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Spoilers for The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapters 330-778 (Summarized by dysry for Novel Updates)

Original Post


Nangong Liuyun and Su Luo (Source: Knight Fantastic Night)

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SL Su Luo (4th daughter of SZ; actual mother YH; father unknown)
NL Nangong Liuyun (2nd Prince of Dong Ling, 3rd disciple of CZ)
Three Stooges
BY Beichen Ying
LX Lan Xuan
AYM An Ye Ming
AL - Apothecarist Leng (Advanced Apothecarist)
RY Rong Yun (Master Apothecarist, AL and SLs master; sworn brother of YH)
ZH Zi Huo (Grand Master Apothecarist whose legacy SL inherited)
Su Family
SZ Su Zian (SLs father)
MS Madam Su (SZs main wife)
SJY Su Jingyu (Oldest brother)
SQ Su Qing (2nd sister)
SW Su Wan (3rd sister)
SX Su Xi (5th sister)
Su Luos Real Family
YH Yan Hua (Su Luos real mother)
Jade Lake
LYY Li Yao Yao (Jade Lakes Fairy; disciple of CZ)
LAT Li Ao Tian (LYYs brother)
LAQ Li Ao Qiong (LYYs cousin, but actually brother)
LYX Li Yao Xiang (LYYs uncle)
LYC Li Yao Chi (LYYs uncle)
BL Beichen Lin (BYs grandfather; Beichen Family Patriarch)
BZL Beichen Zhang Lao (BYs 3rd uncle)
CP Nangong Liujue (Crown Prince of Dong Ling)
DST Di Shi Tian (child trapped in the Fire Stone from the hidden library)
LCF Liu Cheng Feng
LL Lu Luo (SLs maid servant)
LRH Liu Ruo Hua
ML Meng Liang (Crown Princes favourite concubine)
NY Nangong Yu (NLs uncle, guard for the imperial treasury)
ZiY Zi Yan (Purgatory Citys Holy Maiden)

Items and Places

Dong Ling (Eastern Hill) ruled by the Nangong family
Xi Jin (Western Jin/Entrance) ruled by the Ou Yang family
Nan Feng (Southern Wind) ruled by the An Ye family
Bei Mo (Northern Desert) ruled by the Xuan Yuan family
Medicinal Ingredients and Pills
FRP Flesh Regrowth Pill
ERP Energy Recovery Pills
LRP Life Restoring Pills
CSW Celestial Spring Water
Spiritual Pets
DSH Dragon Scaled Horse
PCF Purple Crystal Fish
Little Dragon Meng Meng
SDS Spirit Dance Steps
Fire Stone - Fire Stone from the Hidden Library

Chapters 333-366 Gone Fishin'

333-334 Su Luo trains in her space for a month using the bronze plaque she won from the Liu family. She
finds that the Spirit Dance Steps method suits her well and would allow her to teleport at the final step. She
also trains her Dimensional Imprint, Apothecary and fireballs.
335-336 Nangong Liuyun returns and they flirt.
337-340 NL takes her fishing on his ship and introduces her to his friends, including Beichen Ying, Ln Xun
and n Y Mng.
341-342 BY asks why SL can't accept NL's love since it's hard for him to open up to people due to his deep
dark past. The issue of the Jade Lake's Fairy comes up again.
343-348 NL, SL and their entourage participate in a fishing competition for or Zjng fish which gives
the same boosts as a green-coloured energy stone, but can only be caught on July 15. Market value 5000
gold, but dangerous and hard to catch.
349-351 They run into the crown prince who's bitter since SL is now a third ranked expert and traded up to
NL since they dissolved their engagement.
352-353 Fishing requires people to insert spirit power into the
rod and has a high rate of failure. After a hint from the Divine
Dragon (Meng Meng) SL adds Celestial Spring Water to her
bait and catches one instantly.
354-356 The Crown Prince mocks her since he has 3 and enters
into a bet with SL to see who can catch more over 3 hours.
Reward is 1 green-coloured energy stone for each additional
fish they have over their opponent. Everything is written up
and signed in a contract.
357-366 Fishing competition begins. Bystanders comment on SL stealing her sister's fianc. However, they
move on to being shocked as the rare Zjng fish are literally climbing on her rod to be caught. SL manages 3
in 2 minutes and keeps at this rate, while the Crown Prince's face goes dark as he watches. At the end of
the competition SL catches 1,500 fish, while CP has none and owes her 1,500 green crystals. CP wants to
default since he doesn't have that many but NL and BY promise SL theyll help her collect.

Chapters 367-384 Settling the Jade Lake's Fairy Issue

367 At sea Z y gng or Purple Fish Palace appears. Apparently it only emerges every hundred years or so.
368-369 The Jade Lake's Fairy, Li Yao Yao, appears on another boat with
her brother Li Ao Tian, a sixth ranked expert. LYY and NL go into their own
world again.
370-372 BY notices that SL feels bitter and interrupts NL and LYY to discuss
lighter topics. LYY notices NL's entourage addressing SL as sister-in-law
while SL is still doubtful over her position in NL's heart.
373-375 LAT is shocked NL isn't interested in LYY, while NL finally sets
things straight with LYY, telling her theyll always be close friends but his
wife can only be SL and he was only using her to test SL's feelings. LAT
rages, LYY cries then insults SL, so NL slaps her.
376-377 LYY and LAT leave the ship. SL rejects NL like normal but feels closer to him. NL is a little
despondent since he and LYY were childhood friends even if he wasn't romantically interested in her, but
had to cut her off to please SL. They race with LAT's ship towards the Purple Fish Palace.
378-380 The Crown Prince is on LAT and LYY's ship. They've switched camps since NL rejected LYY, and the
CP informs her that SL is no longer a waste.
381-384 LYY invites NL to explore the Purple Fish Temple together but he rejects her. He and SL flirt while
LYY is shocked at the leeway he gives SL, however she refuses to give up on him since his specs and
potential are just too great. BY mentions the Shujng z y or Purple Crystal Fish which resides in the temple
and produces 3 randomly coloured crystals and is the reason people raid the temple.

Chapters 385-403 Hunt for the Purple Crystal Fish

385-387 SL and NL set out to find the Purple Crystal Fish. NL states he isn't interested since it can't compare
to SL but will go treasure hunting with her.
387-388 They follow the little Divine Dragon, who digs out a box filled with Lng Dn Qi (Spirit Bombs) that
are one-use but can kill a seventh ranked expert and worth 50 green crystals. SL plans to use it to defend
against LAT and asks NL if she's allowed to use them on LYY.
389-392 NL and SL enter a tomb with 499 rooms, and follow the dragon into the 123th one where LYY is.
The dragon wants to chase LYY out as he wants the treasure while LYY is still angry since it bit apart her
arrow (in the Sunset Forest). The dragon bites LYY's finger and they fight. LYY is fifth ranked but their fight
ruins her image as she chases a puppy with a sword with an unkempt appearance. SL and NL then hide the
dragon while LYY storms off in anger, leaving the 123th room.
393 They enter the room and see a bowl full of crystals as well as the Purple Crystal Fish, which spits out a
cyan crystal in front of them. NL then tells SL that the crystals the PCF produces are randomized and not all
of them are cyan.
394 The dragon eats the cyan crystal, while SL puts everything
into her space. She feels guilty since she's reaping all the
benefits and decides to help find useful treasures for NL.
395-397 They run into the Crown Prince who boasts that he's
found the PCF, which leaves them perplexed since it's in SL's
hands. However the CP's is a fake. SL asks how he'll split it with
LYY and LAT, sparking their greed, while he and NL wager 1,500
green crystals over its authenticity (since the CP can instantly
repay his debt while SL wants NL to gain something as well).
398-401 BY mentions that while spitting out crystals is good, the PCF's greatest benefit is that it can lead
people to the hidden library which contains various techniques and texts. The CP then injects his spirit
power into the fish to connect with it but it ignores him, while LAT makes a grab for it. NL's party steps back
as LAT and CP inject their energy and the fish explodes. CP catches on fire and is injured while 3,000 green
crystals in debt.
402-403 Watching NL and SL flirt, LYY asks LAT to kill SL, while SL reveals to the three stooges that she has
the real PCF, which was how they knew it was a fake.

