Interchange 3 Teacher Book

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Contents Introduction Plan of Book 3 iv ‘The new edition viit Student’s Book overview * ‘Teacher's Edition overview xiv Course components 2 Frequently asked questions xvi Authors’ acknowledgments avili Classroom language xix ‘Teaching Notes 1 That's what friends are for! 72 2 Career moves 78 Progress check Tid 3 Could you do me a favor? TI6 4 What a story! 722 Progress check 728 5 Crossing cultures 730 6 What's wrong with it? 136 Progress check Ta 7 The world we live in T44 8 Lifelong learning Progress check 6 9 At your service P58 10 The past and the future 164 Progress check T70 11 Life's little lessons T2 12 The right stuff TB Progress check T84 13 That's a possibility. 786 14 Behind the scenes T92 Progress check T98 15 There should be a law! 100 16 Challenges and accomplishments 7106 Progress check Tug Interchange activities rua Self-study, audio scripts, and answer key P32 Additional Resources Games TU3 Fresh ideas 7149 Photocopiables P55 Language summaries 7116 Oral quizzes 7192 Written quizzes, audio scripts, and answer key 7198 Class audio scripts 7224 Workbook answer key 7238 Appendix 1.254 Acknowledgments T255 Plan of Book Titles/Topics That's what friends are for! Personality types and qualitiess relationships; turn ons and turn offs (US J Speaking ‘Deseribing personalities, expressing likes and dislike ‘agreeing and disagreeing; complaining Grammar ive pronouns as subjects and objects; clauses with if + adverbial clauses with when Career moves ‘Talking about unusual careers; “Gerund phrases as subjects and Jobs; unusual careers; job skills; describing jobs; discussing the pros objects; comparisons with adjectives, ‘summer jobs ‘and cons of jobs Gerbs, nouns, and past participles PROGRESS CHECK PAGES 1415 “Making unusual requostay making Requests with moda, ‘felauses, indirect requests; accepting and ‘and gerunds; indirect requests requests; messages declining requests Un Whata story! ‘The media news stories; ‘exeeptional events PROGRESS CHECK PAGES 28-20 Grossing cultures Cultural comparisons and culture Narrating a story; describing: events in the pait ‘Talking about moving abroad: expressing emotions; describit ~ Past continuous vs. simple pasts past perfect ‘Noun phrases containing relative clauses expectations: the custom £0, Cultural comPeproad; emotions cultural expectations: giving hob supposed fa, expected to, (Not) shock mauris and travel abroad advice facceptable 0 mn PEE | eg : ‘Whats wrong with it? Describing problems; making bing problems with past Consumer complaints; everyday Describing pevising something _pardciplet ak adjectives and 200) problems; electronics; repairs that needs to be done Fjeseribing problems with Joop + gerund, need + gerund, and heed passive infinitive PROGRESS CHECK PGES 42-43 The world we live in Tdentifying and describing Passive in the present continuous The world we vein ema; probleme coming up wih soltions Sr Pe crfeet, prepositions of current issues [in Pee Lifelong learning ‘Fducation; learner choices; strategies for learning; personal qualities PROGRESS CHECK PAGES 56-57 ES "Asking about preferences; discussing pros and cons of different college majors; talking ‘about learning methods; talking about personal qualities Cause: infinitive clauses and phrases Would rather and would prefer by + orund to deseribe how to do things Pronunciation/Listening Writing/Reading Interchange Activity Linked sounds Wetting desertion ofabest “Persanality types Inwerviowing Listening for opinions; stent ie classmate to find out about Bacto sou ae Hane Po personality characteristics Solftxtudy: Listening for likes ing making and dislikes shout people ineaping Ds a ‘Stress with ecmpound nouns Writing about career advantages “The dinner party”: Comparing Listoningto deseriptions of summer and disadvantages people's careers and personalities _jobs; listening for likes and dislikes “Strategies ee Reha See sea to make a seating chart for « ‘Self tue: Listening to descriptions a ‘about behavior in dinner party of careers; Jistening for comparisons the workplace ‘Unreleased cimsonants ‘Weiting an informal email request “Borrowers and lenders": Asking Listening to people making, “Yos or No”: Reading about the ‘slasemates to borrow items; lending, accepting, and declining requests: way people in different cultures: cr refusing to tend Weems ‘Seffstuly: Listening wo people inane Taye ae oer) ‘making plans, asking for a favor, _and giving an excuse Intonation in complex sentences Writing a newspaper article “Adouble ending” Completing a Listening to news broadcasts; “Strange but True”: Reading story with 0wo endings listening to a narrative about & tabloid articles about sensational past event events ‘Self-study; Listening to a news story ‘Word stress in sentences ‘Writing a tourist pamphlet “Culture check’: Comparing Listening for information about “Qulture Shock": Reading journal eastome in different countries fiving abroad; listening to opinions entries about moving. to another ‘about customs country ‘Selfsntudy: Listening to people's acre ut raven abroad = Contrastive trast Writing a letter of complaint “Fixer-upper”: Comparing problems Listening to people exchange: “Tyading Spaces”: Reading about _—_it two pictures of an apartment things ina sore tering aT show in which parents complaints; atening tore rodscorate ather pooplo’s rooms [people describe their jobs Self-study: Listening to people's problems with items they bought. Reduction of auxiliary verbs Writing a Jetter to the editor “Make your voicesheard!: Listening to environmental “The Threat to Kiribati”: Reading Giese ten repens Beetsipe $e problems; listening for solutions about an island that is sinking aan effective method af protest; Suif-etudy: Listening to people talk _inte the ocean devising a strategy about problems in their city Intonation in questions af choice ‘Writing a short specch “Learning curves": Choosing Listening to descriptions of courses; “I Styles”: Reading about: ‘between siftanesst Mitre you want listening for additional information —_differeat kinds of learning, tolenen, Self-study: Listening toa student describe ontine classes Titles/Topics Grammar ma Ene a = ‘At your service about Have or get something done (active Byeryday services; pee healiiy 4 id passive); 2 wea scaae ee eee self-improvement verbs, and negative questions Ca) Ca : " ‘The past and the future ‘bout the future; talking ‘Referring to time in the past with ifistoric events and people; about things to be accomplished. Severo tod presasitnnn denne: biography; the future in, ago, from .—. &», for, since: Be hen ag the: Suie it will, ure contiNUOLs, PROGRESS CHEEK PAGES 70-71 Fature perfect Life’ tittle tessons ‘Describing rites of passa; ‘Time elsuses: Milestones and tuming paints: behavior and perscnalitys regrets the time; theta stuations with should not have + past participle andif dauses + past perfect “Tho right staff Deserii ‘ith infinitive Qualities for succes; successful elnses and infinitive clases with businestes; advertising Jorvgiving reasons with because, ince, because of fr, duet, ness en AGS B15 bao mas PEED ‘That’ a possibility. x conclusions; "Past modals for dearees of Pet pecves;unerplained events; explanations: daserking ‘ortainty: must (nol) have, may reactions; prvdicamenta and advice hypathetical events; giving tnot hue, naght (not) have, could advice for predicuments eg ay Behind the scenes ling a done Flow a movie is made; media ack ints professions; processes; ntertainment industry PROGRESS CHEOK PAGES 98-9 tT 15 Cee There should be a law! Recommendations; opinions; social Issues; controversial issues ra CECE Challenges and accomplishments Ghallengers acamplishment, tents volunteering PROGRESS CHECK PAGES 112-113 Giving opinions for and against eae disagrecing Giving recommondatians and spinions with passive modals: valle, oath to be, mucet be, has to be, has got to be: tag questions for epinions ‘Complex noun phrases containing gerunds; accomplishments with the present perfect and simple past: goals with the future perfect and would like ro have + past participle UM Pronunciation/Listening Writing/Reading Interchange Activity Sentence stress Writinga letter of advicw (ni sof Disousing A “ Lifferent point view aa ane ate Rcotine abeue* ——purenis and thet hitdren Seif-xtudy. Listening for what Aechniguen kaprave memory, ‘people nedd to have done ‘Syllable stress sestiecineaity “History buff”: Taking 4 Listening for opinions a public so Nae history quiz figures; listening to predictions: hoes pals political sla tg ‘Self-study: Listening to past a ‘that bring people vents, making prodictions Reduction oF have and Been ‘Writing « letter of apology “If things were different .-”: eiaaeta duet “Ito Imagining different possibilities Prevote rice se eee een forte way things have turned put regrets and explanations Solf-study: Listeiny to people describe changesin themselves ae el Reduced words: ‘Writing a TV commercial “Entrepreneurs”: Designing a Listeningforfeatures and slogans “The Wrong Stuff”: Reading about ‘business plan for a small business Selftudy: Listening for qualities that dVertising failures help peopl, make fends more easly Reduction in past modals ‘Writing about a predicament plays": Drawing possibie Listening to explanations; “The Blue Lights of Silver Clift" Sobnivesote-abiet alten Listening for the best solution Reading a story about an Self-study; Listening to situations unexplained phenomenan fand reacting Stress in compound nouns ‘Writing about a process Whe makes it happen Putting Listening to a producer describe his B deeb dariad aie eater: epethsra brass snes: ‘work listening for personality traits about the kind of movien oa Selfatudy: Listening to an interview: 0 India Listening for steps in a process Intonation in tag questions Weng a eter = mimi Listening for solutions 3 everyday annoyances; listening om ‘Serious Ts Plagiarism?” fo snues and opinions Heading aout Seifsreudy; Listoning to concerns and people's opinions about __sbour issues and problems severity, =the ‘Seress and rhythm personal statement for “Viewpoints”: Tuking a survey Listening i al hanes pees abuut volunteering zerands of people's work listening “Young and Gifted Reading about for people's goals for the future "gifted young people Self study: Lisuening to a person's ‘experience inthe Peace Corps vii CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Working together (Why dont \ ask the teach a a EN xix That's what friends are for! Option: Brainstorm questions Ss might ask to find out about classmates. Write Ss’ ideas on the board: Whequestions Where do you hie? What da you do? Wiy are you studying English? Ye/No questions De you speak any other languages? Ave you mamed? Da you have any children? SNAPSHOT Jn this unit, students practice talking about personalities and qualities of friends, parents, partners, and roommates. in Cycie 1, students discuss ideal fiends and partners using relative pronouns, In Cycle 2 they taik about things they like and don'tlike with clauses containing it. Ss workin pairs (prefurably with someone they don't know), They take turns interviewing each other. Remind $s to use the questions on the board and others of their own, After ten minutes, stop the activity. Pair take turns introducing their partners to the class. Learning objective: lear vacabulery for relationships ‘= Books closed. Asi: “What do you think women look for most in a partner? What do men look for most in 2 partner?” ‘= Ss discuss these questions in pairs, Elicit ideas and write them on the board ‘* Books open. Ss read the Snapshot individually, Answer yoeabulary’ questions, or allow $s to wse their dictionaries. # Ask Ss to look carefully at the information in the Snapshot, Ask: “What are some important differences between men and women?” Riicit ideas CONVERSATION Read the questions. Discuss the questions as « clas ‘or ask Sato discuss them in yairs oF small groups. ‘Option: Ask Ss to copy this chart into their vocabulary notebook: Aah Naw successful attractive | success inteigent playful warm practical passionate sensitive ‘Tell them to complete the Noun column by finding the information in the Snapshot. Learning objectives: practice a Gonversstion between two friends about dating preferences; sea relatve pronouns who andthat in contedt A® [co 1, Track 1) # Asa warm-up, ask; “What do you think of matchmaking"? Does it work?” Hlicit ideas + Secover the conversation and look only at the picture. Ask: “How old are thoy? Where are they? ‘What are they talking about? What is the man thinking of * Encourage Ss to make guesses. + Books closed. Write these focus questions om the board: at it Kim's problem? 