM 1.0 before starting migration.
Please check SAP Note 1715048 - BW 7.30 new features for installation or migration for latest feature in SAP BW
SAP Netweaver 7.4 is also released for HANA. If you want to migrate to SAP BW 7.4 on HANA then please use
SAP HANA SPS6 (minimum revision 60). However, SAP still recommends customers to use SAP BW 7.31 because
SAP HANA have no compelling reason to upgrade to SAP NetWeaver 7.4 since no significant new features or
benefits are provided for BW standalone on SAP HANA prior to SAP NetWeaver 7.4 SP5. SAP Netweaver 7.4 SP5 is
planned to release by the end of this year. Please refer to SAP Note 1666670 for more information.
BI-JAVA is also available on SAP HANA now but minimum release should be SAP Netweaver 7.4 SP3. For
supported combinations, please refer to SAP Note 1645590 & 1849151.
For latest information related to SWPM, please refer to SAP Note 1680045.
Please also refer to some of the key notes for SAP HANA

SAP Note 1514967 - SAP HANA: Central Note

SAP Note 1523337 - SAP In-Memory Database 1.0: Central Note

SAP Note 1732276 - High availability limitations of HANA database

SAP Note 1702224 - Disable password lifetime for technical users
SAP Note 1598623 - SAP HANA appliance software: Central Security Note
SAP Note 1702409 - HANA DB: Optimal number of scale out nodes for BW on HANA
SAP Note 1785823 - R3load/HANA: Mass import is not active by default
SAP Note 1793303 - Install and configure SUM for SAP HANA
SAP Note 1600929 - SAP BW powered by SAP HANA DB: Information

Migration Best Practices


Prior to start the migration, perform house keeping tasks to delete unwanted data from database which will help to
reduce downtime for migration. Please refer to SAP Note 706478 for more information.
2. Consider Table splitting for larger tables. You can find out list of larger tables from DBACOCKPIT. You can refer to
SAP Note 1783927 - Prerequisites for Table Splitting with target HANA database. Note: Database specific method for
table splitting is not supported. R3ta table splitting should be used.
3. Please always use latest kernel, R3load and R3ta tools for export/import process to avoid errors.
4. In order to analyze run time of migration, please use MIGTIME tool. For more information, please refer to SAP Note
784118 - System Copy Tools for ABAP Systems.
5. In order to speed up export process, we used to prepare order_by.txt file manually but this process is no more
required as there are tools which will help you to generate this file automatically based on your previous migration
runs. Please refer to SAP Note 1873729 for more information.
6. Please always use latest list of row store tables for migration to HANA database. For more information, please refer
to SAP Note 1659383 - RowStore list for SAP NetWeaver in SAP HANA database.
7. In order to find row store tables that are very large and will take lot of time in loading and will have high memory
requirement, please refer to SAP Note 1634681 - Database migration Report to find large row store tables.
8. You can utilize HANA mass import option by setting environment variable HDB_MASSIMPORT=YES to reduce time
for import. In order to utilize this option, HANA revision should be 52 or higher and kernel 7.21 or higher. Please refer
to SAP Note 1775293 - Migration/system copy to SAP HANA using latest SWPM 1.0. Note: There is an exception to
this feature, Please refer to SAP Note 1806935.
9. Before running report SMIGR_CREATE_DDL, run report SHDB_GROUP_TABLES_LOAD_BASED to distribute
tables in optimal way in HANA distributed landscape. For more information, please refer to SAP Note 1850480 Basis: SMIGR_CREATE_DDL with table placement option.
10. Distribution monitor is not released for SAP HANA.

Possible errors during Migration


If you face out of memory issue during import in HANA server, please refer to SAP 1860493 - Out of memory
during import migration to HANA.
Please refer to SAP Note 1722395 for known problems with SAP HANA.