Chapters 404-424 Hidden Library

404-405 The stooges asks how powerful the beast guarding the PCF was, when an eight ranked tiger
appears. They follow the instructions the PCF gives to SL to escape.
406-410 NL and the stooges offer to distract the beast while SL escapes, but as the beast is about to kill BY,
SL chucks the PCF at it, rescuing them. The beast then leaps at SL, who pushes NL out of the way. But
instead of biting her, it licks and slobbers over her, seeming to covet SL's Celestial Spring Water. NL's friends
turn into SL stans.
411-412 Flirting with everyone commenting on NL's straightforward
approach to love.
413-416 As the group make their way towards the secret library,
they notice the door has a strong seal on it, and run into LAT, LYY
and CP, who are all messed up compared to NL and SL's group since
SL's luck and PCF allowed them to avoid any real danger. Everyone,
aside from NL and SL, steps through the door.
417-420 Everyone who stepped through are now trapped in transparent balloons as they reached for items
in the room, which causes the couple to laugh. SL then picks a few texts and items as everyone looks on
with envy, but is limited to 7. She chooses a few books and a mysterious fire stone. 3 books go to NL's
friends (one each). NL doesnt pick anything (probably only SL, as the owner of the PCF can).
421-423 The CP is furious at SL's luck, and NL attacks him, sensing killing intent. However time runs out and
the library begins to shake, causing boulders to fall. NL moves SL out of the way, becoming trapped. SL and
LYY hold on to him, but LYY and NL end up trapped together in the Union Room ( Hhun sh
Joined Happiness Room), where they are forced to get married/consummate in order to get out. The CP
then mocks SL over how 'lucky' NL is while NL's friends reassure SL.
424 The ground trembles, with traps swallowing up most of the characters, leaving only SL and LAT who's
looking at SL with the urge to kill.

Chapters 425-448 Battle with Li Ao Tian

425 SL asks LAT why he isn't worried about LYY, and he reveals that she deliberately trapped them in the
Union Room in order to claim NL. SL is disgusted at LYY and worried since she was now left alone to defend
against the sixth ranked LAT while she is only third ranked.
426-429 SL runs using the SDS, hoping to lead LAT to the tiger she tamed and hides when she can't find it.
LAT follows and freezes SL, threatening to leave her in the middle of the street naked as a frozen statue.
Remembering the mind control technique the Jade Lake has (chapter 100), she doesn't doubt his words. SL
then uses her fire to melt the thin parts of his ice before throwing a bomb towards him. However SL can
only move 2 fingers and fails to escape as she's flung into the sea.
430-431 SL in her ice cube wash out on shore after a storm, and runs into NL.
432-433 SL wants to know how NL escaped the Union Room. He offers to free her from the ice cube if she
agrees to stay with him for 3 months. SL agrees. However it takes him a while to melt LAT's ice despite
being higher ranked and he collapses.
434-435 SL feeds NL CSW, and he falls asleep.
436-438 Waking up, SL asks NL about the Union Room and he jokes that she's asking whether he managed
to protect his virginity. They flirt until SL pushes him away, before realizing he's injured. They spot a cave
and SL offers to explore it.
439-441 SL sets the cave up as a shelter and applies medicine to NL. She then
looks for food before realizing she had moved a portion of her Zjng fish to
her space. Nursing him, SL promises not to go out without his permission.
442-443 NL tells SL there are other ways to leave the Union Room since he's
keeping his innocence for his wife he fought against himself. He avoids
questions on what happened to LYY, and SL remembers that his recurring
illness should appear around now, explaining why he's currently so weak.
444-447 SL feels guilty over his state and agrees to feed and bathe him. She mixes Celestial Spring Water
into his bath. There's only one month before she needs to face Su Qing.
448 As SL is pouring out the bathwater, she runs into LAT who's been disfigured by the bomb. NL also
arrives and LAT is worried since he isn't with LYY.

Chapters 449-481 Rematch with Li Ao Tian

449 LAT questions NL over LYY's whereabouts but NL denies knowing. While LAT still wants to attack SL,
he's deterred by NL's presence (even though NL is currently weak) and leaves.
450 SL asks NL why LAT is still alive. Turns out theres a one in a million chance someone can absorb energy
from the Spirit Bomb she threw at LAT, and he is now a seventh ranked expert.
451 LAT reappears after a few days. After spying on their cave he's confirmed that one of them is a space
master since they have supplies on a deserted island, and wants to capture them. He attacks SL when she's
alone. She throws another Spirit Bomb and uses the SDS to flee.
452-457 SL runs into the forest but LAT finds her by scanning it and chases
after her, forgetting about NL. SL runs into a cave and fiddles with the fire
stone she took from the secret library. It lets out a 'meow' which LAT uses to
find her and they play tag for a few chapters, with SL hiding herself in a tree.
458 The little Divine Dragon wakes up and is now a fifth ranked expert. He
warns SL of LATs approach. SL feels the gap between her and other martial
artists since she started training a decade later than them and cant catch up
even with her gifts.
459-460 LAT catches her, but she manages to delay her death by tempting him with the texts she took from
the hidden library. LAT warns her not to get any funny ideas before tying her up.
461-462 SL has the dragon bite her rope apart, escaping while LAT is cultivating.
463-465 They run into a seventh ranked bear and she tames its cub by offering it CSW. LAT appears and
chases her, so she throws the cub towards him, causing its mother to chase after him, though he uses to
cub to block critical hits. The bear injures him but can only temporarily delay him.
466-468 The dragon reveals he can increase SL's attributes by 10%. Allowing her to dart away and dodge
most of his attacks. The blood she does lose is absorbed by the fire stone she's carrying which turns jadewhite. LAT continues chasing SL until they reach a Fire Valley, which enhances SL's fire element and limits
LAT's ice.
469-472 LAT follows her into the Fire Valley. The dragon spits fireballs at LAT but he ignores it to focus on
SL. However the dragon fire is too potent and he decides to eliminate it first instead.
473-475 LAT uses his second attribute - wood - to create vines and tie up SL, angering the dragon enough to
bite him. SL is dropped and injured from the fall, as LAT uses the vines to catch the dragon, who bites it
apart. SL then falls into the fire and the dragon follows her, delighting LAT.
476-478 NL appears looking for SL and has been promoted to an eight ranked expert. He tells LAT that he
was weakened and would've been an easy target, while LAT taunts back that SL died protecting him.
479-481 NL is filled with remorse and looking for SL when the dragon approaches him and drags him
towards an unconscious SL. She wakes but is severely injured, wanting LAT dead. NL has already killed him
with a kick. He injects spiritual energy into SL.

Chapters 482-502 Leaving the Island

482-484 NL carries her away and she decides she should give him a chance over the 3 months she promised
to stay with him. SL notices the change in her fire stone and NL tells her to keep it since it suits her.
485 The fire stone and a flame technique from the hidden library, Aspect Flames, allowed SL to remain
unharmed when she fell into the fire cave.
486 NL looks for a way out, while SL cultivates Aspect Flames in her space, sitting in the fire cave. The
dragon eats the crystals from the PCF as it lays them.
487-488 SL reaches fourth rank and the middle of fourth ranked within 10 days, allowing the fire stone to
absorb nearby fires.
489-491 NL finds the exit but it requires 1,000 green crystals to
open. Unfortunately the dragon consumed a significant portion.
She uses her Zjng fish instead and they climb through. They
return to where she first fought LAT, and she has 2 days before
her battle with SQ.
492 They cross the ocean on driftwood blown by NLs wind
element. SL is less averse to NL's flirting and cloying behaviour.
493-496 They run into a ship belonging to the Eastern Sea Dragon gang, where the lecherous crew attempt
to 'invite' SL on board, so NL massacres them.
497-498 They run into NL's ship which the three stooges used to search for them. BY mentions that LAT is
also missing and asks if NL and SL have seen him. NL tells him not to bother. They also tell BY to raid the
Eastern Sea Dragons for their wealth since NL has already eliminated them. Back in the city, people are
commenting on the impending duel between SL and SQ.
499-502 SQ is waiting for SL. Public opinion was initially sympathetic towards SQ, but is now mocking her
for placing herself as NL's equal. SL is late, arriving hand in hand with NL, causing people to react to his