2 Whe does Chris suggest? 3 How will Kim meet Chriss friend? ‘= Play tho audio program and elicit Ss answers: wwers: 1. Kim has no one to go to the party with. (Chri suggests Bob Branson, 3. They will all meet is the board: « Write Ken thes guys who 4 are serous 2 have a good sense of huenor 2 are sensitive 4 she has something in common with © Explain that guys is an informal word for men, Ask Ss to listen to find owt which guys Kim likes. » Play the audio program again. Btielt answers. (Answers: 2and 4) # Books open. Play the audio program again. Ss listen ‘and read silently « Se pmetice the conversation in pairs For a new way (o teach this Conversation, try Look Up and Speah! on page T-150, 8® 1 Read the focus question aloul « Play the audio program once or twice. $s listen for the answer to the question. (Answer: She liked him a lot) Audio seript (See poge T-224.) 2 GRAMMAR FOCUS Learning objective: practice relatve pronouns who end that ‘as subjects and objects © 001, track 2) Relative pronouns ‘= Focus Se attention on the Grammar Poets box, Explain that relative pronouns (who or that) do two jobs at the same time. They enable us to: 1. join two ideas (eg, Kim likes guys, and they arent loo serious.) 2 add information (e.g, Kim Whes gms. What kind of guys? Guys who aren't too serious.) Relative pronouns as subjects and objects # Point to I like guys wholthat aren't tea serious. ‘Tell Ss to underline the relative cluuse. (Answer: wholthat.aren’t too serious) Ask: “What's the subject in therelative clause? Who or whut ‘aren't too serious?" (Answer: who/that, guys) Explain that the relative pronoun is the subject here. Repeat for the second sentence = Point to Fe prefer someone wholthat Fean talk to easily. Tell $a to underline the rvlative elanise (Answer: whu/that J can talk to easily) Ask: “What's the subject in this mlative clause? Who ‘can talk easily’ (Answer: 1) Explain that the relative pronoun 46 the object here, Repeat. for the last sentence. = Explain that a relative pronoun who or that is necessary when the relative proneun is.2 subject. When the relative pronoun is an object, we ean omit it. 1» Focus Se’ attontion an the Conversation on page 2 Ask Ss to find four examples of relative clauses, * Play the audio program for the Grammar Focus box. Ss listen and repeat. WORD POWER To find out how your Ss tearn best, by different ‘methods (e.g, $8 listen und read silently, ister and repeet, fo listan and rrouth the words) Ask which methods Ss find ‘most wsefil A Pair work «Explain the task. Model with the first item, Point out Uhitt more than one answer is possible, * Ss complete the task individually. Then they compare ‘answers in pairs. Go over answers with the class, 1. didon't want to have @ partner [wha/that! | have: nothing in common with. 2. cl lke to meet peaple (wha/that) have # good sense of humor 3. g.l'd prefor a roommate (who/that) is quiet ‘and considerate. 4. [don’t ike to a with people (whaithat) | don't teat comfortable around, 5. .| wanit to discuss my problems with triends (who/that) are warm and sonsitive. 6. b.\'d rather have a bass (who/that) has good leadership qualities. 7, ald prefer to have teachers whofhat) are organized ‘and intaligent, B Pair work © Model with your avn information (eg. I don't want a partner who dowsn't like to talk. + Ss complote the sentences individually. Encourage Ss to be creative and use their own ideas. + Ss work in pairs. They take turns reading their sentences to each other. The goal is ta find where they have similar opinions. Learning objectives: earn aojectives that describe personal characteristics; practice giving definitions A Use the example ti model the task. # Ssdo the matching individually or in pairs. When finished, Ss ean check a dictionary, Then $+ mark each adjective witha P for a positive meaning and Nv for a negative meaning. ‘= Go over answers with the class. 8.4P 23 ae zz zz B Pair work = Toll Ss to cover the definitions. Road the example entence. Ask aS to completo it. T3* Unitt © Explain the task, Ss work in pairs, They take tums ‘asking abuut the adjestives. C Pairwork # Model the task by using some adjectives to describe yoursell, # Ss work individually to write down adjectives to describe themselves, Go around the class and give help a8 needed. +» Then Ss work in pairs: Se take turns sharing thoie deseriptions, <<] For a new way to teach this voesbulary, try Information Gap Crovaword on page 1-156 Fea eri itn poem feu res E114, play Prediction Bingo on page T-116. Reed out definitions, not the adjectives. LISTENING earning objectives: develop skis in making inferences AQ [00 1, Track 3) 4 Bok close, Divide the elas nt teams, Each team aaa its vd uel tdci to describe personalities Seta tine hint of thee minaies Call on iferent Sx from each team to write the acbectivesin two Steed te bed Books open. Set the seme. Ss wl listen descriptions of three people. Ae tengo each tonversatio, Se dai the vera engin tiv (Por negative (0) + Play the audio program: isten snd check (¢) the * Go over answers with the elas, ‘Anda Names -P, Mr Jetson -N © * Play the audio program again. Pause after ext conversation, Ss write two adjectives foreach percon ‘+ Elicit answers from the lass. Ask Ss to explain why they ehose these words (og, Andrew is egtistiea! ‘cause she talks about herself) (a eee ae cet Sree ee ts Sp 220 eae ee eae © oiscussion Lea ire: dep besiege By wok ‘nother people AGroup work = Focus Se attention on the pieture. Ask: "What is Jhappening? What kind of parent do you think the ‘= Explain the task. Rend the discussion questions, and ‘go over the chart = Se work in small groups to complete the chart Qwamne Learning objectives: wre a paragraph using olaive ‘pronouns; write sbout an deal trend A Pair work = Explain the tark, Go over the example sentences, Write these questions on the board Wat quaities should the ideal frend have? What i the most important ual of al? Hom is your ideal fend similar to/iferent from you? To show Sethe pupase ot bjectves onthe board At hat hay have achieve atv, te the wot th acti. tl Ss ‘+ Explain the task. Have three Ss model the conversation. * Sc work in small groups, Ss take turns describing their “ideal people” using information from their chart in part A. Go around the class and give help as needed + Option: Ss discuss other ideals (eg the ideal ‘bos/employeeteasheristudenthrothersister. Fora new way to practice diseussion, try the Onion Ring technique on page 7152 B Pair work + Explain the task Call on diffrent Sto read the ‘Ss work in pals to complete the task. + Option: Step 3 ean be done for homework. = Ss make final revisions. Then they turnin their work for checking Do your students need more practice? + Se tale about an iden friend in pairs, » Sevrite the first drat of to write ont paragrap HW eontent, 2 on ie paragraph, Tell Ss fucusing on Uhre ates zation, (2) gramesar 1 Option: write the para 2 Gr homework, ‘Assign Tor more practice i Workbook Exercises -5 Grama Vocabulary, on pages 3 Renang. and Wriieg Lab Guidetswrclzes +4 Using, Pronunciation on page Speaking, an Gromat That's what friends are for! «74 © pensrectives Leaing objectives: complete fun qui see ebises with itantaaverdalcluses wit hen m coment AQ) (00 1. Track a} 1 Scooer the tet nd lok ony atthe picture, Ask Se to dscns hs questions In pal: Waar s happening? Hox do-you think he students and twocker fel? Would this anney you? Why? ‘While Ss are talking, write the le-hand column on the foard(anwers are onthe ight) Corman complains = tp ‘all phones ay people who tak with their mouth fal (8) forgetting nares @ fan ea morning phone call ® tou ating in hidren who seam om [orgeting brthdeys io people who or late = Block lmed. Set the scene. Ss wil hear eight ‘nmmon complaints. They are written on the board ‘but inthe wrong order. ‘ell Setolisten and number the complaints in the rder they hear them, Play the audio program, Then ‘Se open thee tooks and check their osm sven PRONUNCIATION 1 Nest, Se compete the quis navidually. Then Se ‘cual the things that annoy them and check thele {+ Option: Si find aut whe isla to them by ging round the clase and ask people what tele sere ‘vas: When the find someone withthe tame sore, Uhey wore wih that person ado part B ‘+ Esplin the tas. Ss read the quiz again. This time, they circle one complaint that bothers them most, on Ss w read each complaint in turn. Aske Sto ‘nse thrarhand if hey chose that complaint. Note Tho many people chose wach complain, and cnt the score. Which one bathers people ma? + Option: Ss with the same complaint work in groups They disoues these questions: Why dors that situation annoy you so much? When did it lat happen? What did ou do aout it? Option: Tell Ss to look atthe sentences in the quiz lit four ways of saying f don Fike. Write Ss answers a the biard (Answers Tite Te bothers tne. Tent stand, Aeupscts me.) Learning objective: notice and use inked sounds AO) [0 1, tack 5) + Explain that Bnglish speakers ften kink words together. They often link final canon to the vorel sound tht follows tet, Ieupets me Lean mond * Point out that we link sounds together, not ete Wot some examples on the boned Chae 2Ai7 Voge = fl = Give Ss time to read the two example ventence and tstudy the examples of eomsanant+ vowel inks in each sentence Play the aio progr Bi 1 aplain the tank read the sentences and dec which snd are Knked They mat the Hike sound 15+ Unit Play the audio program again Sslisten and check their answers + Gover answers with the las, Write the sentenors ‘on the boaed. Cal nm Seto mark the inked sands CPairwork ‘Explain the task. Model Ue rt sentenee in the quiz: + Sswork in pairs They take tuens saying the aeotences Op arwiae a ead celal sec «Pla the audio program again if needed + Option: practice reading the questions in the Perspective © crammanrocus lat tec rica pane © e014, tack 6) Bihan san BPR eicdor a errvansins ban til Se find examples of ntercn that begin ih Write the sentences onthe board ike thi ie ist] 3 7 | dont tke | it | inher | a cel phon 7 or | pga 7 ate eepesowet | | snr +A Shatin cach cota ete rl Cla hie hal ase ihe subject + verb i + uhem + aubjet+ verb © Pojot out that we ws it when in this structure rota} Sentences beginning with and adverbial clausex swith when «Tn the anme Perspectives, ask Set find two exarnples lof sentences that bngin with the word I. Weite the sentences onthe board. lao ad the phrane i embarrassea me it | bothers ipsets | me. when | 2 close end Ut | bothers | me | when | my doctor 1 Aide Shatin in euch column wo oict the ru Clmuse with it Ieevert + oect 6 «Play the audio program, * Option: For additonal practice, write these cues on the board aad ask 8 complete them oraly 1 he when Tebathers me when 1 dart be when... Ire upsets me when A # Focus So! attntion on the picture, Ask: “What i happening? How do yo fol when soxneone give you ‘compliment.on your elates? Elicit dean From th ean. ‘adverbial clause with when tuhen + eat ver INTERCHANGE 1 1 Shred the expres and cau alent, + Baplain any new yoeabulny. Kiet whieh phrases are Dorit tng kane), note fp, Fon bain le tn gai ee, A embarvanien ma "xplain th task, Model the frat one by let tions. Scimplete the took individually. Go around the elas ara ive help au ned. * Option: Fit 80 to use each exprosion only once und toad their own exprestion for numb 10 Se work in prs They ak tur reading thee entences aloud to compare responses, Remind Se foe on inking the word, * Elise So responses: Accept any dentences that are logical and rarumaticlly corre. Let Su sell-crmect helore you cnet them, [F] For more practice withthe expression, play El tiecTne-Tow un page T-148 B Group work Explhin the tank, Hl cennverntion. let. o “nut generous” Se work individually to write down five things that annoy them. Go arund Uh cask nd give help tu needed ‘Write some useful phrases on the board. Point out that theve are way to agree with somenne: el the same way ‘Absolte ‘ kvom what you meant — ‘Me tone neither fan say that again ‘+ S& work in small groups. 