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rescind (pg no. 736): cancel

(Tag: ) rescind reminds us of "resign".where resign is to cancel ur appointment rescind
is to cancel anything
resentment (Pg no. 737):-:: indignation; bitterness; displeasure
(Tag: English+hindi) resentment : feeling of anger or indignation Now in movie when
miscreant[villeins] hero ka ghar conflagration [jala dete hai] tab hero senti hota hai
correct aur wo resentment [anger ]se kaheta hai kutte mera tera khun pi jauyga
(Tag: ) re+SENTMENT you feel BITTER,DISPLEASURE when you see the sentiment

Reserve( Pg no. 737)::: self-control; formal but distant manner

Residue(Pg no. 737):-: remainder; balance
resignation Pgno.738:-patient submissiveness; statement that one is quitting a job
resilient Pg no. 738:-: elastic; having the power of springing back
resolution : Pg no. 738: determination
resolve : Pg no. 738: determination; firmness of purpose
resonant Pg no. 738:- echoing; resounding; deep and full in sound
(Tag: ) resonance--> well known coaching institute...per batch 100-200 students ..and all
making lots of noise(mastikhor hai sab ke sab) hence ..full of sound
respiration Pg no. 739:: breathing; exhalation

respite Pg no. 739:: interval of relief; time for rest; delay in punishment
(Tag: ) we generally have sprite when we feel like taking break for a moment....
resplendent : Page Number 740: dazzling; glorious; brilliant
(Tag: ) resplendent sounds very similar to "splendid".
responsiveness Page Number 740:: state of reacting readily to appeals, orders, etc.
restitution Page Number 740:: reparation; indemnification
(Tag: english) restitution....we can think of "rest". we take rest when we feel tired.i.e
when energy is "rest" is a "compensation" for an energy loss.
(Tag: english) restitution: REST+INSTITUTION, when an institution rests, it means that it
will not work any further,so if a institute rest for life time means its closes and it has to
pay heavy compensation to its investors.

restive Page Number 740:: restlessly impatient; obstinately resisting control

(Tag: ) Restive is actually restless. Like factitious is actually factless :)
(Tag: telugu) restive.. rest ivvu rest ivvu a person is repeatedly saying.. restivvu restivvu..
so tht means hes restless..
restraint Page Number 740 :: moderation or self-control; controlling force; restriction

resumption : Page Number 741: taking up again; recommencement

(Tag: ) it can be linked from resume - which means starting again
(Tag: ) re+SUM+ption so re-sum is something you consider everything again TAKING
resurge : Page Number 741: rise again; flow to and fro
(Tag: ) re+SURGE surgery is to make oneself RISE AGAIN from inactive start to active
state or REVIVE.
resuscitate Page Number 741:: revive
(Tag: ) it can be re+suicide+ate so after suicide he resuscitate for eating
(Tag: ) RECESS+ATE---in RECESS I ATE something and due to only that I got proper
retain Page Number 741:: keep; employ
retaliation :: repayment in kind (usually for bad treatment)

retentive Page Number 742:: holding; having a good memory

(Tag: ) Retentive=Re + attentive=one who is attentive has a good memory
reticent : Page Number 742: reserved; uncommunicative; inclined to silence
retinue : Page Number 742: following; attendants
(Tag: rhyme) sounds like routine what u FOLLOW (daily) is routine(oops retinue)
Return and continue

retiring Page Number 743:modest; shy

(Tag: ) Retire means to avoid attention.
When sports people retire, they lose attention of the media. Though Sachin is
a retiring person, he is diplomatic about his retirement.

retort Page Number 743:: quick, sharp reply

retract Page Number 743::: withdraw; take back

(Tag: ) retract->RE TRACK IT,meaning to take back

retrench Page Number 743:: cut down; economize

(Tag: ) Consider the word in bracket only: re(trench) .. relate trench with bench.
Tag: IT companies are removing all the employees on BENCH to CUT DOWN
OR ECONOMIZE the cost to company

retribution Page Number 743:: vengeance; compensation; punishment for offenses

(Tag: Hindi) RATRI(night)+ABUSE--he abused me in night and got beating from me in
morning, he got RETRIBUTION.
(Tag: ) retribution,concentrate on 'tribute'.he did not pay a tribute to the dying soldiers,he


retrieve : Page Number 744: recover; find and bring in

retroactive Page Number 744:: taking effect before its enactment (as a law) or imposition
(as a tax)
(Tag: ) Retro refers to "past" as in retrospect, retrofit etc.,
Retroactive means: "Active in the past" i.e., applicable to the past.