Chapters 503-521 Duel with Su Qing

503-504 SL mocks SQ for wanting to play the part of the scorned woman due to her own delusions, but SQ
is now a fifth level expert and twice as strong as SL, so SL runs using the SDS.
505 SQ is distracted by NL's smile, allowing SL to hit her with the Dimensional
Imprint, followed by fire balls before SQ retaliates with her ice attacks and
forms an ice armour. However, SQ leaves her neck uncovered, since she has
less battle experience, which SL aims for. She manages to draw blood but it
wasn't fatal.
506 SQ is shocked she's losing to the lower ranked SL, and blames her for using
the Pretty Boy Distraction Strategy. SQ's attacks intensify, and SL starts to
struggle. However, SL has a lot of experience fighting ice element users.
507-508 NL wants to intervene, but SL stops him. SQ attacks with killing intent, but SL is able to survive
even her trump card. SL retaliates and the crowd comments on her ruthlessness towards her sister.
509-511 The Su family watch from the crowd with displeased faces, occasionally cheering on SQ. SQ
consumes an Energy Recovery Pill, and renews her attacks. SL retaliates with her improved Dimensional
Handprint which has a void aspect. It explodes on SQ, releasing corrosive poison, damaging her face.
512-518 SQ brings out her spirit pet, which is now a lizard, so SL brings out the Divine Dragon, with the
audience laughing at it since it's still disguised as a puppy. As SQ's flying lizard heads towards SL, it's taken
down by the dragon, which roars, causing the lizard to go insane. The little dragon attacks SQ.
519-520 SQ runs from the dragon, telling SL to withdraw it, while asking the judges for a break laughable
in a duel to the death. The dragon chomps on her leg. Shaking it off, she runs towards the crowd and SL
sends her Dimensional Imprint towards her.
521 Their brother, Su Jingyu, intervenes stating their bond as sisters, however SL retorts that SQ has been
ruthless since the start. As they argue, SQ disappears.

Chapters 522-541 Su Manor

522 SL is the winner, but regretful that she had to showcase the dragon to win, drawing unnecessary
attention to it.
523-526 SL decides to magnanimously let SQ off, inciting the rage of her admirers and teacher. NL stands
and leads SL away. LYY watches on filled with hatred towards SL.
527-529 SL returns to the Su Manor to be raged at by Su Xi
and Su Jingyu, as they threaten to kick her out of the family.
Both are no longer a match for her and she defeats them
with a whip.
530-533 Su Zian summons SL to reprimand her for beating
SX and SJY. However his real purpose is to take SL's Divine
Dragon to appease the Jade Lake's patriarch, the 8th ranked
L Yo Xing over LAT's death. SZ hesitates when SL lies and
says it was a gift from NL.
534-537 LYX arrives and interrogates SL over LAT. Her retorts anger LYX and he attempts to force her to
kneel by exerting pressure. SJY and SZ both kneel but SL refuses.
538-539 As SL is about to be forced on her knees, NL arrives. NL and LYX are both eight ranked and, as NL is
determined to protect SL, LYX leaves in anger.
540 NL warns SZ to protect SL when he attempts to suck up. Now SZ is trapped between siding with either
NL or the Jade Lake, and angering the other.
541 SL and NL leave on the Dragon Scaled Horse. They head towards the Eastern Sea Dragons' base where
BY and other grunts are waiting to divide the spoils. The Jade Lake's genius, and LYY and LAT's cousin, L o
Qing, is also there, having joined in the raid while searching for LAT.

Chapters 542-559 Wager with Li Ao Qiong

542 LAQ accuses NL of abandoning LYY, so NL makes an oath that the only person he will ever love is SL.
This infuriates LAQ.
543-545 BY suggests they decide who claims the treasures based on a wager, planning to use SL's luck. A
person from either side will fill a box with source stones they pick out from a large pile. The side with the
higher accuracy and better crystals wins. NL suggests they also wager 1,000 green crystals. SL agrees since
she has the dragon and LAQ agrees since he has an expert source stone gambler with him.
546-549 The competition starts. The person from LAQ's side scrambles through the stones, while SL
remains still, contacting the dragon in her space, then slowly sorts through her pile to fill her box.
550 SL tells BY every stone in her box contains a crystal. She enters another bet with LAQ that at least
90% of her stones will contain crystals.
551 LAQ accepts on the condition that if she loses, she'll never see NL again. SL accepts, causing NL's face to
darken. If SL wins, LYX can't kill her for a year. LAQ accepts since they can kill her after the year is over. NL is
angry, while BY looks disappointed.
552-556 They begin cutting the source stones. SL wins as all her stones
contain crystals and of higher quality than LAQ's (5 green and 4 cyan, while
LAQ's lackey had 1 cyan and 3 yellow), winning the Eastern Sea Dragons
bounty. BY is impressed and no longer angry. She cuts the rest of her
stones to prove all of them had crystals, winning the agreement that LYX
will leave her alone. LAQ is furious and accuses her of cheating and she
reminds him he also owes her an additional 1,000 green crystals. LAQ
storms off.
557-558 NL is still angry since she used him in the bet, telling her that it was heartless of her to even make
such a risk, and that hed never wager her even if his life depended on it. He accuses her of hating him and
is pained that he had to cut ties with Jade Lake for such a callous person. SL asserts that she knew she
would win.
559 NL storms off and SL returns home, feeling sad.

Chapters 560-582 Nangong Liuyun: The Human Doormat

560 BY visits SL at the Su Manor, telling her NL is injured. They leave, while BY asks her how she picked the
source stones, but SL can't reveal the dragon.
561-562 BY mentions he's never seen NL so angry and reckless. He confronts SL on her lukewarm attitude,
since she treats NL's friends so well but is ambivalent towards NL. BY hints at NL's tragic past, and tells her
all his love and warmth are given to SL. And after the wager, he was injured while rampaging in Yn L
(Cloud Path) Mountain.
563-564 SL enters Jin Palace to see an injured and bedridden NL, who tries to chase her out. BY has
everyone leave the two alone.
565-567 NL dismisses SL's attempts to apologize,
when she reminds him of his vow in front of LAQ,
and how he can only marry her. She alternates
between apologizing and teasing him since she
knows she has his heart and they return to their
normal flirting routine, though SL is more accepting
of his flirtations.
568 NL hasn't eaten since the day before so SL goes
to the kitchen to make chicken congee, adding CSW.
569-570 The kitchen staff are worried since NL is a picky eater, but smelling how fragrant SL's cooking is,
they start worrying over keeping their jobs.
571-572 SL offers the congee to NL who still refuses to eat. She mentions that she made it herself.
573 NL collapses so SL calls for a doctor. The servants secretly assume she was too rough while 'playing'
with him. SL panics and lets slip modern terminology, not noticing that NL is faking.
574 The doctor tells SL that NL's illness is potentially fatal and stimulated by anger so he has to be kept in a
good mood basically give him what he wants.
575-577 NL is guilty about the deception but worried SL will ignore him if she finds out. She offers to stay
the night and hugs him to sleep when he feels cold. However NL can't flirt with her as a sick person so he
invites the physician back to change his diagnosis.
578-581 SL wants to leave since NL has recovered, but he brings her to his residence in the Southern
Mountains, which has a large garden while the air is dense with spiritual energy. Since it's a good place to
train, he gifts it to SL. SL offers to buy it instead, and NL mentions the 50 green crystals she used to heal him
(after the Sunset Mountain trip) are enough. NL gives her the deed, which contains the property as well as
the mountain itself.
582 While strolling, SL runs into Liu Ruohua and Liu Chengfeng.