8 compare what annoys them, Encourage Se to use some af the pheases on the tard. Remind Sto ank follow-up questions and 0 ive their opinions Set a tine Timi of abot ten minutes Uhre $8 model the plain that wingy means ‘See pin T114 or teaching no Thats what friends are for!» 6 “eBooks closed. Read the pre-reading questions aloud, ‘or write thet on the board. Ask Sto discuss the ‘questions in pairs ‘« Se predict what kind of information they will read in the article 1» Books open. Ss read the article silently. 8s should tend the article without stopping to ask questions or ‘use dictionary. 1» Then tell Ss to go back through the text and circle ‘words they ean't guess from eontext. Ss work i pairs {figure out unfamiliar voeabulary. « Blictor explain any remaining new yoeabulsry, fn carual acquaintance: somone you know but not stages a peridof development ompantonsbip: the enjrment of being with someane ‘approval Dolnters ips suggestions Belects inert et pay attention to {Gesibity te ability to change judgmental ities! Faults: personality problems or weaknesses Fora gvod way to find the meaning of unknown ‘words, try Voeabulary Mingle on paze T-153, A ‘= Explain the task, Ss decide what is true or false based on the article. Explain that Not given means the article has no information on that topic. 1+ Sereread the article indwidually and answer the questions + Then Ss campare answers in pairs. Se show their partners where answers are in the article + Gooover answers with the class aTwe 4 Not given sTrue 6 False Two ortiree sale, radutive than ae ong de Explain the task. Ask Sst find the first phrase (Answer: paragraph 2, sentence 8) Reed the sentonce loud. Eliet context elurs that help Ss figure oat the ‘meaning. (Answers: friendships may be lant, people ‘move away) T+ Unit Read the sentence in part B. Etct the answer, ‘Answer: ean locate) ‘Ss work individually or in pairs to find the phrases ‘and choose the meanings. # Go over answers with the clas. ‘= Option: Write these punctuation marks and their ‘nantes on the board ‘quotation marks — dash + bullet ‘= Sp work in pats to find this panetuation inthe article. Ask Ss to figure out the function. Elicit ‘answers, (Answers: quotation marks around “friend” fora special word; dash after lst introduces an explanation; bullets for alist; dash after Stick ‘with i functions a3 comma) © Pair work = Explain the task. Read the questions = Se discuss the questions in pairs. Ss can do the ‘exercise orally, or they ean write notes to compare with another pair. ++ Option: Ss write a poem fora friend or loved one, Ss fill n this framework: You are Someone who ‘Someone _ Someone who ‘And thats why Tare for you! lay Just One Minute on page T-146. Ask Ss to talk shout the article ora specific friend or laved one, Ermine Do your students need more practice? Assign for more practice in... Workbook Exercises 610 Grammar, Vocabulary, on pages «6 Reading, ane Wirting Lab Guide Exercises 5-6 Listening, Pronunciation, onpage ? Speaking nd Grammar Video Actity Book LUstening, Speaking, and Unt Cultural Awareness Career moves PEERS @ snarsnor Learning objective: learn vocabulary for dscussing jobs ‘and personaly types # Books elosed, Introduce the topic of personality types by writing the six types on the board ‘Eersonality Toes ortst omventional ent socal rraing Give definitions, reeyeling relative pronouns, some true and some flee (An artistic type ts someone ‘who likes working with designs and patterns. fancentional type is nomeane who likes leading people and making decisions). The class calls out “true” or “alee” ‘= Option: Ss think ofan ideal job foreach personality type. Then Ss cheek the Snapshot, ‘= Books open. Give Se several minutys to read the ‘Snapshot on their own, Allow Ss to use dictionary after they finish reading if they wish «© Blicitorexplain any new vocabulary trates havi allo bikin art [patter shapes that show bow a pies elothing i made onventional fling he ual Fue © perspectives ‘n this unt Se discuss the advantages and ‘disadvantages of varius ots and caroers, In Cycle, thy talk about ther opinions of jobs, sing gerund phrases as subjects and objects 4 Gyele 2, studonts talk about obs using the comparative. smterprising god at ding neal dia tings sch toneara wi Ea fers paper child-care workers omit whe wart with children Read the questions aloud. Then Ss discuss the 38 in pairs or small groups Option: Dray six columns on the board, one foreach personality type. Ask Ss to come to the hoaed and fine ‘up in front ofthe type they think they are. Then Ss take turns writing additional jobs for their personality type. Ask: “Which job ia the most interesting?” Tale a class vote. For a new way to review the eight jobs, try Vocabulary Steps on page T1B4, ‘To practice jobs, play Hot Potato on page AAT. ‘Ask Ss to rainstorm one job beginning with each letter of the alphabet Learning objectives: isten to people talking about jos; see gerunds in comtont AC) [60 1, Track 7) * Sook cloud, Set the scene. Ss wil ear people talking about four jobs, Two people give diferent ‘pinion abut each jb, * Play the audio program. 8 listen and write down, the fn jobs. (Answers: fl attendant, gossip columnist, “= Boake open, Tell Se a re their anes, the Perspectives ta cheele * [Bic or explain any new vorabulary. Eiit that Calvin Klein is one ofthe mont acces male fashion designers in the worl ‘= Txplain the task. $s rvud and check whic of tl speakers they agree with more plain the task. Go over the language ased by the speakers in part to agree or disagree (ex, Not sof I ddon't think so don’ agree! Tm not sa sure) 'Ss compare their answer ask fllow-up questo Play the audio program again. Tell $s to focus on the intonation used for disagreeing and presenting: opinions, rin pairs. Encourage Soto Ss practice the conversations in pairs. ell sto try to imitate the original speakers intonation, For a new way to practic this Conversation, ty Say With Reeling? ow payo'T-150 and Disappearing Dialog 02 page VA51 © ceamman Focus Lsarning objective: practice gerund phrases as sbjects ands bets © le 1, Wack 8} 4 Blt or explain that «gerund is formed by adding Jing toa vere. designing being Tins the name form a: the present cntinuoos. However, a gerund is pou, so ea be a ubjet or an abet ina Sentence “oteln Se emerber the svactue, encourage them to Hoyts workout les theres. Training Se inthis kil il Ielpthem desl wth new structures inthe ute. + Wite on the hoard: Getued pheoses 1 As the sujet of 9 sentence eng a fight attendant wuld be intersting DAs the object of the ver I would enjy brig 2 ig 3 Ai the object ofa preposition Im wersted n bung a fight attendant + Play the audio program. Eli or explain the difference bebween fun and fanny ef = exible, funny = mabes you lou 1 Focus Se attention onthe Perspectives on page 8. Tell ‘Stounderline the gerunds Call on So write the serunds on the board. (Answers: desing, clothing, being, traveling, writing, finding, working, bein, _rttng) Noe: Clothing designer ia noun phrase feating and rewarding are patipial adjectives + Option: Ask Ss to use the gerund on the boards sujecs. Then ask Sto une the gerund as objects leg. Designing clothes ia job for men and women Calvin Kien is reat ct dnigning lathes) A + Explain the task. Use the example sentence to model the task. Have Se read the gerund phrases in column A. Bxplain any new voeabalary tendant TS Unit2 ‘+ Option: Revie oF present other adverbs that Se can tute with the adjetives in column C eg, pretty, kind: ‘of ealy, very, extremely, 80, quite incredibly). ‘= Se work individually to write their opinions of exch “nb, Go around the clase and give help a8 needed, * Go over answers with the class. Accept any anawers that are logieal and grammatically correct. Tat Se corractprtions tomseives, Then expat tose errs thar Ss B Pair work ‘= Explain the task. Model the task with several Ss ‘using the example conversation inthe book, ‘= Sework in pairs, Ss compare their opinions about the Jabs in part A. Go around the class and give help as heeded, Make notes of errors with gerund phrases, ‘= When pairs finish, write some o the errors on the board. Bist corrections from the class. © Group work ‘= Bxplain the task, Ss complete the sontencos with gerund phrases as objects, Ask a $ to read the example sentence 1 Ss work individually fo complete the task. Go around ‘the class and give help as needed ‘= Then Ss work in small groups. They take turns reading their wetences, Encourage Ss to ask fllow- Up questions and to give more information. ‘+ Ask each group to choose the theee most interesting sentences. Different Ss read them aloud tothe lass. + Option: Ss go around and exchange their information with classmates For more practice with gerund phrases, play Trae fr False? on page 148. Qrowrwe ee Learning objective: lar suites forjds A “+ Expl the task Ask Sto oad the example ‘= Secomplete the tack individually oc in pairs, First, Ss ind suffixes to form names of jos. Then Ss write the trords in the chart. Remind Ss to add one more ‘example to each column, ‘»-Tocheck answers, draw the chart on the board, Ask ‘Seto come up to complete it Wreponer _erobisinswuctor Webesigner counselor photowrapber —docorstor Gessipcolurmist —comacian SPEAKING payehintriet pottietan harmacit Ceterinarian Devchologiat lta (ote: Altona examples ere nized + Pronounce the words. Explain that pis silent fn words beginning with pay. + Option: Ask Sto name jobs where the verb and noun are the same (e.g, coach, cook, guide, TV host), + Option: Ask to tale about the jobs in the chart, using gerunds as subjects or objects. B Pair work 1 Aska Storead the example definition 1+ Se work in pairs, Ss take turns making definitions, Remind Ss to use someone who or someone that. [Fj Fora new way to practice jobs and their sufixes, try Mime on page T-148. Learning objective: ak about unusual careers Group work Brainstorm some unusual careers