retrograde Page Number 744 :: go backwards; degenerate

(Tag: ) Prefix Retro:Behind,Backward...retro+grade is like degrade..
(Tag: ) (retro)grade Consider the word in bracket only: Retro relates to metro. Tag: The
plan to have METRO rail link in Mumbai has taken a BACKSEAT(degenerated or go
retrospective Page Number 744:: looking back on the past
(Tag: Eng) Prefix Retro:Behind,past...-spect..just adding "in" to becomes
inspect....thus inspecting our past,looking towards our past.
revelry Page Number 744:: boisterous merrymaking
(Tag: ) Sounds like "jewelry". You buy jewelry when you are in revelry.
reverberate Page Number 745:: echo; resound
(Tag: eng) re+vibrate(echo) again and again
reverent : Page Number 745:: respect; worshipful

reverie Page Number 745::: daydream; musing

(Tag: ) Re(ver)ie Consider the word in bracket only. ver can be sounded as var (husband
in hindi if i am right). So just make a sentence with some gal DAY DREAMING about
having a good looking VAR some day !!
(Tag: ) (rever)ie, rever sounds like river. if you think of sitting with a girl on a river bank
you are daydreaming.
revert : Page Number 745:: relapse; backslide; turn back to

revile : Page Number 746: attack with abusive language; vilify

(Tag: English) cocentrate on evil- doing evil like slandering
(Tag: ) vile- disgusting, unpleasent; re+ vile - to attack back(re) with unpleasent
revoke : Page Number 746: cancel; retract

revulsion :: Page Number 746 sudden violent change of feeling; negative reaction
(Tag: ) repulsion = revulsion
rhapsodize Page Number 746 :: to speak or write in an exaggeratedly enthusiastic
(Tag: English) when a lecture asks to explain about rape episode he can explain or write
in exaggeration with enthusiasm
rhetoric : Page Number 747: art of effective communication; insincere or grandiloquent
(Tag: ) rhetoric = "right oral" skills. If you have the right oral skills, you can
communicate well.
ribald Page Number 747:: wanton; profane
(Tag: ) riducule "bald" people
riddle Page Number 747:: pierce with holes; *permeate or spread throughout*
(Tag: ) if we remember harry potter and chamber of secrets... harry destroys the tom
RIDDLE's diary by PIERCING it.
(Tag: ) A riddle keeps riddling our mind until we know the answer.

rider Page Number 747:: amendment or clause added to a legislative bill

(Tag: ) If a bill has a lot of loop-holes, it must be either removed or it needs another
"rider" to go forward.
rife : Page Number 748: abundant; current
(Tag: ) rife is like wife...which is common one
(Tag: English) rife==> rifle which has abundant bullets

rift Page Number 748:: opening; break

(Tag: English) rhyme is drift(a sound force which drives something along)..a drifted
water caused many breaks in the wall.
rig Page Number 748:: fix or manipulate
(Tag: ) like rigid = fixed so rig = fix
rigid : Page Number 749: stiff and unyielding; strict; hard and unbending

rigor : Page Number 749: severity

(Tag: English) rigor can be opposite of vigor(which is physically enthusiastic).
rile Page Number 749:: vex; irritate; muddy
(Tag: ) rile(rail)...we all travel by railways imagine ur on a trip to kodai kanal in train n u
fin ur co passenger whos all da time ANNOYING u.....
riveting Page Number 750:: absorbing; engrossing
(Tag: English) river should come to your mind,which is water,it can be absorbed.
ReWetting you thoroughly
rivulet Page Number 750:: small stream
(Tag: ) river + outlet
robust : Page Number 750: vigorous; strong

rococo Page Number 750:: ornate; highly decorated

(Tag: ) ro(w)+coco- u arrange and decorate coconuts in a row
roil : Page Number 750: to make liquids murky by stirring up sediment; to disturb
roil and rile are similar to rail

roseate : Page Number 751: rosy; optimistic

(Tag: English) roseate=rose+ate obviously rose is bright and also it is cheerful
roster : Page Number 751: list
(Tag: ) It's a mix of:
ro(ll) + (li)st + (regist)er
rostrum Page Number 752 :: platform for speech-making; pulpit
(Tag: ) one who drinks rum (with roast) will need give speech and hence needs a
platform :
they threw rosted undaaaa on to the dias when princi was giving speech.