Chapters 583-599 Su Luo's Origins

583-585 SL, LRH and LCF trade insults. Apparently only people with a death wish enter NL's property. So as
the new owner, SL has the steward come and bow to her. She also takes out the deed and the Liu siblings
are shocked since the Southern Mountains was coveted by everyone as the best training environment but
monopolized by NL.
586-587 SL attempts to evict the Liu family from the mountains when she notices both LRH and LCF's hands
have grown back. The Liu siblings had consumed Apothecarist Leng's Flesh Regrowth Pill (the formula SL
traded so he'd heal NL). Somewhere during the conversation, LRH also lets slip something about SL's birth,
so SL asks NL about it.
588-589 NL tells her about her origins over breakfast:
SZ's favourite Yng Concubine gave birth to a daughter, but it was a difficult birth and the mother fainted,
while the child passed away. As there was an auspicious symbol (phoenix flying overhead), the wet nurse
feared that losing the child would mean losing her life. When she found another baby girl (SL) at the
doorstep, she used her as substitute but couldn't bear to tell the mother when she watched them bond. Due
to SL's potential, SZ initially treated the two well, causing his wife to remove Concubine Yang out of
jealousy, and she died without knowing SL wasn't her biological child. The wet nurse left soon after and
married, letting the secret out to her husband (which is how LRH knew).
Hearing the story, SL only feels relieved that she isn't related to SZ, but NL hasn't been able to find her real
parents yet.
590 They comment on the suspicious circumstances and how convenient SL's arrival was. SL tells NL to
keep her in the loop, even though he wanted to shield her from it.
591 They leave the residence on the DSH, since SL has reached a bottle neck and can't advance to fifth
ranked by cultivating.
592-594 In the town, they see the CP's horses on rampage, so SL has the DSH intervene and the prince's
favourite concubine, Mng Ling, is thrown out of the carriage. Having been in another region, ML only
knows SL as the useless woman the CP discarded and mocks her for it.
595-597 NL appears and protects his future princess, shocking ML. NL ignores her
jealousy and has her tell the CP that he and SL are going to collect their debt from
him (the 3,000 green crystals)
598-599 ML dismisses this claim as ridiculous and joyfully recounts the story to the
CP. However the CP begins to panic as he can't come up with the necessary crystals
and can't settle the debt with wealth. He kicks ML aside, and on seeing NL's men
outside, beats her again before running away. His servants are shocked that he can
act so ruthlessly to his favourite concubine and that he abandoned them.

Chapters 600-613 Debt Collection

600-601 At the Su Manor, NL is waiting outside and has Ling Feng send SL breakfast. He mentally promises
to spoil her more, and the two make plans to raid the CP's treasury.
602-603 As SL and NL flirt, the CP's manor is in panic as they are unable to repay the debt and the CP has
escaped through a secret passage. ML is the highest ranked after the CP since he hasn't taken a formal wife,
and is disgusted at his behaviour, in fear over NL and still unsure how much the CP actually owes.
604-605 NL arrives, but rages when he can't find the CP. ML arrives to settle the matter, feeling jealous of
NL's affections towards SL, and then shock at the size of the debt.
606-607 ML attempts to negotiate, but NL offers 100 green crystals to whoever finds the CP. The bounty
moves thousands of guards (third ranked and above) to rampage the areas the CP frequents and his various
property, causing those closest to him to hate him since he could stop the rampaging but hid instead. This
also damages the CP's reputation as people gossip about him fleeing to avoid debt, while elevating NL since
even the CP fears him.
608-610 The CP is in the Empress's compound recounting how he came to owe
SL and NL. The Empress asks if he regrets letting SL go, telling him that now it's
too late. She then comforts him, saying the debt is only 1,500 green crystals
since she doesn't think SL would appear in front of them to demand it. The CP
mentions NL will collect on her behalf since she and NL are intimate, but is
talked by the Empress into believing NL is just playing with her. The Empress
also assures him that she can get the Emperor to dismiss the debt with NL by
regarding it as a joke between brothers.
611 A eunuch reports to the CP and Empress about the size of the force NL has mobilized to find him. The
CP faints as his reputation is damaged and all his wealth is pillaged or destroyed.
612 The mobs, including BY, uncover the CP's hidden and disreputable properties - auction houses, brothels
and casinos - before destroying them.
613 The Empress tells the CP to get a hold of himself - as the son of the woman who had NL's mother
beaten to death, the CP shouldn't balk at facing NL. They arrive before the Emperor and recount the past
events. The Emperor already dislikes SL as NL's rejection of LYY has damaged his relationship with the Jade

Chapters 614-623 Engagement

614-615 The Emperor tells NL off for making such a mess and ruining the CP's reputation and businesses,
but NL asserts that debts must be repaid and the CP's pride is his own to protect. The CP then accuses SL of
causing the mess, and the Emperor tries to chase her out. NL jokes about taking the throne so SL can
wander around as much as she wants, angering the Emperor.
616-617 The Emperor accuses SL of being shameless, jumping from one son to
another. While NL retorts that it's him who one-sidedly issued an Imperial Edict for
marriage then shamelessly took it back. He offers to settle the CP's damaged
businesses by writing off 500 green crystals from the debt but demands the other
2,500 from his treasury. The Empress tells SL she wants to talk to her private.
618 In the other room, SL and the Empress assess each other, before the Empress
mentions that SZ wouldn't dare to challenge the Crown and that she should let it
go. SL projects spiritual energy into her voice to broadcast this, embarrassing her.
619 The Empress is angered and tells SL she can't rely on NL to protect her. SL ignores this as she was
planning on training her own strength anyway. The Empress then tells SL she can only be NL's concubine at
most, as the Emperor has already arranged for NL to marry LYY.
620 The Empress offers to destroy the engagement if SL rips the IOU, but SL knows she'd attempt to
destroy it regardless, fearing the alliance between NL and the Jade Lake. She threatens the Su Household
but SL is indifferent, before chucking a bowl at SL. SL bats it away, while NL sends it back towards the
621 The CP is angered, demanding that the Emperor intervene, while the Empress is in shock. The Emperor
knows he can't control NL, but asks why he attempted to kill the Empress. NL replies its retaliation for
attempting to harm his princess.
622 The Emperor is in shock since he didn't know NL had already decided to marry her and objects. While
SL has already decided to marry NL in her mind, but enjoys being chased and hasn't told him yet, so she
stays silent. The Emperor attempts to strike NL, but is stopped by SL, who states that NL is hers and she'll
protect him from harm.
623 NL is delighted and they engage in PDA. The Emperor objects due to their shamelessness and tells NL
to take her as a concubine instead. NL rejects saying he'll only have a wife and no concubines. SL thinks NL
is perfect for her while the emperor declares in that case NL can never take SL as a wife.

Chapters 624-635 Imperial Treasury

624-625 The Emperor declares NL can't marry SL since he's already been engaged to LYY. NL demands that
he break the engagement, while the Emperor rejects since it will damage the reputation of the Crown. NL
sneers that if he cared about the Crown, the useless CP wouldn't have lived so long. The CP defends
himself, bringing them back to the debt. Since the CP isn't wealthy enough, the Emperor, for the reputation
of the imperial family, agrees to use his treasury to settle the debt instead. NL leads SL there, telling the
Emperor the engagement with LYY was something he agreed to and he should be the one to sort it out.
626-627 NL tells SL not to let this opportunity go since there are many rare
treasures. SL takes out the little dragon, which catches the attention of the treasury
guard Nngng Y. The dragon tells SL there are many valuable items around. NY
has been ordered to remove SL by the Emperor so NL is free to marry LYY.
628-632 NY watches through a crystal, and sneers that only a Space element or
people who know how to enter can access the inner chambers, where all the real
treasures lie, while everyone who tries ends up injured. SL uses her space element
to enter the room and takes a dagger with the name Yn Hu. She can't use her
space magic to get out, but the dragon is able to bite through the room. SL also
takes a manual for the Wood Attribute and a ninth grade bomb. NY, who's watching
on, is furious as even he can't access the rooms SL went to and also failed to assassinate her.
633-634 NY estimates SL's items: 9th grade spirit bomb (1,000 green crystals), Wood Element Manual (800),
and NL appears, stating that the dagger is 700, with the three items satisfying the 2,500 debt. NL tells her
that he doesn't need his quota and that NY overstated the prices on purpose, while SL realizes he intended
for her to have the 9th grade bomb in order to protect herself.
635 The Emperor is angered that NY wasn't able to remove SL while she was in the treasury, while NY
speculates SL may have the Space Element. The emperor dismisses this as SZ would've broadcasted it if it
were true. He's somewhat regretful he has to kill SL, but LYX, the countrys linchpin, threatened to abandon
his position if the marriage with LYY doesn't take place, leaving them vulnerable to other countries. The
marriage between LYY and NL is announced to the public.