or jobs (eg ‘astronaut, sere! agent, menu writer 1 Ask three Ss to model the conversation, Point aut the follow-up questions WRITING + Ss work in cmall groupe, Set atime limit of about ten minutes, Ss take turns talking about unusual careers, Tell Ss to ask two follow-up questions each per diseussion. Go around the class and give help as needed. Learning objective: wite about the advantages and disadvantages ofa parcuarjob A ‘= Explain the task. Aska 8 to read the model paragraph aloud Discuss the title. Go aver the ‘useful expressions Elicit other expressions (eg, One advantageiioadventage is Se work individually. Ss choose one ofthe jobs they talked about in Exercise 5 (or another jbl: Ss make alist of advantages and write a paragraph, Enenurage Ss to write about atleast three advantages. Remind Ss adda ile. Go around the class und gave help a needed B Pair work * Sk workin pairs, They read each other's paragraphs nl the disadvantages of their partners job. Encourage Ss to write about atleast three disadvantages, Remind Se to add ttle. ‘Option: Ss do this stp for homework C Pair work ‘Sc exchange and read each others paragraphs about Job disadvantages. Partners say ifthey agree or disagree Do your students need more practice? ‘Assign on pages 7-9 {for more practice in Grammar, Vecabslay Reading. ana wetng Career moves * T-10 —£;_:—aAe——ee @ conversation Learning objectives: practice a conversation about _svmme abs; See comparisons in context AQ) (01, Tack 9} “+ Books closed. Set the ene Tray andl Mark are tatking about summer obs. Explain that inthe Unite Staten young people often get a fob daring eumener ‘actin top fr their ties oro pain experience Aa “What ob has Tracy found?” Tell Sto lisen for the answer + Books open. Play the first fv ins the audio program. Elicit he answer. LARSWer: Working a an Somserent park) + Sccover the text and look atthe picture. Explain that Uhese are Mark's wo leads or posible jobs, Write on the bard: le might work as an inten at record compa He may work asa landscaper, mowing lawns lit that an intera sa person working to gain experienc, usually fr litle or 0 pa Te Sto ue arte card cove theex vile hey Took tthe pictures, Suggest that Ss wie "Don'look!” nthe cad, and to kep itor future use. + Ss compare the tv jobs in pairs. Ask Sota discuss the advantages of each # Draw this chart on the board, Ask Ss ta copy i. Tell Se to write their notes in the chart as they listen, GRAMMAR FOCUS Advantages Intern Landscaper «at nt Py i pra ihe er ute arenes: ner reine Sees nota much wor Lander eae secon peta + Option: Holds dacnion Aske What you tnt sna ayo? Dee snd fat? Then a ‘hort wo pe waldo pete? Why + Boks oon Pay the sai rogram again Seinen ded Ak trent Sed ach ne iu + Spastic ti conversation np B® + Tad the fet queton al Seiten rhe Sees Fo cast jet an nga eae frie Andi orig Ser page F224) Tracy going to work at Chidren’s World at the ‘amusement park, where shel each young kids intresting games and educational activites Sho'l also wear a costume and grec people around the park Learning objective: practice comparisons with adjectives, vars, nouns, and past paricples © (€01 Track 10) * Play the audio program. Ask Ss to underline the adjectives, yerbe, une, and past participles. * Point out that all the comparisons ars based on the same few structures. Weite them on the board more than better. than a8. as ess, Wom worse than nok s,s * Givea few examples with familiar eacupations ee, A chef ia better paid than a waiter.) Ele ‘ther examples A + Explain the task. Model the first sentence as an example * Se work individually. They complete the sentenoes vith the words in parentheses. Remind $s that there dee aaveralcorret anawers foreach item, TM + Unit ‘= Ss 0 over their snswersin pairs. Then go over answers with the elas ‘An intorior decorator fetter pid than a fashion ‘andscapnrs have less education than veterinarians, Working a coman i harder than ing» pu ‘Acrbies instructors een les than soccer coaches iz more than a police officer. fers ob is ess artistic than 2 TV 6 B Group work * Aska S to read the example sentence, * Se workin small groups. 84 think of one more fomparisn for each pair of jobs, They take borne making up sentences, Go around the akg he class and give * Gover answers with the, rv the clas, lass ict § ! responses © pronunciation ; Learning objective: notice and.use stress in compound ‘= Write 8’ answers on the board. Sa practice owns pronouncing the words: “© Option: Ss close their books and try to remember the AD [C0 1, Track 1 ae jobs, saying them as quickly as possible + Books closed, Write the following jobs onthe boa ‘Ask; “What do these nouns have in common?” 8 Group work thas driver gossip columnist choir director + Dictate this sentence, or write ton the board: f= Blicit that these are all compound nouns (two-word Being a taxi dever would be more interesting than nouns), In gompounid nouns, the main stress falls on boeing a bus deve, because the frst word 1 Ack Ss to complete the sentence."Then ask pais to ‘= Play the audio program. Signal stressed words by compare answers. tapping a pencil o clapping 1 Blicit few answers, Remind Se to use comrct stress. ‘= Books open. Play the audio program again. Sslisten «Explain the task. and repeat tappingor loping on eachstreseed Word. Swart in amail propa Sa lcok enc SBM aRE ‘= Ss work individually to add two more compound nouns acide which job would be more intersting Thy to the chart. Ss can Took back through Unit 2for ideas ‘as ten calcio ona ee LISTENING Learning objective: develop sks stoning descriptions BC) A© [00 1, Track 12] = Explain the task, Read the focus question, * Play the audio program again. This time Se take notes. Elicit answers, Carlos tikes his job because the kids ae fun to work wth, ‘= AskSe to identify the workplace in each piture, ‘Answers: an office a school a restaurant) = Ask: “What would it be like to work in each place?” Blicit Ss ideas. ‘= Play the audio program. Sslisten to find out who "and he gets to choose his awn hours paae sais Pau! dowel i job becauae ia ealy hard work, ‘and i's realy notin he ktehen, Poche ceript (See page T-224) Julia tikes her job because she works with many other dents, and they Rave fun when thy re not making Calla I rally eaty, 100, and she goto sloop late = Gover answers with the lass Tidus 2Carloe a. Pau ROLE PLAY Learning objectives practice making comparisons amang _» Seta time limit of eight to ten minutes. When time is various sunmerbs takepart in a ole lay mame ples yu heard on the ard Se sugestions on how to comet them. Group work = * Aukcthree Ss model the conversation. Gover the Group work criteria in the chart all on groups to say who has the worst job and why, '+ Baplaio the task. 8 choose a job from the unit. Give Encourage 8 to ask follow-up questions. Sr time to think about the eriteria forthe jb they chine. The yoal isto explain why each $ thinks his ‘arb jl inthe wore. For more practice with these structures, try Bind Someone Who... on page T186, '» Berole-play in amall groups. Gn around the class and fisten in. Tale notes on problesns @ irenchancez Seepage T-16 for teeing ite, Carver moves * 712 ‘Lenmning objective: 1 Boks dosed, To introduce the top, ask: “Who h Jbnow? Ave you working parttime ot fll me?” 1s Ask Seto workin pairs to brainstorm things people do towand out at their job. sk each pair to share ‘Gomer of their ideas with the class. ss Books open. Ask a Sto vad the title ofthe artile, Elicit or explain the meaning of strategies. (Answer: plans and skills used to reach a goal) 1 Ask Ss toread the pre-reading task. Ss sean the ‘rte to seo if their ideas are found in the artile. ‘s Blicit or explain any new vocabulary. ‘workforce: employees Tone laing of r firing of employees ‘Gistinguish yourself rake yourself naticenle ina cexpertsn portn with high evel of ill or knowlege a spenfearea pth your ideas repeatedly tl eter people your ideas [Pruoe: say geod things about somenne or something Empacts the eect on somene o something bpuninenlike in manner appropriate fr business A ‘» Explain the task: Ask different Ss to read the headings aloud, Say thatthe headings express the topic ofeach paragraph, ‘= Se-work individually to match the headings to the paragraphs. Allow Ss to consult with others:near ‘them if they want help, * Option: IfSs are having difficulty, work with them as ‘class Show Ss how to do the easiest ones first * Gover answers withthe class. Ask: “What i the heading forthe (est) paragraph?” AKernatively, sake ‘sn early finisher to write the answers on the board, Bepostive Ertapawais ti sensing pei U iver seocng Bao ni T13* unit2 ‘+ Explain the tatk, Point out that Se are only determining which employees are “east likely” ‘and “most likely” to lose their jobs. 1 Sscheck the bores: Ss also underline the sentences that helped them make their decisions ‘= Go over answers with the class, {helpfulformation ein ies) Jeti She always finds something good to say. postive People who find things to complain about fre lt les popular than people who find things fo praise. Having @ good attitude s important) 2. lows Hao arrives on ime avery day. (Being 2 good (vorker i sometimes less Important than raking sure That people lnow you're a good worker You can often mate positive impact on your bass by arriving early ‘and working late) C.Group work = Ask Ss to read the questions aload. «Ifyou wish, write additional discussion questions on the board ‘Do you agree wth al of the tps? Why or why not? Wiich ones would be easiest hardest for you to do? What can a company do to keep employees happy? + Se discuss the questions in small groups. Tell the groups to ask one person to write down any new Strategies they think of, ‘Ask the groups to share any new strategies. Write them on the board. Also ask the groupes to share other {interesting ideas from the discussions. Eman Do your students need more practice? Assign Tor more practice in (Grammar, Vocabulary, Workbook Exercces 5-8 Lab Guido Exerciees 47 onpoge? | Video acuwty Book LUstning, Pronunciation, Speaking, and Grammar Lstening, Speaking, and Cutaral Awareness Units 1-2 Progress check SHASSESSMENT Teaming objectives: refect on one's learig: dently sreasthatnand improvement aps. “What id you learn in Unite and 2 Bit So snsrers is Se cmmplte the Selfassesment. Encourage them 9 Sr synteny wile gees bad rade Hey check" He” @ sreanne Leaming objective: assess one's abil f0use relative clauses a fe Explain the task. Model with an example of your fown, Say-“Letis see i ike to goon vacation with Simeone who is organized, 20 Tl write organized Ipere And Talo like someone whois calm, 0 TM vwite can.” @ustewne Learning objective: esses one's ity to exres kes and ishtes waht clases AD [00 1, Track 13} Blain the tank, Ask aS treed the chart 1» Ack Seto predict complaints they might hear. * Tells tolistenfor the complaints. Play the audio program once or tice Ss complete the chart. Remind Ss to use their own words. * Sscumpare answers in pairs, Play the audio program ‘agin for Se to check their answers, Audio seript See pope 7.225.) *» Gouver anowers with the cass ‘= Ssmove onto the Progress check exercises. You cam have & complete them in lass or for homework, sing one of these techniques: 1. Ask Ss to complete all the exercises. 