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between analog &

digital signals
- Lexi Jordyn Jones -

What are signals?

Electrical impulses or radio waves
that are transmitted or received
Transmission of data we use in our
everyday lives such as when we use
cell phones
The two different types of signals
that carry information are
o Analog signals
o Digital signals

Analog Signals
An analog signal is a continuous electrical signal
containing time varying quantities
Unlike digital signals, analog signals have
constant fluctuations
They are denoted by sine waves
The minimum and maximum values of this type
of signal can either be positive or negative

Analog Signals
Analog and digital signals vary
significantly in the different waves
they produce
Dating back to the 1800s, analog
waves were used with copper to
transmit conversations
Analog signals have the ability to
catch in accurate electromagnetic
waves which ultimately drops the
signals quality

Analog Signals
Although digital signals are the more
modern type of signal, we use analog
signals more than we may think
For example
o Video signals from a VCR
o Audio signals such as microphones are analog

Analog Signals
Although analog signals can be
converted to digital signals by use of
a modem, analog signals are more
complicated and became expensive

Digital Signals
Digital signals are more commonly known and
are much different from analog signals
Digital signals change with each step and are
Unlike the sine wave of an analog signal,
digital signals are denoted by square waves
Digital signals use a coding system where the
code is sent to a computer for interpretation
With digital signals, information is translated
using a binary code either a one or zero.
o For example, when typing a letter into the computer, a 1 and 0
number system is used to interpret the letter and thus
displaying it in word form

Digital Signals
Almost all of the electronic devices we use are
digital signals
The reason for this is because digital signals
remain accurate in amplitude and in shape
Digital signals are also preferred because they
provide a better continuous delivery
Digital data has a faster transmission rate than
that of analog signals
The switch from analog to digital signals
occurred because digital signals were more
reliable and easier to understand

Properties of signals
Many characteristics of a digital signals
make them different from an analog


Digital & Analog Signal


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