Chapters 636-652 Return of the Jade Lake's Fairy

636-637 SL's serving girl, Lu Luo, is worried LYY will steal NL from SL, but SL is indifferent - if NL is easily
stolen, he's not worth keeping. SL tells LL that the rumour Su Wan mentioned, where she pissed off the
Jade Lake's Fairy, is true but warns her not to find SZ since he's unreliable. SL then tells LL not to worry as
NL is only good to her, but since LYY is there, they'll go and see.
638-639 LYY arrives in town, the public comment on her beauty, and how
compatible she is with NL. The SL and SQ matter comes up, but they dismiss it as
only waste hoarders would choose SL over LYY. LL is indignant since NL clearly likes
SL. LYY emerges and is greeted by NL.
640-641 SL is angry, and will make NL pay if he strays. LYY is happy that NL came to
greet her and grabs his hand while gently calling him. NL smiles towards SL in the
crowd and bats LYY's hand away, whispering something which causes her to cry. As
he walks away, she hugs his back. When he pushes her away again, she hugs his
waist. The crowd is divided between being sympathetic and thinking how shameless
she is to hug a man in public. NL is indifferent towards this but hopes SL will appear.
642-643 Sensing NL is becoming sympathetic towards LYY, since they're both ignored by the people they
love, SL humours him and makes a dramatic appearance: 'Nangong Liuyun, you dare let her hold you? so
he happily throws LYY off again. The crowd stares, while NL distances himself from the embarrassed LYY, no
longer calling her Yao Yao but by her last name, declaring that his Princess is SL. SL and NL ride away on the
DSH, with SL asking NL how he made LYY cry. NL states he only used one word, but refuses to tell SL.
644-645 At the Su Manor, SZ is furious at SL's behaviour, telling her she's forbidden to marry NL. SL asks if
NL isn't good enough and mentions the benefits he'd reap if she became NL's consort. SZ replies that she
can't compare to LYY and she should settle for the position of his concubine, rather than enrage the
Emperor and Jade Lake. SL retorts if NL and LYY are a perfect couple, SL wouldn't be a concern for them.
646-648 SJY falls ill and can only be cured by an Advanced Apothecarist, but the Su family doesn't have to
right to invite him. SX attempts to tie SL up in order to appease the Jade Lake and request their aid, but is
repelled by the dragon and injured in the process. She screams at SL for ruining the family.
649-652 SL recognizes this as LYY's scheming. She makes her way to Apothecarist Leng's in the middle of
the night to confront him about giving the Flesh Regrowth Pills to the Liu siblings. AL states they were
randomly pulled in from the streets but feels guilty about using SL's formula to treat her enemies, and
offers to remove their hands again. SL mentions the Su Household's request for aid instead. AL is eager to
help since SL always repays what she owes. SL whispers something and AL heads towards the Su Manor.

Chapters 653-670 The Fall of the Su Family

653-654 SZ and Madam Su are tending a bedridden SJY and cursing SL, while SX is kneeling at AL's door.
When SZ despairs that AL would even ignore an Imperial Decree and that his son has a slim chance of
surviving, AL turns up at his door, stating SZ is lucky he has a good daughter and SZ assumes its SX. They
converse while talking about different daughters.
655 SZ introduces AL to his wife, but MS is puzzled AL would actually show up since
SX's presence was just for show. AL prepares SJY's medicine before leaving, telling
SZ to personally administer it. SZ leaves MS with SJY, when Li Yao Chi, LYY's uncle,
appears in the room.
656-657 In another residence, LYY, LAQ and LYX are plotting SL's demise, when a
servant tells them about AL's trip to the Su Manor. However, they can't harm AL
since he'll become LYY's fellow apprentice (Senior Brother) if she's accepted as the
disciple of the Master Apothecarist Rng Yn.
658-659 MS feeds SJY poison under LYC's orders. Both are working with the Jade Lake to pressure SL into
leaving NL. SZ is shocked SJY's condition has worsened, sending SX to fetch AL since he supposedly has a
favourable impression of her. SX is doubtful AL will respond since they've never met and shocked when he
immediately leaves with her.
660-661 AL informs SZ that SJY has been poisoned. SZ finds it hard to believe due to the short time frame
since the last diagnosis, angering AL. AL states that the poison can only be cured with CSW which LYC
happens to have.
662-663 SZ has SL dragged over and demands she apologize to the Jade Lake and beg them for the CSW. SL
is angered since she isn't even worth a vial of CSW in his eyes. She takes some from her space and gives it
to SZ. AL remarks her CSW is top quality, compared to LYC's low grade one, and SZ greedily questions SL
over it. She hints its from NL, and SZ is irritated at LYC since NL clearly values SL and wouldve brought a lot
of benefits. SL also notices the guilt in MS's eyes when she looks at SJY.
664-667 LYC appears again, this time with LYY, and seeing that MS is
unwilling, demands that she either feeds SJY a fatal poison or one that can be
treated. SZ catches MS in the act and summons AL when SJY's condition
worsens. AL states that given his weakened state, the poison is fatal and MS is
shocked since she had chosen the non-fatal one. SZ interrogates MS to find
that she acted under LYY's orders and the first few illnesses were faked. Since
he can't retaliate against the Jade Lake, he takes his anger out on her instead.
668 AL storms off, stating that the family is playing him and SZ sends SX to chase after him. Seeing MS lying
on the floor in pain, SL whispers to her that the last visit from LYY was her in disguise.
669-670 Explanation of latest scheme - SL repeatedly had SJY treated so MS would be backed into a corner
by the Jade Lake. While giving SJY an actual poison was suitable retribution for faking his illness in order to
send her off to the Jade Lake. Now the entire Su Family is neutralized. SZ and SX continue kneeling before
AL's compound. Inside AL is serving SL his treasured tea which can help her breakthrough to fifth ranked,
the minimum requirement to move from Elementary Apothecary to later stages.

Chapters 671-682 Return of Li Ao Qiong

671 AL examines SL's pills and is shocked since they're at Intermediate level. He mentions his master Rong
Yun, the continent's only Master Apothecarist, is recruiting an apprentice since AL wasn't talented enough
to inherit his legacy. LYY is an early favourite.
672 Unlike the Emperor, RY has the ability to mobilize forces even NL cant resist, so if LYY wanted to force
the marriage... LYY has a 90% probability of being accepted, while SL currently has none. But now she is
determined to fight for NL. AL agrees to teach her. SZ and SX are still kneeling outside.
673-675 LL tells SL that the public is gossiping about LYY forcing MS to poison
SJY. SL heads towards Jin Palace to confronts NL over his situation NLs
promotion was too rapid and his body is now unstable. He needs to enter
closed door cultivation to stabilize but is unwilling to leave SL defenceless. SL
reassures him LYC cant harm her for a year due to her bet with LAQ. She also
mentions that AL will recommend her to RY, who might be able to heal him.
676 NL cant protect her if hes sick so he grudgingly agrees to go after
chatting with the Jade Lake and the Emperor. If SL needs help, she can find
BY. NL stares at SL when she sleeps, lamenting he cant take her with him,
before leaving. SL spends two weeks training at the Southern Mountains.
677-678 SL is at the fifth rank bottle neck and about advance when LAQ arrives. SL is worried his disruption
will prevent her from advancing, when BY and Lan Xuan arrive. As they ask LAQ if he can risk offending their
respective families, SL falls, spitting out blood, and begins advancing. LAQ panics if SL is successful, shell
be harder to kill and will soon surpass LYY. While BY and LX are determined to protect her. LAQ believes NL
will return to LYY if SL dies, while BY and LX retort that is SL dies, the Jade Lake will be exterminated.
679 BY and LX fight with LAQ. Within this generation, LAQs strength is only
second to NL, theyd normally have no chance. However, using the techniques
from the hidden library SL gave them (417-420), theyre now on par. LYX also
arrives, disregarding the agreement. BY and LX remark on his shamelessness. LYX
states that the agreement concerns the Jade Lake and not outsiders. LX and BY
fear the consequences of failing to protect SL.
680 LYX sneers, approaching SL to finish her off, when Bichn Zhng Lo, BYs
third uncle, appears along with An Ye Ming. BZL warns LYX that if SL is harmed,
the Jade Lake will disappear from the continent. LYX ignores this but is cautious
since the Beichen family are merchants and their characters are slippery.
681 10 people in blue cloaks arrive to attack SL. AYM and LX can each block 2, but 6 are left to attack SL. At
the critical moment, the little dragon appears and fends them off, biting off the daggers. The dragon had
been sleeping after eating a lot of energy, but woke as SL was advancing, having reached sixth rank. The
robed men then form a circle, sending a giant fireball towards SL and the dragon. The dragon sends six
small fireballs towards it, as the men ridicule its intellect.
682 The small fireballs engulf the large one, before heading towards the six men. SL successfully advances.
LAQ notices this and sends a lightning attack towards her in the midst of his battle with BY, but its parried
away by SLs Dimensional Imprint. Angered, LAQ breaks a jade token, increasing his attack power, before
sending another lightning attack towards SL.

