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Science Lesson Plans incorporating STEM Thinking

Year: 7
Unit theme: Classification of Aqueous Mixtures,
Separation Techniques

Year 7 Flocculation Agents

An Investigation
Pearson text book page 156.
Read through Activity 1 Flocculation.
This is an activity with a list of instructions. In groups you will perform this activity as an
In your science notebook write this up as a science report.
Write the Heading
Write the Purpose.
To compare different chemicals as flocculating agents.
Construct an Hypothesis from this purpose.
Clues: Identify two variables hidden in this purpose.
now convert them into something that you can OBSERVE or MEASURE whilst
CONDUCTING the experiment.
name the independent variable
name the dependent variable
name three variables that you will control
For each variable state why it should be controlled
For the procedure draw a flow chart of steps to perform.
Glue in the Results Table and complete it with your observations.


Analysing the Data

Rank the flocculants from the most effective to the least effective.
Do any appear to be about the same effectiveness?
Plot a graph of these data. Before you do so, think about these two questions.
What sort of data do you have?
What type of graph will you draw?
4. Make some suggestions as to how we could measure the clarity, or turbidity of the water
after adding the flocculating agents.
5. Suggest how you could remove all of the flocs in the water.
6. Explain why this method of separation would work.
7. If there is enough time you could perform this test.
8. Consider the safety of the flocculation agents. Are they suitable for humans to drink?
9. Answer the Discussion Questions in the text, for the investigation "Flocculation".
Evaluating the Experiment Design
1. Discuss how you made accurate measurements. (Hint: think about the variables that you
2. Discuss how you collected reliable data. (Hint: think about how you controlled the variables.)
3. Discuss how you could improve the accuracy and reliability of this investigation.

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