2, Ask Se: “What do you need to practi?” ‘Then essign exercires based on their answers 3. Ask Ss to choose and complete exercises based on their Seléassessment. + Ss complete the task individually: Remind Ss to write tswo qualities foreach situation, Go around the class ani give help as needed. B Class activity ‘+ Explain the task. Ask two Ss to model the conversation. + Seo around the class to find someone they eould do each thing with Ann bignest complaint ‘adios ured 2: hen thay take ther dogs when they go cut and Item porkand tot ther leave ther dogs at home make messes sl day, barking ‘wen they itercupta when they're louder Ballgame stiemest_ "han herons Johns biggest complaint nen they ve toa fast, wien they try too hard to B Pair work Explain the task. Read th the example + Ss discuss complaints i pairs, Remind Ss to use clauses with i and when ‘= Ask Ss to share complaints with the class. Write each ‘new complaint on the board, See whieh complaint was mentioned most often question. Aska S to ead rH Learning objective: assess one’s ability to express Kes and fshtes using gerund phrases A Group work fs Explain the task. Ask four Ss to model the conversation. ‘= Se work in groups offour to ask and answer ‘questions about jobs, Bach S completes the chart 1B Group work ‘+ Explain the task. Read the questions ROLE PLAY = Se work in the same group oF a different one. Paint ‘oat that Scan talk about other aspects, ‘= Askone $ from each group to ¢hare the mast ‘unusual, the best, and the worst jobs from the group. + Option: Each S writes a short paragraph about the jb he or she chose and the job one of the group ‘members chose Learning objective: assess one's ability to make comparisons to alk abaut jobs + Blicit or explain that a endhunter isa person who finds new employees for companies, Explain the task. + Divide the elas into pairs, and assign AJB roles Student Ae are the headhunters, Student Bs are the {oh seekers, Ask two $s to model the eonversation, Read the questions Give Ss time to plan what they are going to say ‘Se ule-play in pairs. Encourage Ss to ask as many questions as possible, rather than choosing ‘ajob quickly WHAT'S NEXT? = Secchange roles and repeat the role play. ' Option: Divide the class in half. Half ofthe Ss are headhunters, and the other half are job hunters The headhunters sit at the front ofthe class and tell the ‘lass whieh two jobs each has. The job hunters then ‘come up and talk to any of the headhunters. Set a time limit of ve to ton minutes. When time is up teach $ chooses job. Leaming objective: became more involved in one’s learning * Focus Ss'attention on the Self-assessment again, Aske “How well ean you do these things now?” TAS Units 1-2 Progress check = Ask Ss to underline one thing they need to review. ‘Ask: ‘What did you underline? How can you ‘= Ifneeded, plan additional activities or reviews based (on Ss answers, In this unit, students discuss favors and ‘messages. n Cycle |, hey al about favors, Could you do me a favor? Ppt @ snarsuor Learning objective:lexmn about favors ‘money? Weite Se ideas on the board. Ask Seto ‘= Option; Books closed. Introduce a vl-nown sess what the top three were. proverb: "A friend in need isa friend indeed." Beit» Books open. Tell Ss to read the Snapshot Did Ss the meaning: (Answer: A friend who helps you when ‘qucss any ofthe favors people dislike heing asked? ‘you need itis a true fiend.) Then ask: “Should you Rea the questions atic es eae wars ayo ta end? What woud yo do Go around the dass ond ga tae aaa if your friend asked you a favor you dda fe! sana aigadi en ee ged about?” ‘Then each pair joins another pair to compare their answers * Option: Clarify the difference between lend and ; borrow. To lenis to give; to borrow is to take. something you do to help someone else helpful, ask an artistic S to draw a picture on the With the class brainstorm the favors the people board that ahowa the difference between tha sight have mentioned (eg.,Can you lend me some fovaee CONVERSATION Learning objectives: practice a conversation about borrowing: see request with modals if clauses, and gerunds incontert AO [C0 1, Track 15] Explain that people were interviewed about favors they disike being asked. Elicit that a favor is ‘Thanks a million. Thank you very much, aogicaleetaeen etapa ‘couple of times: one or two ties + Play the audio program again. Ss listen and read. ‘= Ask Ss toonver the text and look at the picture. Asks [Ask Se to focus on haw Rod agrees to Jana's requost “What are they doing? What are they tallcing about? (exe, That's OK, Tguess, Tguess 9.) What does Jana want to borrow? Does her friend Rod want to lend it? How do you know?" Elicit ideas. i : Pree Gas ticket ce ‘ara new way to practice this conversation, try See vtec: Mrinal lear ‘= Write this incorret surnmary on the beard: This weekend Jana is gong to h + Ss practice the conversation in pais. 7 ; ous's = Read the focus questions aloud Paces * Play the second part ofthe audio program. Pause “She weul ie to pick the carro up tonight ghee ere ee ABkSetolistenandcarect fur nintsken Play the" S8COMPHTE wer in pe. Et Sy respases Auli program again. Go over Ss’ answers. (Answer see ey Se icete her hest friend's wedding, She wants Busi sacri pee the pio for Maite he hv wed dip camera couple af times, Shel! pick i up om ox nay Jane wast bortow Andy's sutease * Ss read the conversation silently. Seana ‘ana wants to borrow Rose's eat ose doeait vores te anel ter the ar batnioa ral # Elicit or explain any sew vocabulary a ' Option: Ask pairs to role-play a similar tolephune ieorainty sonversation, Ask Ss to ait back-tnback. If time allows, ask one or two pairs to perform the rule play’ for 16 GRAMMAR FOCUS Learning objective: practice making requests with modsls, W clauses, ard gerund © (0 1, Track 16) Requests with modats,iPelauses, and gerund ‘= Books closed. Ask afew favors around the clase using modal can and could. Write them, ‘on the board ‘Can! boron your pen, plese? ‘Gould you led en your cell phone? + Books open, Focus Sx attention on the Conversation on page 16. Ask Ss to ind two examples of requests betinning with would. Ask aS to write Uhem an the boar Weld vou mind if | borrowed 2 Would be OK f picked t up 2 Explain that there are many ways to as favor. They also vary in degrees of formality + Point out that we ase can and could for tnformal requests, Elicit thatthe structures with would are ‘nore formal, We use them with people we don't naw well or we use them with fiends ithe requests ‘ery demanding + Play the auto program, Point out the continuum. + list or explain the structures usod in requests 1 Request with iclauses andthe present tense Teit OK f.. ?and Dosou mind if... Pare followed bythe present tense Iki OK borrow your phone? Do you mind 1 use your CD burner? 2 Requests with elauses and the past tense Would i be OR if... # and Would yne mind if? are followed by the past tense: Would tbe OK iI picked it up on Friday? Would you mind sf borrowed your new digital camera? Note: Would you mind is answered with “no the request is granted. "Yes" means the person denies the requert. 8 Reapests with gerunds (ing) Would you mind (without 8 followed by gerund Would you mind letting me use your laptop? 4 Requests with if clauses and modals Wander +f flowed by a modal T wonder i could borrow sme money. Twas wandering jou would mid leting me Note: wonder + ifs nota question [2] For more practice with request, play Rien Far It! ‘on page E148, Assigns structure to each wall Prosent tense, past tense, modals, and gerund, TAT © Unit ‘Tell Seto make their own requests and ase fayors around the lass To check that Ss undarstand how to fornthe new structure, ask 8 to generate the own examples A ‘Read the eve, Then ask 2 $ to complete the conversation with you, ‘+ Sscomplete the task individually. Ss read the cues and make up requests. Eacourage 8s to use their 3m words, Go around the class and give help as needed. * Flict 8’ responses to cheek answers, ‘= Then Ss practice the conversations in pairs 1. 1a wondering # you'd mind lending me your ‘underwater camera. fm going ona ving tip. 2 sit OK HT use your computer? 3: Would you mind giving me 9 ride to class? {Can you help me move on Saturday? 5 Could you lend me your DVD of SpiderMan? £ Would tbe OK Thad. aacond piace of pie? 8 ‘= Explain the tsk, Model the fist example ‘Elicit more examples. Write them on the board: wonder if could borrow two dellars for | was wondering f youd mind lending me few dollars for Would it be OK if borrowed some money for... ? + Ss complete the task individually. They rewrite informal requests to make them more formal. Go around the lass and give help as needed. Ask diferent Ss to read their formal requests aloud. “Mosel accepting some and deelining others. SI: Wotald you mind if borrowed 2 couple of dollars Foran espresso? T-No, Notat all. Here you yo./Tm really sory. All have is a dollar. Tell Ss to look at part A for more examples of ways twaccept and decline ‘= Ss workin pairs They take turns making requests land responding. Go around the elass and check for Togical and grammatical responses. Tivou note consistent rab genera ifcutis ith 5 Sap and go over Learning objective: learn to sound natura sing ‘unreleased consonants AD) (001. Track 17) ‘Tl Sto compar fn. flly id wih AV A the pase eo Doug” nan unease form, + Piny the fit part ofthe audio program ance oF (en, Pause to alow Soto repent. Eneourage Seto say the tunrleased consonants fi. lenny Uvem with the nxt word + Baplin that te eastrto blend these consonantn ‘han i to pronounce them separately, LC) = Bal ‘© Se work individually. They circle the unreleased consonants in the conversations. he task ‘AL wonder 1 could Borrow Hat bok 1 Ven ut can yu take ft back Yo reg tomorrow ‘would au ind ovina Abt ome ela moving at Soy. ty ctor ad my th na 4 Play the sonal part ofthe audio progr ‘and cheek their answer, 5 + Tho Se practic the canersaion pen © Option: 80 work in pains. They prnctie the ceonvernaticna from Grammar Fou part ‘page 1. Remind Sao pay atten Ciutnnad etioaiala 9° LISTENING ning objectives: develop skits inistening for To practice roeognining different types of request, ’ ‘poetic tsnaeto kan reqvest ion ipine Somerseene ©) (00 1 tack 14) ‘= Bxplain the task. Se listen frst for what each caller requests += Play the audio program. Pause briefly ater each ‘conversation for Ss to write down the requests Audio script (See page 7.225.) «= Play the audio program a whether the other peri in, Se listen to find out gnoos 0 to requent, 1 Se york in pairs to compare information, Elicit ‘responses around the class to check answors. eto borrow Sandys vidoa game 4. Pht wars Ling to take care of i bi wo ne'eawny, yoo © warne try Stand Up, Sit Down on jaye TI). B Pair work ‘= Modal the task by roleplaying tho phone ‘eotivoraatinns with $8, Write phnavos on the board tihelp Ss begin and altho conversations: HellayHh. This Un. Hye gota favor to ask yous Could you Wal thanks arpway. Bre! Yeah see you m clas tomorrow Good bye + Remind 85 to use their own word, Toll St roleplay seeping and delininy ech request ‘© Sh work in pat ‘ll Sn to sit backeto-back to rolesplay. Go around Uno class and note any’ problem ‘areas, Go over the problems with the ena ater ‘tho roe play Lonming objective: write an ovina! o mail request A 1+ explain tho Lash, Ake 8 vo real to fst wana 1 Se work individually. They write a e.mail wow dnsamate vnking several fuyor, Haan 8a Inde anon or thot eequoat, Sat in Ht of vi he lan ad ve bl 1B Pair work ‘Kgl he ta, Aa a8 trond dhe peo ml ‘+ Sw oschange enya and write epion seroptin oF cling rognunt ‘5 Tell ito give reasons Fr destin requ 1 Set tine Unit of fvo minatan, Who tne Be Si oxchnnge het ron agi ad ro en Could you do mo a favor? «718 ‘See pagy T-116 for enching notes ‘Do your students need more