Chapters 683-693 Master Apothecarist Rong Yun

683 Seeing the token, SL remembers the one the little dragons father left, as well as the 9th grade spirit
bomb from the palace. She hesitates since last time it helped LAT advance, but throws the bomb at BYs
684-685 LAQ flees upon seeing the spirit bomb, but underestimates the magnitude of the explosion, while
BY shields SL from the blast and is injured in the process. SL feels guilty for ruining BYs pretty boy looks,
when they notice LAQ survived the blast and has been promoted from seventh to ninth ranked expert. LAQ
is now stronger than NL, and turns towards BY and SL.
686-687 SL and BY run as LAQ sends lightning balls after them. They split into different paths to dodge, but
the ball explodes. SL manages to avoid the blast but is injured in the process. LAQ chases her into the
forest, mentally gloating that his advancement was due to SL. Catching up to her, he offers her a dignified
send-off at the hands of a ninth ranked expert since the Jade Lake wouldnt allow a genius like her to
oppose them and live.
688 SL reluctantly takes out the jade token the dragon gave her, lamenting she can never finish learning the
Dimensional Imprint. She attempts to crush it but fails. LAQ strikes SL leaving her barely alive, when the
little dragon wails and bites LAQs leg.
689 As LAQ attempts to kill the dragon, SL warns him not to, telling him its actually a dragon. But LAQ
ignores her. Thinking of NL in her final moments, a group of people riding lizards fly down, headed by a
youthful man.
690 LAQ bows, identifying the man as the Master Apothecarist, Rong Yun. RY strikes LAQ, knocking him
over and creating dents in his body. He also showcases his control over space and continues attacking,
while LAQ is confused how he offended RY.
691-692 He states that killing SL is a matter for the Jade Lake and RY doesnt have
the right to interfere. RY retorts that if he had killed the little dragon, the whole
continent wouldve been overturned. LAQ attempts to sneak away when RY is
petting the little dragon. However, RY also has the space element and teleports
towards him, while the dragon darts towards LAQ, absorbing his spiritual energy.
RY looks on, telling him its to compensate for almost strangling the dragon and its
a better alternative than dying.
693 In puff of smoke, the dragon reverts to its original form. Its now seventh ranked, while LAQ has been
demoted to fourth. LAQ is shocked at seeing a dragon and is beaten up by it. RY smiles when the dragon
approaches him.

Chapters 694-701 Li Yao Xiangs Delicate Situation

694 BY remarks at SLs luck, to have the indifferent RY intervene. While SL knows that RY only acted for the
dragon. LYX arrives to see the miserable LAQ. RY berates them for almost starting a war with the dragons.
695 LYX tries to negotiate for RY to hand over SL since hes only interested in the dragon. The dragon,
sensing his animosity towards SL, attacks. LYX and the dragon are equal in strength (8th ranked martial artist
and 7th ranked beast). With his speed, the little dragon manages to bite the space between LYXs legs but
cant find anything. LYX tries to pull him off, ripping the fabric in his pants.
696 LYX attempts to cover the area with his hands, earning laughter from the crowd. He calls for SL to take
the dragon away, but she refuses, knowing LYX cant do anything to it. The dragon bites his finger when he
attempts to bat it away, and LYX forgets to cover himself in the pain. The crowd, especially BY, laugh as
they realize hes actually a eunuch.
697-698 LYX goes into a rage, since he and his wife had kept this a secret for several years. NLs stooges
comment on the dragon and try to pet it, but it shrinks back in SLs arms. They notice RY left after knowing
LYX wouldnt harm the dragon, and SL is glad he didnt take the dragon from her.
699 LAQ and LYX head back, while hiding their shame, but thanks to the
Beichen gossip machine, everyone between 3 and 80 knows that LYX has
nothing to hide and speculate over LAQs birth. The Jade Lake urges the
Emperor to send an Imperial decree but it has little effect.
700 BY continues spreading rumours surrounding the Jade Lake including
LAQs paternity, but it eventually gets buried by gossip of RYs arrival and
speculation over LYY as a potential disciple. SZ receives a letter from LYC to
have SL struck from the family records. He hesitates and decides to see how
the situation between LYY and RY plays out.
701 At the palace, LYY and the Emperor greet RY. When LYY pours tea for RY, the Emperor sees this as a
sign that RY has implicitly agreed to be her master, and doubts NLs boast that SLs potential will eclipse
LYYs in the future.

Chapters 702-711 Competition for Rong Yuns Disciple

702-703 RY has yet to decide and word spreads that RY is looking to accept an apprentice. AL speeds
towards the Su Manor to tell SL. Seeing AL, SZ greets him enthusiastically since SJY and MS require
treatment, sending for SX. But AL is angered with SXs presence as he came to see SL.
704-705 AL tells SZ off, while SZ and SX are angry at SL for not mentioning her relationship with AL. AL tells
SZ to send for SL and SZ that SL is skilled enough to contend with LYY. As AL briefs SL on RY, SZ angrily slaps
SX for misleading him since he cant touch SL due to ALs protection.
706 SX is shocked over being slapped and runs out feeling wronged. While SL rides off on the DSH that NL
had left with her. At the palace, RY is being served by LYY, while 7 other Apothecarist stand in front of him,
having their elixirs accessed. Seeing RY is unimpressed, the Emperor is even more certain of LYYs skills.
707 RY remarks that Dong Lings Apothecarists are even worse than
Western Jins. AL and SL arrive in the throne room. RY looks fondly at the
dragon in SLs arms while LYY retorts that the deadline for registering has
already closed. She cries when AL reprimands her, angering him more due
to her innocent act.
708 RY intervenes, telling off AL for his temper, hinting that hes tacitly
decided on LYY. LYC and the Emperor are happy, while AL, who already
dislikes LYY, continues to recommend SL. RY stares at the dragon before
agreeing, and LYY is bitter since although SLs refining skills are inferior, her
luck is unmatched.
709 Courtiers gossip on recent events involving SL. They and the Emperor feel that she cant compare to
LYY. The Emperor promised NL before he left that he wouldnt kill her, but is still determined to wed him to
LYY. RY scans SL and reveals that she is only a Primary Apothecarist. The crowd feels ALs recommendation
is an insult, while LYY is certain of her victory.
710 The crowd is about to congratulate LYY, when RY presents SL and LYY with a list of items and 10 days to
retrieve them. LYY angrily remarks on how SL mustve curried favour with AL for him to recommend a
Primary Apothecarist. SL remarks that shell win regardless and LYY is angered and cautious since shes lost
so many times to SL before.
711 The Emperor is shocked SL is a finalist, since even Intermediate and Advanced Apothecarists were
rejected, and decides to delay pursuing the marriage between LYY and NL until the RYs disciple is finalized.
At the Su Manor, SZ wonders how much SL is hiding from him.