rote : Page Number 752: repetition

(Tag: ) ROT = read over thoroughly.
he wrote all sentences repetitively and jumbled them while answering exams

rotunda :: circular building or hall covered with a dome

they threw rotten undaaaa on to the dias when princi was giving speech.

rotundity Page Number 752:: roundness; sonorousness of speech

(Tag: ) rotund = round
rousing Page Number 753:: lively; stirring

rout : Page Number 753: stampede; drive out

(Tag: ) All batsmen are out. Team faces "rout".
All rowdies were rout (tokki tokki unchaaru vallani and chivariki tarimaaru) and shown
route to death.
rubble Page Number 753:: fragments
(Tag: ) If you rub a rickety wall, you will see rubble.
rubric : Page Number 753: title or heading (in read print); directions for religious
ceremony; protocol
(Tag: ) Rubric means Instructional books/cassettes on how to perform "pooja/religious
ceremony". Example - For Ganesh Puja there are lots of such cassettes available in
The temples and pandals were made of brics decodared with rubies arranged as
textual religious headings
ruddy :: Page Number 753 reddish; healthy-looking
(Tag: ) ruddy = reddy (no, not the Telugu caste :) )
rudimentary : Page Number 754: not developed; elementary; crude

rue Page Number 754:: regret; lament; mourn

(Tag: ) rue sounds similar to ruin...when yu ruin yr life yu LAMENT and REGRET
about it
(Tag: ) sounds like ro(weep) mourn

ruffian Page Number 754 :: bully; scoundrel; a brutal, violent, lawless person; tough or
(Tag: ) Sounds like "rough"-ian. i.e., like a rowdy.
ruminate : Page Number 755: chew over and over (mentally or, like cows, physically);
mull over; *ponder*
(Tag: English) if in ROOMS of hostel there is interNET, we will start to think(mull over)
(Tag: ) split it as i ate rum and kept PONDERING and BROODING
about it
Room In lo aitey RUM kodutoo alochistoo tinachu
rummage Page Number 755:: ransack; thoroughly search
(Tag: ) rum+mage.......after driniking RUM....ramiz ransaked the maize field

runic :: Page Number 755 mysterious; set down in a ancient alphabet

(Tag: ) "rune" means old alphabet. "prune" means cut off.
Rune letters are pruned from alphabet.
Rooney wore a tshirt which had some ancient mysterious symbols
ruse : Page Number 755: trick; stratagem
(Tag: ) His ruse made the opponents lose the match.
Reused resources cleverly

rustic : Page Number 756: pertaining to country people; uncouth

(Tag: ) Think of RUST, which reminds us of something which is old or has worn out,
hence country people are old fashioned, rural or slightly backwards
rusticate Page Number 756:: banish to the country; dwell in the country
lead a rustic life.
ruthless : Page Number 756: pitiless; cruel

saboteur Page Number 756:: one who commits sabotage; destroyer of property
(Tag: ) Or can b taken as sab-tod(hindi)one who destoys things,,property
(Tag: ) sab(in hindi we all)+teur..sounds like tear...during the gujrat riots when people
were destroying property..people who were eying on tv sets .un.SAB ki aakho me tears
aa gaye.

saccharine Pg no. 757 :: cloyingly sweet

(Tag: ) sounds like shakkar which in hindi means sugar.sugar is obviously very sweet
sacrilegious Pg no. 757:: desecrating; profane
(Tag: ) sacrilegious can be split as SAC(k)+RILEGIOUS(religious) one who
sacks religious beliefs will commit PROFANE acts
(Tag: ) one who does not sacrifies for religious things is sacrilegious. (Tag: ) Concentrate
on first half part of the word- Sacri,,treat it as sacrifice..Nw sacrilegious means one who
shows lack of respect to GOD,,so he wud neva sacrifice for GOD.
sacrosanct : Pg no. 757: most sacred; inviolable
(Tag: ) in hindi 'sacro'means 'hundreds'and 'sant'means'hermit'.that is,the place, where
hundreds of hermits are,will only be holy.

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