Feedback To Learner: No Specific Page Number Given in Initial Post

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The three steps to improve process are connecting the

legislative and initiative processes, increasing disclosure of
initiative and funders, and reengaging citizens in the
initiative funders, and reengaging citizens in the
initiative process. Some of the problem and suggested
remedies mentioned in California Politics book box 3.1 are
that there are too many initiatives. A remedy would be to
require the legislature to vote on proposed laws first.
Another problem mentioned in the book is that it is easier for
paid circulatory to collect enough valid signatures than it is
for volunteer-based groups, virtually anyone can qualify an
initiative by paying a professional signature-gathering firm
$2-$3 million or more. While the remedy would be to extend
the signature-gathering period well past the current 150 days
so that smaller groups have more time to spread their
messages and volunteers throughout the state, or ban paid
signature. Some of the remedies are mostly impossible to be
done people won't approve of them or won't want to follow.
For example people extending the signaturegathering period past the 150 days. Most people would not
approve working voluntarily
Feedback to Learner
No specific page number given in initial post

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