Chapters 712-720 Gathering Crystals

712 Insulted SL directly went to her own yard without greeting him, SZ wants to talk this over with
someone, but most of his family is missing, dead or incapacitated. He realizes the fall of his family began
when SL woke up. In her own yard, SL finds RYs task is to collect one of each coloured crystal (7 total): Red,
Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple. SL has the first six due to the PCF but is missing a purple. She
asks BY for help, but they notice its impossible to make a return trip to his home within 10 days, but just
enough for the Jade Lake. Showing that despite the competition, RY has practically acknowledged LYY.
713 SL remarks RY is smart enough to see LYYs true nature but still decided to side with her. SL watches the
PCF for 10 days but it fails to produce a purple crystal. At the throne room, LAQ, LYY, LYC and LYX are
smirking since this round relies on connections and LYY is the Jade Lakes treasure, while SL is an
unfavoured daughter of a concubine and the Su Manor made no effort to search in the past few days.
714-715 SL is late and is waiting for the latest offering from the PCF. As RY is about to end the competition,
the dragon leaps from SLs side to swallow LYYs crystals. When the dragon returns to SL, LYX notices that
the blue and purple crystals are missing and yells at the dragon. But seeing RY comfort it, they can only
endure. However LYY is still bitter since the dragon had also prevented her from gaining the PCF.
716-717 When RY coaxes the crystals from the dragon, he can only retrieve the blue one and prevents LYX
from forcing the other from the dragon. He then offers the rest of LYYs crystals to the dragon which
happily eats it before returning to SL.
718 LYY asks about the results, and RY remarks that itll count as all 7. SL is worried since the PCF spat out a
red crystal, while BY still hasnt returned from his trip. However, the little dragon sneaks LYYs purple crystal
into her hand the one that everyone assumed he ate.

719-720 SL sneers that since LYY did everything to prevent her from obtaining a purple crystal, shell gladly
accept hers. Calmly presenting all 7, the audience is shocked that even a concubine born daughter can find
such a treasure. The Emperor is glad he hasnt set NLs marriage yet, while the Jade Lake accuses SL of
stealing LYYs crystal, with LYX insisting on having the dragon regurgitate as proof. RY blocks him, stating
that if they find it unfair, they were free to leave. RY cuddles the dragon, announcing the next event will
take place in 10 days.

Chapters 721-730 Cramming

721 SL sees a messy BY, telling him he missed a good show. He had used LX and AYM as decoys but was
obstructed from entering the palace on time. At the Su Manor, SZ is excited at the results and determined
to improve their father-daughter relationship, when he receives a letter stating that SL isnt his daughter.
722-724 Since SL can contend with LYY, he cant easily disown her, so SZ angrily
smashes things in his study instead. The three stooges arrive in SLs room with 3
bags of books before fleeing, leaving her speechless. They had gotten AL drunk
enough to let slip that the next hurdle was a theoretical exam, testing Apothecary
knowledge. The dragon comforts her with the purple crystal to place in her space,
making time pass 10 times slower. This gives her 100 days worth of time. She
laughs due to how much LYYs crystal had helped her. Despite the added time,
SLs foundation is too low to comprehend and she decides to memorize the
content instead.
725 At the palace, everyone is waiting but SL still hasnt arrived. AL is anxious, while the rest assume SL had
fled as her level was too low to contend with the Advanced level LYY. Hearing remarks from the Jade Lake,
AL mocks LYY since she couldnt win over her in the first round and is forcing SL to quit out of fear.
726-727 SL arrives, still sleeping, on a palanquin carried by the three stooges who are trying to wake her.
They had found her asleep amongst a pile of books. RY breaks the palanquin, waking SL. Confronted with
stares after waking, she hurries to greet the Emperor and RY (former reacts with disdain while the latter is
indifferent to her messy state). RY gives her 15 minutes to tidy up before they sit the exam. The questions
range from Primary to Advanced level.
728-729 LYY is confident SL will fail, while LAQ mocks her, before being beaten up by BY, having difficulties
adjusting to his own weakened state. SL looks confused, before remembering her spirit can enter her space
and access the books. LYY finds some of the questions difficult and is even more certain of SLs failure.
730 Finishing the exam, LYY finds RY looking at SL with interest, asking her if shes tired rushing around
(having recognized her cheating), which is different from his usual indifferent state. RY checks the exam
papers while the room is split into 3 SLs faction, LYYs and neutral. SLs faction has little confidence and
comfort her. The results are announced and both achieved full marks.

Chapters 731-738 Demonic Cave 1

731 Everyone reacts in shock that SL, known as a good-for-nothing, tied with LYY. Especially AL since the 3
stooges had raided his books to give to SL, and she had crammed them all in 10 days when it took him 10
years; as well as the 3 stooges themselves.
732 RY looks at LYY before announcing the next trial will take place in M or Demonic Cave (;
also M Gu). The Demonic Cave contains the ruins of an ancient civilization which requires
strength and a key to open. Used by large families to train, LYC has both keys and a detailed map. BY
comforts SL over RYs attitude, thinking SL is clearly better than LYY. However SL observes that RY is hard to
predict, since his actions didnt indicate a preference (didnt out SL for cheating but still treats LYY better).
733 AYM notes this test is also partial to LYY but SL feels differently. At
the Jade Lake, LYX gives LYY the map while she broods over tying with SL
someone she sees as clearly below her. LYX notes that of his brothers
3 children, LAT is missing, LAQ is now a waste and LYYs marriage is
obstructed by SL. LYY plans to reveal the murky origins of SLs birth and
have her fall from a concubine-born daughter of a general to a nobody.
734 Su Manor LYX drops by daily to pressure SZ into disowning SL, but he refuses since she could
potentially be RYs disciple. 10 days arrive and a crowd is waiting outside the Demonic Cave. RY informs SL
and LYY their quest is to find the Fire Source Stones ( or Hu Yun Sh) that have been marked with
his spiritual imprint and placed in the cave.
735 Hearing this, LYY is glad since she has memorized the map, while SL is also happy since she can rely on
the dragon. However LYY attempts to have the dragon banned from entering, causing RYs eyes to flash
coldly. SL notices he only appears content with LYY. SL remarks that the dragon is her spirit pet and would
be depressed when separated from her. RY allows her to bring it.
736 SL rushes in using her SDS, while LYY also charges in to prevent SL from following her. The Demonic
Cave contains demon soldiers 4th ranked and above and soldier kings 5th-6th ranked (Bng Wng ), led
by leaders 7th ranked and above. These soldiers are part of why the cave is so disreputable as long as one
soldier survives, the rest will respawn. SL makes her way in the dark to avoid alerting them, following LYY as
she uses her key to enter the temple. SL encounters demonic soldiers only for the dragon to eat them.
737-738 SL remarks on how the dragon can level up while eating, when it falls asleep. She places it in her
space, feeling vulnerable. SL runs into LYY and they declare their mutual hate for each other. LYY has
already found 2 FSS, while SL has none. LYY holds back from attacking as she has already trapped SL by
leading two demonic infantries towards SL, both led by 5th ranked Soldier Kings. They chase after SL.

Chapters 739-747 Demonic Cave 2

739 SL remembers BYs warning that demonic soldiers like to swarm, and that shes been leaving
footprints as LYY had led her to step into CSW, which attracts soldiers. SL sneers, since CSW is something
she doesnt lack, and leads the now 5 groups towards LYY as shes digging her third FSS. SL then throws a
basin of top grade CSW on LYY not only is the quality different, LYY is completely soaked.
740 The five soldier kings are 5th and 6th ranked, while LYY is 6th. Four of them
hold her while the smartest of the five proceeds to lick her. Panicked, LYY sends
out bursts of energy to repel them, however demonic soldiers only react on
instinct and their attraction to the CSW.
741-743 LYY continues to fend off the soldiers, as more gather towards her.
Too busy fighting for her life to hate SL, she tears off her CSW-soaked skirt and
runs. Approaching a door, she opens it, only to have another bucket of CSW
dumped on her. This causes the demonic soldiers to renew their interest in her,
and also attracted a 7th ranked demonic leader who tears her clothes off,
leaving only her undergarments. Out of rage and humiliation, she attacks,
causing the soldiers to chase after her again.
743 SL sneers since shes taken her revenge, and also since LYY is distracting all the soldiers for her. The
dragon wakes in her space but hasnt risen in rank, while she notices LYYs half-dug fire stone in the ground.
Using the dragon, she finds another, before following LYY into a maze.
744 The road breaks into 6 paths, and SL continually selects the middle ones as the dragon cant seem to
sense anything. She runs into LYY, whos currently digging a FSS, and notices that she currently has a dress
on, despite having been stripped. SL also mentions LYY trapping NL in the Union Room.
745 LYY remembers the various retorts NL made to push her away, but still refuses to let him go. LYY sends
fire vines towards SL, nullifying her fire attacks. Having not trained her wood element, she can only rely on
her Dimensional Imprint. However LYY is able to tie SL up in the vines, remarking that shes unworthy of NL.
746-747 As LYY thinks of hacking SL to death, SL remembers the Yan Hua dagger (from the Imperial
Treasury chapter 630ish) and slices the vines apart like tofu. LYY pulls out her own sword and attacks, but
SL blocks with her Dimensional Imprint. LYY continues to gathering her energy and attacking, resolving to
send SL to her death. LYY then sends a black object towards SLs head. SL releases the dragon, who shreds it
into powder and flies towards LYY.