practice? @wono Power Learning objective: earn collocations of words used for ‘making requests and responding A + Focus Se attention onthe frst noun (an opalogy) and fon the four verbs. Ask: “Which ofthese verbs is nt usually paired with apology?” Elicit the answer (Answer: do) Ss erase it out. ‘= Ss complete the task individually o in pair. ‘Challenge Ss to doit without checking a dictionary To-save tm, have Ss ook up the vocabularyina dlctionary beloe clas, I helpful assign Ss afew words each, mbich they can teach each ather i lass. + Ss compare answers in pairs. Then elicit responses. * Option: Read aloud the words in the lit. Ss repeat. Elicit other possible eollocations forthe words. To 3. make 20 afer Soler — 6 deny PERSPECTIVES Tor more practice Reading, and Wetting Listening, Pronunciation. Speaking, and Grarnrnar ‘Assign Workbook Exercises 1-4 on pions 13-15 Lab Guide Exercises 1-5 an pages [IED Toten ss remember new vocabulary, show them how to store itusing diferent methods, eg, lists of words, charts, Pictures, word maps, Ask Ss to shareidees from their vocabulary notebook B Pair work ‘= Aske two Ss to model the conversation ‘= Bxplain the task ‘Elicit questions Ss can use in their conversations. Write them an the board: When was the lst time you... ? How often do you... ? How would you fel if... ? What would you say if... 2 "work in pairs. Ss use the collocatons from part A in short conversations, They take turns asking and ‘answering questions. Go around the class and give help as needed, Practice the eollocations with Vocabulary Tennis on page T-147 (e.., Team A ~ return; Team Ba ‘compliment; Team B ~a gift;'Team A — refuse), Learning objectives: practice leaving messages; listen to indeact requests made in context AC) [€0 1, Track 19} * Bones closed. Set the seone, While JefF was at lunch ‘day, eight poople le mensages, * Write the topic ofeach message in random order on (he board pico last nights date party rupert birthday present has beta! Play the nadia 5 tawee: 6 gram, Pause after the first message, id. decide what the menage was abun arty) Write number 1 nent bo party Ta9* Units * Play the rest ofthe audio program, Pause alter each message. $a listen. ‘* Books open. Ss read the messages and check their answers. Histor explain any new vocabulary © = Explain the task: Aska $ to read the list of people Explain that more than ane answer is josie = Ss work individually to decide wht *= Se go over their answers in patirs, Answer any ‘questions 8 may have, bos: 4.7: gona 1. 3,8, 6: moth A each message © seaman Learning objective practice indirect requests with statements, mperatves. and yes/no and wh-questons © (001, Track 20) + Books cased. To explain an indirect request, draw a Peture on the board of Jeffs bos passing message to deft via JP assistant: etfebose JetTswscistant Jeff o-oo Could you tell eff tha there's staf meeting today? TellSs that we use indirect requests when we want temeone to pve a message to someone else Books open. Present the direct requests on the lft fd the tndiret requests onthe right. Ask Ss to {Ghivork ut the rule and @ find examples inthe Perspectives on page 19 1. Statements Can/Goald you or Please) tll +(eiD + (that) + crginal statement? {amples from the Perspectives: messages 1,4, and6) ete: Mot is optional: Indirect requests ean suse would. 2. Imperatives ‘GaniCould you telVask + (Jem + (not) + infinitive? ‘Examples from the Perspectives: messages 2,5, a7) 3.YesINo questions Can\Could you ask + (Sophia) + ifwhether + SVO statement? (Example from the Perspectives: message 8) 4. Wh-questions CantCould you ask (Sophia + wh-word + SVO statement? (Example from the Perspectives: message 3) @ sreaxing Learning objective: practice passing on and responding to Indrectrequesis A * Explain the task, Read the example request 1» Secomplew the task individually, Ss write five ‘unusual requests. Ga around the class and give bel wns sive help B Class activity ‘= Explain the task. Ask three Ss to model the ‘onversatio. 1» First Se work in pairs. They exchange requests from Bee y quests f ' Play the audio program. Rermind Ss that direct ‘requests are on the left and indirect requests on ‘the right ‘+ Option: Point out that mont indirect requests have ‘ising intonation, Play the audio program again. Ask ‘Ss to focus on the rising intonation, Ss practice. + Option: Write indirect sentences onthe board in the wrong ordereg., not tell to could Jef be call ‘you me 2) Ss put them in the correct order. ‘= Bxplain the task. Use the first sentence as an example, ‘Se complete the task individually. Ss change the direct requests to indirect requests, Go around the class and give help as needed. 1+ Check some early finishers’ answers. Tell the Sato write their answers on the board. “ Po: 1. CaniCould you ask Nina ithuhether or not she can do lus a favor and drive us to the party? 2, Can/Cauld you ask Tony how many friends Fan bring to his party? 3. CanvCould you ask Sophia ithvhether or not she's ‘going tothe party with Jef? 4 GanCould you ack Kevin ifwhether or not he accepted the invitation to Tony's pery? 5, CanfGould you ask Mano whether or net he is going togive Tony agit? 65. Con/Could you asktell Anne-Marie to please return my phon cal? 7. CanvCould you toll Dan (that) he owes me an ‘apology? Please askoll him net to eall me aor micnight £8, Can/Could you tll Kimbery that) have to turn down her invitation tothe movies? For a new way to teach indirect requests, try Error Correction on page T-156. + ‘Then Se go around the class and make their partner's requests, They note how each person responds. Set ‘time limit of about ten minutes, Go around the class and listen in. + Ss return to their partners and tell how each person responded, ‘© Option: Add one more person to the chain. Ss 2 and 3 aro both messengers. ‘Ask Ss to share some interesting requests they seccived and how they responded, Cutdyn dome ater F20 @ seaone ming oc od rl erences scm rng orman ers on eas = world elas 0 Mee Yer wat twbring «rd apc Meera ees meena th aie Toten fk tn dus eset det Bereainanat ye er-nibout apang 5 Sheeler oust anwar nay esos tin ws ree os ede le St are ait Pan ales in irr conten SF cen ens. "rat inl rani at (Anorer snrnt nn, Soares eeccie is tai aes «Ta Setar honds hen thy le me ae cere re ints apis Ln Sale re snow mice bre — Shad he anton. indo ce. Ste Apna elon wie * Elicit or explain any now vocabulary. were gmoring: werent payin any attention rephrased: expressed in diferent words fave ups stopped trying to do something Dodded: moved the bead up and dove shakes: ovements from sie Foran alternate way to present this Reading, try awe Learning on page T-152 * Ss read the article again, complete the task individually, Ask Se to mark the lines in the text where they find the answers to ‘the questa ‘+ Ss go ver their answers in pairs. Remind Ss to show fch other where they found the answers. Go arvund the class to resale any problems, or ask Ss to rae their hands if they bave a queetion Fat + Units B ‘© Bxplain the task lice that words like i, their her. nnd that are pronouns. Pronouns refer Ws previous rhoun, Other phases can also refer to earlier information ‘Ss work individually. Ss find referents for nouns aid noun phrases, Co round the class and give help a8 needed + Option: L'Ss are having difficulty, they ean work in pairs or small groups, ' Seo over their answers in pairs. Then go over ‘answers with the elas 1: living in foreign culture 2: the group of Americans S.Usa {Bulgaria 5. rasponded with different nods and shakes of the head © Group work ‘= Explain the task. Read the questions, = Ssworkin pairs. 8s talk about communication problems. They ean talk about problems with yes and no, other gestures, vocabulary, or something else ‘© Ask Ss to tell the restof the class some of the mare Interesting problems they disevssed. * Option: s can work in small groups, or this can be done with the whole clas ‘Ask Ss how they are progressing with herself study listening Encourage Ss to share usell strategies and afer advice Do your students need more practice? Assign for more practice in ‘Grammar, Voeabulay, Reading. and Writing Listening, Pronunciation, onpoge 3 Speaking, and Grammar Vidoo Activity Book Listening, Speaking, and Unie Cultural Awareness Workbook Exercises 5-9 ‘on pages 16-18, Lab Guide Exercises 67 tons of * Option: Hold a brief discussion about nows, Ask: Who flows tho news? How do you get your nows? ‘What news do you find interesting? How important is eto keep up-todate?” '* Books closed. Brainstorm with Se about newspapers Ask what seetions newspapers contain. Ask Seto rite their ideas on the board To nivoduce anew uni sak Ss molvaing questions ‘and ectinformation related to the unit topic. H possible bing ~ ash Ssto bring -realiato lass. for this ut local or international newspapers * On the board, write a foeus question: Which section ofthe newspaper ism US? (a) business news? (b) co PERSPECTIVES ve popular inthe wes? (cl sports? * Blicit or explain any new yoeabulary. {nth un. students focus on storyalig ta Cyele I students describe past events using he simple past andthe past continuous tnses. In Cycle 2 students to storios using the past perfoct tense [Books open. Say that this Snapshot shows what percentage of adult Americans rend each wection. ‘Ask sto find the answer to the focus question. (Answer: sports) ‘lassie ads: sts of things forsale rent = Option: Ss look through newspapers. Ask Ss to find = Read ‘the sections listed in the Snapshot. Eneourage 8s to note any others they fin, discuss the focus questions in pairs or small -Eroups. Sota time limit of about five minutes. Leaming objectives: isten ro news stories: see the past ontinuous and simple past tenses in content AO [00 1, Tack 21) * Books closed, Explain th ‘tories (e,. ocal, arts, * Play the audio program. Sé listen to Four TV news stories. Sx decide what typeof story each one is Pause after each story to give Ss time to write down the type of story # Bhiit a e task: Elicit more types of 0 ntertain ever fom the class, 1-toealimoin 2aport 1 Books open, Pl ‘and read. Expl place but steals # Blicitor explain the audio program again. $s listen that w thief robs a porson or a object ny now vocabulary smpted: tried but unsucvessfl fot caught in: was trap n something jor that turns around his balance when his fat hit something incidentsan event ‘speech fra talk given by Protester: politi 1 person person shoeing hos angry about a back on: the leticty returned B Pair work Pocus Surpr surprise e attention on th Ending.” Expl o Uitle ofthe exereise: “A. 0 that all these stories had. lings Explain the task. Ask a Sto wad the first story ‘lou. Elicit what happen to eharige the ending, (Answer: The robber got stuck inthe revolving deo) SSé work in pairs. Phoy discuss the remaining three stores, narning objective: eracbce the pest cont and the sro sa O01, Track 2) Post continuous ve simple post «Draw two pitiares on the beard. One picture shows ‘man running. The second shows the man tripping = = A = ZZ = oe Lh 1 REA gy Focus Ss attention on the Perspectives on page 22 [Ro Safin the sentence tha ts Che pices. ‘rte ton the Isard, Uncle and abl the setence ike thi Movoe Wotes nae neni twa the Bal he ed Serene angen Tobetp Ss ee the relationship between the tenses, tk quetions ike these 1 Lovin te et pictre] What was Jake doing hor? (ile wes running running aetinied” ction that lasted for some ie? We.) 2 Was hs action ofrunning interruped by another fection? Yes It was interrupted bya fal. After cat, Beith jenanyne) 3 (pln to second