If import terminates due to some SQL error then please refer to SAP Note 1782540.
Please refer to below SAP notes in case you face similar errors:


SAP Note 1846872 - "No space left on device" error reported from HANA
SAP Note 1787489 - SAP HANA Database: Performance Trace
SAP Note 1786918 - Required information to investigate high memory consumption
SAP Note 1747042 - Providing support access to HANA database instance
SAP Note 1740136 - SAP HANA: wrong mount option may lead to corrupt persistency
SAP Note 1897157 - Install or upgrade failed due to hdbnsutil failure

SAP Note 1894412 - SAP HANA nameserver crash after revision upgrade
SAP Note 1634848 - SAP HANA database service connections
SAP Note 1592925 - SAP HANA Studio service connection

Post Migration checks/activities




In case, there are some problems in SAP HANA database and you want to analyze them, Please refer to SAP Note
1641210 - SAP HANA database checking for suspected problems.
In order to check consistency of tables after migration to HANA, Please use report RSDU_TABLE_CONSISTENCY.
For more information, please refer to SAP Note 1756099 - RSHDB: Consistency check for tables.
In some cases, you will face problem where clients are not able to connect to SAP HANA scale out nodes. This might
be due to how scale out architecture is configured. Please refer to SAP Note 1743225 - HANA Potential failure of
connections with scale out nodes.
Please refer to SAP Note 1695112 for activities after migrating to SAP BW on HANA.
As of SAP Netweaver 7.4 release, Declustering of tables while migrating to HANA database is supported (Refer to
SAP Note 1905134). In SAP Netweaver 7.4, you can run report SHDB_MIGRATION_CHECK to perform various
checks like declustering, depooling and indexes etc. Refer to SAP Note 1785060 for more information.
If you want to transport Info cubes from other database platform to HANA or vice versa, please refer to SAP Note
If you want to check compatibility of 3.x data flow with BW on HANA then please refer to SAP note 1686378.
You can transport InfoCubes from source system (non-HANA database) to BW on HANA system but there are some
prerequisites to it. Please refer to SAP note 1691096 for more information.

HANA Revision Upgrade



If you are planning to upgrade SAP HANA to SP6 then please note that SUM for SAP HANA will be replaced by SAP
HANA Lifecycle manager (HLM). You can still use SUM in HANA SP6 but its functionality will be very limited. For
more information, please refer to SAP Note 1836498.
For older releases i.e. till SAP HANA SP5, you can use SAP Note 1793303 to configure SUM for SAP HANA.

Performance Optimization


In order to assess memory consumption of HANA database, please refer to SAP Note 1698281 - Assess the
memory consumption of a SAP HANA System.
If you are experiencing slow performance of HANA database, Please check whether it is because of CPU or not. For
more information, Please refer to SAP Note 1890444 - Slow HANA system due to CPU power save mode.
Row store memory is a lot bigger than actual data size because row store tables grow by allocating a 64 MB
segment and also, shrinks by same. If you have deleted lot of data from row store tables and then a lot of sparse
segment will be present. And in order to free up the space, reorganization will be necessary. For more information,
please refer to SAP Note 1813245 - SAP HANA DB- Row store reorganization.
If you want to identify problems related to primary keys and unique constraints then please refer to SAP Note 1666976
- uniqueChecker usage description.
In case you find out that some tables are not partitioned or distributed correctly over several HANA nodes, please
follow SAP Note 1792096 - HANA Scale-out landscape, BW table partitions not distributed.
In order to optimize select statement for all entries, please refer to SAP Note 1662726 - Optimizing select with


In order to optimize performance on HANA then it is important that data that is rarely accessed or no longer needed
should not be loaded into main memory. And for that, you should understand concept of non active data in BW.
Please refer to SAP note 1767880 for more information.
SAP has recently introduced tool called DMO with the help of which you can combine upgrade and migration to
HANA in a single step. There are certain restrictions to use this tool, please refer to SAP Note 1799545 for more
information. DMO is not released for general availability. Customer can use this tool by participating in pilot release.
This is not the final list of all activities to carry out migration to SAP HANA and you need to refer to system copy
guide, SAP release notes and SCN etc. for detail process. Please refer to SAP Note 1599888 - SAP HANA:
Operational Concept.

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