Chapters 748-755 Demonic Cave 3

748-749 LYY is sent towards a wall, coughing up blood. SL places her dagger against her throat. LYY warns
her of LYCs retaliation, but both know LYC will kill SL regardless. Angered, LYY throws a Spirit Bomb
towards SL and flees to a safe distance. SL thinks of the irony, having used them on the Jade Lake twice,
before being engulfed in the explosion. LYY leaves the cave with her 3 FSS since her competitor died.
However SL was saved as her fire stone (hidden library) had absorbed the impact, though injured by the
falling debris. SL notes that LYY used a 9th grade Spirit Bomb despite knowing that the dragon was with her.
750 SL laments how when she uses a Spirit Bomb, her opponents level up, whereas she almost died when
one is used on her. Outside the Demonic Cave, RY, the Emperor and LYX are waiting for them. LYX had
given LYY the Spirit Bomb and fears SL may end up levelling up instead of dying.
751-752 LYY arrives wearing a veil, with the 3 stooges feeling uneasy. BY
mentions that LYY simply arrived first, while LYY retorts not everyone can
emerge. BY threatens LYY, only letting go when RY intervenes. LYY mocks BY
over whether hes concerned over SL because of NL or his own feelings. Since
SL is dead, she laments not being able to see it play out. LYY then gleefully
informs him of SLs demise, earning a slap.
753 BY races to the Demonic Cave and RY questions LYY. LYY tearfully recalls
how SL had offended the demonic leader while trying to steal LYYs FSS and
was incinerated by his attack. The two remaining stooges voice their disbelief,
causing LYY to swear on her life that what she recounted was true.
754 Based on LYYs calculating nature, this can only mean at the very least, SL is dead. AYM and LX think
fearfully of NLs retribution. RYs eyes also flash coldly. The public is sympathetic, recounting SLs meteoric
rise, and sudden death. LYY offers her FSS to RY, who delays accepting until the deadline in 5 days. LYY is
angered RY seems to favour SL more and concerned he seems to know her plots against SL.
755 Reassured by LYX, LYY also cheers up LAQ, promising to have RY help recover. LAQ laments not seeing
SLs death himself and remembers to chase after the matter with SZ. In the Su Manor, SZ is shocked over
SLs death. Thinking of the state of his family, his anger is directed at SL and is determined to disown her.

Chapters 756-767 Demonic Cave 4

756-757 The emperor feels conflicted. Despite not liking SL, he knew how much NL valued her and wants to
offer words of comfort to SZ. Instead SZ reveals that SL wasnt his daughter and has LRH confirm this. The
Emperor asks for the wet nurse and her husband, only for LRH to disclose that they went missing after she
told NL. Showing that NL had already known and didnt care about SLs paternity. The Emperor feels
anxious over NLs reaction to SLs death, but comforts himself as NL is free to marry LYY. SZ heads home,
publically removing SLs name from the genealogy records. However, the public is sympathetic towards SL,
and criticize SZs opportunistic nature. LYY is also furious over speculation of her involvement in SLs death.
758 At the palace, LYY presents her FSS to RY. As hes about to declare her victory, a voice tells them to
wait. During this time, SLs quick thinking had allowed her to protect herself from fatal injuries, but was
buried in rubble. Climbing out, she was then lost in the maze until she ran into BY.
759-760 BY hugs SL out of relief, informing her LYY had spread rumours of her death. SL retorts LYY does
believe SL is dead. SL then recounts LYYs experience with the CSW and demonic soldiers, before telling BY
how LYY had thrown a 9th grade Spirit Bomb at her. BY notes that shes failed to advance despite surviving.
They wander through the maze while looking for FSS, when a rock falls on them, trapping them in a room.
761-762 Both SLs Yan Hua dagger and dragon fail to break them out, and BY reminds her that if she misses
the deadline, LYY will automatically win. SL hears a voice calling out Fool, but only she can hear it. There is
a child trapped in the fire stone she had gotten from the hidden library. It had reacted to NLs strong
presence, but since the stone has absorbed her blood, it has no choice but to recognize her as its master.
763 The fire brat then tells SL to create an opening using her space
magic. SL then states that she will take BY out, offering him food
and water from her space, before informing him she is a Space
mage. BY is shocked at her gifts and luck. SL and BY then train, with
SL receiving instructions from the fire brat on overlapping and
combining strips of space.
764 Due to her space, SL trained to the equivalent of 50 days,
determined to make a dramatic entrance at the most critical time.
SL regards BY as a brother, and offers him as much CSW as he
wants, while BY is also determined to do his best to protect her.
765-767 Back to the wait (chapter 758) the person who said it is not Su Luo, but Yn Xi Fairy, a woman
who looks around 20 with a reputation for being ruthless and raising killers. YX greets RY, with bystanders
commenting on her unrequited love for him. She tells LYY to give up her position as RYs disciple, which she
refuses. YX then reminds RY of his promise to her.

Chapters 768-778 Allocating Disciples

768 RY had once slain YXs disciple and promised his own in return, so YX wants LYY. RY
consents but LYY and LYX continue to protest. RY dismisses them while they cant
oppose YX.
769-770 LYY is shocked over how easily RY handed her over to YX, wondering if he had
calculated this. Meanwhile SL and BY start heading back. SL tells BY to hold on to her
while she breaks them out, and he blushes. They make their way with little obstruction.
During this time BY had trained from the start of 7th ranked to the peak, and is now
stronger than LX and AYM. SL remembers she hasnt been able to get more FSS from
the Demonic Cave, but the entrance is now sealed.
771 One by one, people notice SL and stare. SL then mocks LYY before revealing she was at the receiving
end of a 9th grade spirit bomb, confirming LYYs involvement in her disappearance. LYY asks how many FSS
she has, which she replies 2.
772 LYY was relying on SL winning so she can be given to YX. YX feels uneasy since RY appears to be keeping
his distance from SL. RY refuses YXs request for both SL and LYY, and to trade LYY for SL.
773-774 YX tears off LYYs veil when she continues to protest, showing off the scratch marks the dragon
had made on her face. The crowd remarks on how unfortunate it is, since the scars are deep and hard to
heal. RY tells YX to take care of her disciple, throwing YX an elixir for the scars. LYY has no choice but to
follow her. RY then distances himself from LYY, telling her YX is her master now. As LYY prepares to leave,
AYM reminds her of her vow if her tale of SLs death is false, she would commit suicide.
775 LYY pales, causing YX to look down on her. YX slaps LYY, thinking that RY has bad judgement and how
shed discard LYY if she hadnt just stolen her. She then intervenes, so SL generously lets LYY off, knowing
that her actions would infuriate YX and that shed take it out on LYY. RY intervenes when LYY challenges SL,
stating that while its unfortunate, both of them were at similar levels. SL then bows to be received as a
disciple. RY informs her that her senior brother (AL) will receive her in 3 days, before fleeing.
777 SZ is in the crowd with a dark face. NLs allies proceed to mock him, while the crowd notes that SLs
status is now higher than his. BY trips SZ but no one assists him up. The emperor is secretly glad he didnt
push the marriage with LYY or hed be worse off than SZ.
778 SL tells SZ she knew they werent related and wouldve separated from him herself if he hadnt saved
her the effort. SL reveals to the 3 stooges that shes concerned over LL but NL had asked them to take care
of it. The next day SL visits AL and he hurries her since RY lives in Misty Cloud Peak ( Yn W Fng),
which takes 3 days. She speeds off on the DSH.
Su Family Status
SZ Su Zian (SLs father; laughing stock for disowning SL)
MS Madam Su (SZs main wife; bedridden)
SJY Su Jingyu (Oldest brother; bedridden)
SQ Su Qing (2nd sister; missing an arm and missing in general)
SW Su Wan (3rd sister; raped, killed and fed to beasts)
SX Su Xi (5th sister; ran away from home)

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