pcre) What happened to dake ben (Hl tapped this non” erahort™ atin? {chor Ue cumple? Yee Bute did’ compete eroning) ‘s Say that the past continuous was running) describes ‘an ongoing action in the past The simple past ripped) is shorter complete action. It takes place at one moment and interrupts the engoing aetion. Ack Se to lok for past continuous and simple past werbs in the Perspectives on page 22. Tell 8s to lunderline past continuous verbs and put a circle around simple past verbs, Focus S attention on the Grammar Focus box. Pint ‘vat the adver’ clauses with whife and as: Say that these causes cannot stand alone asa sentence. When an adverb clause eames before the main cause, it has PRONUNCIATION 1 Next, point out the clause with ashen im he send cohuma. When an adver clase comes after the wash aus, i dows not have a comma. ‘© Play the audio program, Se listen and read or repent, Rapa the sentence yh sty pe Sentences on page T-146. A ‘= Ryplain the task 1 Sesoumplete tho task individually, Tell Ss to rend ‘each story once before fil in the blanks. This will, help Se understand which action was ongoang and ‘which action interrupted "Ty help Se with vocabulary in this exercise, ty the Vocabulary Mingle on page T-188, ‘Thea Ss work in pairs to compare answers 1. While livers ware working off the coast of Florida they dscovered s shipareck containing gold worth ‘$2 milion. The divers ware fling a show about the oral ae! whon they found the gol 2. Aus woman was wailing hor pet poodle dew th street aha stylet noticed thary through the find sdenly had «great idea. Late, file he was treating a nev ine ot har care prot for dogs ane the came up with 4 new slogan “Even animals 3. Anambutance driver was having breakfast ‘hop when a woman hepped ints his a Grove away. The iver hued 9 phon the police. The crjacker was going over 90 lesan Ihave whon the highway pao nay eaught up B Group work = Bplain the task 4 Se work in groups oF three. Ask eneh S to reread a sifferent story and wate four oF five Key wards or phrases, Ss use their notes to retell the story todd new information ara new ending: Learning objective: notice and use eovrectimonation in ornplex sentences AC) [00 1, Track 23) na that enc sve hae falling. Intanai patter, hie hops the listen follow the tw. OUD ‘oF idons in Lang wentence T23+ Unita = Play the. B Pair work ‘= Bplain the task, Ss work in pains fo make complex ‘wntenos with while a ax and the past coneinuun, ‘Ss ke tum starting ad Rising the sont, ‘ing falling intonation, iio program. Sa listen and repoat Qustenne —_ Learning objectives: develop sitsin tng for deta ‘feveopnotesakng sis stent ews tres AO [C0 1, Track 24) «Ask “Who watehed the news on TV tay or Yesterday?” Bnevarage the clas to tel any teresting trie they heard + Ask three Seto rend the questions inthe chart aloud. + Bplin the tase Se workin groups of thre. SI lstens fr wher, $2 listens fir when, and S3 listens fr what happened: + Play the audio program. Pause after each news event Give Se time to share ideas and complete the chart [Ask Ssto wrt their answers onthe baad Audio seri See page 7226) © sreakine Learning objective: proctic teling a story AGroup work * Explain the task. Go over the headlines, ' Se yor in small groups. They match each headline to the correc story. Go aver answers with the class, i 2d) gay Ac © Model the storytelling task: Ask a Sto read the first headline and the beginning ofthe story. Then add line @Q wanne ‘Lin Thaland/on Sunday/A man was almest strangled to 2 in Ausrataton Fiday/Two teenage girls who Sisoppeared were found 23.Intolywood,Californiafon Tussdey/Two police Diers were reseed by the thet ey wer chasing, B Group work 1 Ask “Which story did you ind most intersting? Why? Bit Se ideas + Blain he tas Se work in groupe re Ble deseribes diferent news event from part A.Tell Se to ak quetins when darifeain ie medad or more practice with events and vocabulary. play Prediction Bingocn page 7-146. “Hey! Look at that light! What isi” ‘Ack another § to continue the story, Ia S has dificulty, rainstorm with the lass what the S could say next Tell Ss thatthe aim isto help each other. ‘= Se work in small groups to invent a chain story ‘tor several mintes, tl Ss how much tne they have Ieftto fr the storys conclusion B Class activity * Groups take turns telling their stories to the elas, "The lass votes on the best story. 1 Sc ask follow-up questions Learning objective: wrte a newspaper ancle A * Explain the task Read the questions aloud, Explain that the questions will help ude the Se writing, = Se-ork individually. $s choowe a headline und write ‘newspaper article Set atime limi of ten minutes ‘Tohelp Ss invent the story, try Paws the Paper on page 7.159, INTERCHANGE 4 + Tell Seto write three to five paragraphs. Ask Ss to ‘come up with an interesting ending. B Pair work += Explain the task. Se exchange papers and read their partners story. Remind Ss to ask follow-up questions. Allow time to revise their work ‘See page -117 for teaching notes, Do your students need more practica? ‘Assign for more practice in ‘on pages 19:20 Feeding, sed Waiting” Lab Guide Exercises 1-4 Spain and Gramwmae What a story! «1-20 —E Learning objectives practice a conversabon aout ‘Something unlchy that happenee: soe the past perfectin content AO [C0 1, Track 25) te Tel Seto cover the text. Ask them to workin pairs to ake up a story aboot the picture. «Set the scene. Brian and Kathy are talking about ‘what happened to Brian atthe sym. ‘+ Play the audio program, Ss take notes. Sc compare notes in pars. Then Sé use their notes owls three comprehension questions about the «Bach pairjuins another pair. They take turns asking ‘and answering their questions. © seaman Focus Leamming objective: practice the past perfect [001 Track 25) «= Baglain that the past perfect is had + past participle Focus S atenthn on the Conversation. Elicit seotences with the past perfect. Write them on the ‘board in a chart: 1 Bie i. 4 1 had put ny stuff in ry locker Someone had stolen my wale. i 4 fargetten to lock the locker ‘+ Explain that when we re talking about fv events in ‘the past, we use the past peroct to express the ‘easier one, Write an example on the board fom 7-B 10 ‘at 645 #0, {was working out, and | had put my stuff in my locker 1 Next, vite these sentences on the board: I came back — Someone stole my wollet ‘Ack: “Which event happened earlier?” (Answer Someone stale my wallet.) Elicit a sentence with the cues and the past perfect. Anawer. When I ame back, sometne had stolen my wallet.) * Play the audio program A ‘+ Explain the task. With Ss, model how to complete the first items in columns A and B, Se complete the tak individually. Remind Ss to use ienple pant or past continuous io column A and slip past cr past perfect in column B. Ge saround the class and give help at needed T25 + Units ‘= So uncover the text, Pay the audio program. Ss listen nd read. Se practice the conversation in pairs. BO «Read the focus questions. + Play the second part of the audio program. Elicit St answers. ‘Audio seript See pase 7-226.) Kathy once had her purse stolen. She was in Belgium. ‘Abuneh of guys asked her they could help her, and Cohen they Infor purse was gone. She called her Creat eat company, and they Pelped het. + Allow pairs to compare answers. Then go aver Answers with the elas 1. thie! broke inte our house lastnight while my sister ‘and were picking up 2 pizza fr dinner. 2. was shopping wth some friends yestorday, and fost 3. [was driving/drove around wit fiends all day on Sunday, and! an out of gas on the teaway. 4, [was trying to go and visit my parents lest right when [got suckin the elevator in thar aparment buldng. 2. Leki, had given a frond acopy of them, and she blehad reached the ith floor when stopped. Aftor ‘was stuck for an hour, someone started again. « Iquess we had eft the door uniocked because that's how the thief got into the house 4, Lucky, had brought my eal phone wih me, sol called my brother fr help B ‘+ Explain the task, » Se complete the task individually. 8 match columns ‘and B. Then they add another sentence to each story ‘= Then Ss work in pairs. They take turns reading their stories, ‘To practice this tense, use a Disappearing Dialog ‘on pageT-151 (with the Conversation in Exereise @ woro rower Learning objective: learn vocabulary fr discussing events A ‘= Explain the tack. Model the first word as an example, ‘= Option: Model the word stress of each noun, Ss listen and repeat. ‘= Ss work individually or in pairs. Ss mateh words with definitions, Tell Ss to check their dictionaries only after they finish, + Go over answers with the class. if 2d a9 4a Sh Ge 7b Be @ speaking BPairwork = '» Explain the task, Read aloud the example for evincidence + Ss work in pairs. 8 chooae three words from part A. ‘Then they write situations foreach word. Ga around the class and briefly check sentences, (© Group work ‘Explain the task. Two or three pairs work in a group. Ss take turns reading their situations without saying the word. Others in the group guess the word. For more practice using this vocabulary, try Chinese Checkers on page T-156. Learning objective: toll stories using varius past tenses A Pair work «= Explain the task. Ask different Ss to read aloud the two beginnings. ++ Use the picture to help Ss think how the first story ‘might be continued. Elicit suggestions: ‘T: Look at the picture. What do you think happened. next? S1:So I got up and went to the door. $2: And I was a little seared because it was so late. TT So I was starting to open the door, but I stopped when T saw that someone had = Option: Pocus Se attention on the picture. In pairs, Ss brainstorm words they associate with it. + Ss work in pairs to complete the stories ‘= Seta time limit of about five minutes for Ss to ‘complete bath stories. Go around the elass and discreetly listen in ‘Afioenoy aciityis designed to challenge Ssta do ties they have i's best tw ave help only it asked directly ‘@ When time is up, pairs reorganize into groups. Ss take turns telling their stories, ‘© Option: Ask groups to share th rest of the class ir best story with the B Group work + Read the question and situations. Ask three 5s to model the conversation. + Explain the task. Give Ss time to think of a situation they would like to talk about, ‘= Option: If Ss appear reluctant or embarrassed total about a personal situation, allow them to tell a story about a friend or someone they heard about in the ‘= Ss work in small groups. They take turns talking, about the situations. Tell Ss to talk about the events. in any order. Encourage Sto ask follow-up questions, ‘To ensure that all Ss ask four follow-up questions, esk ‘each Sto take out fur small coins (or paperclip) and put them in pile. As they ask a follow-up question, they ean remave a coin frm the ile = Option: As a follow-up, two groups form a large group to swap stories, or do this as.a whole class ‘activity For a different way to use this activity, try the Chain Game on page T-145. ee —— @ reaping ering objectives. rexd ava es deep il 0 aris isa nce rex fr pee ‘somuton and some rg Soe rps, bring oe or wo English Nie deus ape tem around: Als your tab ng er map to elp Seat the our Fie menuend the rile 1 Boke bn Ask "What 00 abut td Pha are the noe some faa RGyunD Have swe err red tabled? Wht ands Suri diya ad int” + oka open. Aska Sto rea te title of the reading Pcs ore that tes means mot desirable” Fan the rereading ak wep them fre ou the meaning ffl '» Explain the pre-reading task. Read the question. 