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The whole unit we will be working from the Food Security

Worksheets and activities that are referred to on the Powerpoint
can be found on the S drive in the lesson folders.
Begin the Food Security PowerPoint
Provide a definition of Food Security and what it means to be food

Causes of

Food for Thought (Worksheet on S drive)

Can the world produce enough food to feed everyone?
Select those that are relevant and cut and paste them in order onto a
new blank sheet of paper. Put them in a logical order to write a
paragraph to answer the question.
(The left over facts can be stuck randomly on next blank pages in there
book to re visit as the unit continues.)
Mind Map- Causes of FOOD INSECURUITY?
Continue with the Food Security PowerPoint to enhance the points
and issues raised in discussion Create a mind map using the design in
the PowerPoint.
Based on class discussion and powerpoint create a mind map on the
white board (you may only get through 2 this lesson)

Students will end up with a whole page mind map in their

workbooks with key points about each issue.

Pairs question on Poverty- Discuss with a partner What can

be done to address poverty?

Causes of

(continued) Mind Map- Causes of FOOD INSECURITY?

Continue discussing slides from the powerpoint to fill in Mind
Water and the Environment: follow slides: (have a 1 litre drink bottle
as a reference for water footprint slide )
Gender Equity Slide task:
Disaster and Conflict Slide
Individual Task: pick a recent event of disaster or conflict (write some
examples on the whiteboard : earthquake in Nepal , refugee camps in
Lesbos) and answer the questions on powerpoint slide.

Homework : Articles to support investigation of current disasters

linked in V drive in Humanities folder
Answers due next class

Causes of

Review Urbanisation and population slide
Introduce Fair Trade Concept
Read through Trade slides : prompting students to answer
questions on the slides.
Task Slide : Allow time for in class written work on worksheet.
Tick boxes on short geo- grid and write responses to questions
on the power point.
Bring in Fair Trade choc bars to enjoy while they started their
Written tasks to be completed by next class
1. Disaster and Conflict task
2. Trade questions

Quick quiz

Quiz:See ppt on S drive

Intro to

1. Quiz consists of 6 questions on Trade for students to

complete as soon as class begins.

t Planning

Introduce and case studies that will be used in the assessment:

-Give printed copies of the case studies: Thai fish farming and
PNG sweet potato farming: Read for Homework if not enough
class time

Assessment Introduction and Planning time

5 minutes: Confirm all students have copy of case studies by
having them pulled out of their folders on their desks. (Students
who do not have a copy will have class time to print one later)

5 minutes: Hand out 2 documents that correlate with the

assessment task: 1) Food Security Case Study Task Sheet 2)
Food Security planning document
Let students know that case studies and copies of the task
associated documents will be found on the v drive.
5 7 minutes: Students will read documents to themselves and
make notes on possible queries
*While students are reading the assignment details, Teacher will
write on the white board Part A Part B... and so on. The Goal
is that there is a space dedicated on the white board for each
section of each task on the planning document. Later... These will
be used to work through the students questions regarding the
planning document using the spaces allocated on the whiteboard
so that they are clear on the requirements for each section.*
15 minutes: Read through each section of the document and
answer Student question and/or concerns... write tips or
clarifications possible on the spaces allocated on the board.
20 minutes: Allow students class time to work on planning

Other Information:
Students know the due date for the assessment. (22 May 2016)
The next class will be spent working on this and prep sessions
will be used for assessment task.

We have included the planning document as part of the rubric.


5 or 10 minutes of questions
Class time spent on assessment planning document

When students are finished, they can work on final report

Hunger Games
Give out World Map

1. On the World map annotate with 3 colours to determine each

countries Nourishment Requirements ( based on students previous

Under Nourished
Over Nourished


Then using the world map, compare this to your own map.
Then answer questions on PowerPoint ...finish for Homework

The Food Index

As a class log onto the food Index. Visit this site that looks at global
food levels in 125 countries across the world, to determine whether a
country has food security.
(you will need to study the link as one class on the Data Projector as
you will need internet access).
Explore the interactive snapshot of 125 countries showing the best and
worst places in the world to eat, and the challenges people face getting
enough of the right food. Create discussion with the class.
Homework Finish Map and questions and complete unfinished

How are
biomes used
for food

Food wastage

1) You Tube Clip Student to take notes on actions that could

reduce waste in society:
Agree or Disagree
Students to line up on a continuum across the classroom (with
agree on left and disagree on right) in response to statement,
The Howqua Community does its best to ensure food wastage is
- Discuss students reasons for standing where they chose to.
Write a paragraph in book responding to above statement.
2 ) Which Biomes are able to produce food :

Study the Balance for Land Used for Agriculture map.

Answer questions on powerpoint. (Students use computers and Map in
V Drive)


Major Challenges to Food Production

There are 2 major challenges to food production :
Climate Change and Competing for land use
1) Climate Change
Handout the Faces of Climate Change Worksheet.
Students are to work in small groups. They will watch one clip and
answer the questions in their books. They will need to present back to
the class.
The videos can be access on the V drive in the folder Faces of Climate
After all the groups have presented their report, individual students
need to write a summary paragraph to the statement: Climate change
is impacting on farming practices across the world.
Finish for homework

2) Competing for land use

Introducing Land Grabs

Additional Resource: Coldplay/Oxfam Music Video on Land Grabs

Read through the slides on Land Grabs completing the

questions on the slides.

Watch these videos to find out more:

1) - animation on Land Grabs
2) - does your sugar come from
land grabs

Reflect on Films and answer questions on Powerpoint.

Where does land Grabs occur?

Copy the Pie Chart into books and answer questions

Then complete the Land grabs worksheet (on S Drive)

Land Grabs in Asia- requires students to answer questions

(watch the clip on how to create a choropleth map
Land grabs around the globe- requires students to complete a
Choropleth Map. ( provide students with blank world map)
Teacher notes on Choropleth Maps
A choropleth map is a map drawn to display statistical data
spatially (see this YouTube video to help explain the skill.
It requires one colour to be used in a range of no more than
six shades depending on the categories determined for the
key. Use the table Distribution of land grabbed for agricultural
production in Africa (On Worksheet) and group the area
grabbed into no more than six distinct categories.
Help the students to create these categories of data to map
there should be no more than six categories/colours. The
lightest shade is applied to low values and the darkest shade
to high values.
A Legend should be placed within the borders of the world
map. Students then need to colour each country according to
the key. This is an excellent technique for showing distribution,
density and scale of land grabs. Dont forget that the map
should be completed with BOLTSS Border, Orientation,
Legend , Title, Scale, and Source of data mapped.


and Trade /

The ways that places and people are interconnected with other
places through trade in goods and services, at all scales.
Introduce the theme of the lesson by using a YouTube clip on
food transport

Open Hyperlink for clip
o Handout Food Miles activity sheet from S Drive
o Food miles
o Using 12 products from the Kitchen students are to
identify where all the ingredients for those products
came from.
o In pairs students are to circulate around the room to
each of the food stations and investigate the origins
of each product
o Then using the Atlases students are to calculate
how far each product has travelled to come from the
paddock to the plate

In the last 15 minutes of the lesson each pair is to present their

findings about one food item to the class.

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