1 Then give Setime to read the fit paragraph of the rice to thenslves Se work ididually orn pairs treher the Kinds of store they think appear in tase Teron and ba ep the Ure uy Cloud Prion on page 64, Unbelievable, entertaining, shocking, frightening += Ssread the article individually TellSsnottojook up any words as they read instead, ‘hey should underine or citele words they dont kno oeprending ++ Then Ss work in small groups. Fach S shares words hheor she underlined. If group members know the word, they explain it. {Fno one i the group knows the word, Ss look at the context and asa group write oe oF two guesses about its meaning. * Option: Fach group says what words they chose and what their guesses were. Bach group gets one point for making a guess and two points fora correct guess * Elicit or explain any new vocabulary Words in prt Aare nat inched) under study: being exasnned seatering hole: 9 iream:a ine ih sucked TaT* Unit A ‘© Explain the task ‘= Sscamplete the tack individually arin pairs. Se scan the article to find the words. Then they guess the meaning. Point out that this exereise will help Ss confirm their previous guesses and remember the words ‘+ Se.go over answers in pairs Ss may use their dictionaries to check the meaning of words to be Inatched tothe ones im italics. © Go over answers with the clas. |. forbidden 2. exactly as stated 3. bear or resist Latch without parsipating 5-send suddenly B ‘+ Explain the task: St match elauses, Then Se retell. the stories, Use the first eause as an exampl ++ Se work individually. Then they compare answers in pairs, Elicit Ss responses around the class. ud Ze ab he 1 Sc work in pairs, Ss take turns retelling the stories The storyteller should have the book closed. The listener may look atthe story and give help ifneeded. Go around the elass and listen, C Group work ‘Read the focus questions. 1 Sc work in groups. Ss discuss the questions. Bhcourage $s to share opinions abwout tabloids and newspapers. * Option: Groups share one particulary interesting: thing they talked about, Do your students need more practice? Assign Workbook Exerciaos 4-9 on pages 21-24 Lab Guide Exercines 66 for more practice in ‘Grarnmar, Vocabulary, Reading. and Wang LUstoning, Pronunei onpege4 ‘Speaking, and Grammer Video Act Book Listening, Speaking, and Cultural Awareness Evaluation su 8 undertaning of Units 3 and with (on pages 'T-202 and 'T-203, SS Units 3-4 Progress check SELF-ASSESSMENT ‘Learning objectives: reflecton one’s learning; areas thet need improvernent fe Ask-*What did you learn in Units 3 and 47” Elicit Se answers, ‘« Sscumplete the Self-assessment. Encourage them to bbe honest, and point out they will not get a bad grade if they check (¥) "a little” identity @ powe PLay ‘= Se move on to the Progress check exercises. You ean. have Ss complete them in class or for homework, ‘using one of these techniques: 1. Ask Ss to complete all the exercises. 2, Ask Ss: ‘What do you need to practice?” ‘Then assign exercises based on their answers, ‘8, Ask Ss to choose and complete exercises based on their Self'assessment. Leaming objective: assess one’s ability to make requests with modals,ifeleuses, and gerunds Explain the task. 1 Divide the class into pairs, and assign A/B roles Student As are planning a party. Student Bs are asked to help, Aske a $ to model the request. @ iscussion += Ss role-play in pairs. To set the seene for a telephone ‘conversation, ask Ss to sit back-to-back. Remind Student Bs to agree to some things, but not others. + Ss change roles and repeat the role play. ane $$ Learning objective: assess one's ability to make indirect requests A Group work ‘= Explain the task. Ask different Ss to read the requests and focus questions Ss work in groups of three. Ss take turns reading aloud a request and discussing the questions. Then ‘Ss write an indirect request for each situation. = Go around the class and give help as needed. B Class activity ‘= Explain the task. Ask a $ to share each group's answers with the class, + Take a vote to see who has the most interesting answers. © sreaxine ‘Leaming objective: assess one’s ability tte! a story using the pest contavous and simple past APair work ‘= Baplain the task, Aska Sto read the types of events smthe bor. ‘« Sc wrk in pais, Remind Sé to choose ony the type fovent and waite a ttl 1B Pair work fs Explain the task, Ask a Sto read the example story, hist who, what, where, when, why, and how ‘questions and answers forthe example 1» Poirs exchange titles with another pair. Then pairs fiseuss how to answer the questions about the other LISTENING pairs title. Point out thatthe stories do ant have to Ie tre «irs can take notes on their ideas or write out the story. Only one S needs to write, ut both Ss should contribute equally Ask the 8 who dda write ts check for errors c + Explain the tack ' Ss tel their stories to the pair who wrote the tite Ask: "Were you surprised at the way the story tured oat?” ‘Ask some Ss 0 tell their stories to the class, Learning objective: assess one's abit lstonto and ‘understand sequence nthe past © t00 1, Track 271 plain the tak Give Se ime to rnd al of the eentences + Tal Stolisten and amber the events each stuntion fom 1 to: Pay the sudo program. Passe pei ceet ' Play the audio program as many times as needed. Elicit answers @ iscussion Learning objective: assess one's ability to describe events ‘using the past perfect Group work ‘= Explain the task. Read the beginnings and endings. ‘Ask four Seto madel the example story chai, ‘Se workin small groups. Ss choose any beginning and any ending, They discuss events that could link the two, Point out that Ss ean decide the story as they do the task WHAT'S NEXT? ‘Audio script Sew page 7-226.) 1. She was running. She hurther ankle. She went to work 2.1 moved away, Jon wrote me. didnt get the et. 2 | was very scared The plane landed Iwas reteved. { Herumed ont arawering machi Hews ting = The first S reads the sentence the group chose anid then adds a sentence of his or her own. Ss take turns adding sentences tothe tary. Remind Ss to keep the fending in mind when they add a sentence ‘= The story ends when a Sis able to use the group's ending '= Option: Ss change groups and repeat the exereise "This time Ss write the story. Se passa sheet of paper around the group. Bach $ adds a sentence to the story Leaming objective: become more involved in one’s learning ' Focus Se sttntion un the Self-assonement Ak: "How well can you do these things now’ * Ask Seto underline une thing they need to review. ‘Ask: What did you underline? How ean yin 1-29 Units 3-4 Progress chock ‘+ If needed, plan additional aetivites or reviews based ‘on Se answers Crossing cultures PGGsco @ worn power Leaming objective: lean adjectives to describe a person's positve and negatve feelings about fing abroed = Option: Ts introduce the unit topic, dictate these ‘words to Ss:Ifsomeone offered me the chance to live abroad, I..." Ask Ss to complete the sentence. Then. Sscumpare with a partner. A ‘= Read the exercise title aloud. Elicit that culture shock describes the felings that people have when they live ina foreign country or visit forthe first time. = Explain the task. Focus Se’ attention on the ‘photograph and caption. Ask: “How does the woman feel? Ts ansious a positive or negative feeling?” (Answer: negative) Model the task by writing N next ‘= Sc complete the task individually or in pairs. Ask Ss to try the task first without a dictionary. Go around the class and give help as needed. ‘+ Elicit or explain any nev vocabulary. Vocabulary anxious: feeling nervous Confident charactenzed by assurance pirated: low in pits: oad fenthsiastie energetically interested in somethi fascinated: bring completely interested showing complete attention to something PERSPECTIVES In this unt, Ss discuss diteronces among customs andthe joys and dificult of ving iy foreign country In Cycle |, stodents tlk about fving abroad using noun phrases and relative clauses In ycte 2 they describe expectations using when andi clauses. homesick: insecure: aot confident or ure “uncertain: lacking clear knowledge or definite opinion rging for home and family while absent ‘+ To check answers, write two columns on the board: negative and positive, Ss come up ta the board and wnte theie answers in the eorrect column, fansious No embarrassed Nnsecure Comfortable P enthusiastic P mervaus —N Confident’ excited uncartain NL euous fascinated uncomfortable N epressed No homesick oN worrled — N. * Option: Model the pronunciation of the adjectives ‘on the list. Ss practice B Group work ++ Read the focus questions aloud. Ask aS to read the example sentence. ‘= in small groups Ss take turns talking about their feelings, Remind Ss to use the adjectives in part A. ‘= When time is up, ask: “What did you have in common with other Ss in your group?” Elicit ideas, ‘To practice the new vocabulary, play Tie-Tac-Toe (on page 7-148 Learning objective: see noun phrases containing relative ‘lavses in context AO) [00 1, Track 25) * Books closed, Explain Unt Se wil hear people talking about concerns they would have about living abroad * Aak Ss to brainstorm concerns they would have about ving abroad and things they would ize. Write Sx ideas on the board lke thi 14 wory abou: the food the climate geting sik 1 miss my moms cooking my frends my 4oq # Books open Pay the audio program, * Option: Books cloned. Sistem and write the sentences they bear, lke a ditation. Books open Ba check their anwwors For an alternative dictation, try the Running Dictation on page T-153. ‘= Ss compare their ideas on the board with those in the book. ‘+ Ask Ss to road the rankings. Read the frst sentence in part A aloud. Model the task by choosing a rank that is appropriate for you, ‘= So work individually to rank the concerns. ‘= Ask several Ss to tell the class their biggest concerns. ‘Ask: “Does anyone agree?” Take a class vote (© Grammar Focus Learning objective: practice noun phrases containing relate cluses © (00 1, Track 30) |S Write these four phrases on cards: cone thing ed realy miss: 6 my mom cooking “« Write one thing and isin another color. {Ask two Ss to come to the front of the class. Ask them ta bold up these two cards: [4 relly mss and my moms cooking ‘= Explain that we ean say the same thing in a different ‘way Ask two more Ss to come to the front. Give them, the other two cards ‘= Now the four Ss stand facing the class, holding up their cards in this order: Si:one thing S2: fd realy iss 4: my mom's cooking 83:5 = Say that one thing Yd really miss isa noun phrase. It js made up ofa noun (one thirg) and a relative clause Ud really miss). The noun phrase ean go before or after be Here itis before the verb be. It is the subject. ‘= Next, show the noun phrase after be. Ss rearrange themselves so that they are holding up this sentence: St: my mom's cooking S8:isSl:one thing 82:14 really mis * Point out that the noun phrase is now the object. Ibis after the verb be. ‘= Finally, explain that all three example sentences hhave the same meaning. Note: I needed, ask Ss to show the class the three sentences again, Play the audio program. Point out that the pronouns im parentheses can be omitted, Remind Ss to use iho with people PRONUNCIATION ‘+ Ask Ss to read the list of phrases. Use the picture to ‘model the first sentence. Ss work individually, Tell 8s to write their sentences, ‘on a separate pioce of paper. 8s will use these sentences again in part B of Exercise 4. = Go around the class and give help as needed. Ask Ss towrite their answers on the board. ible answers 1... tying new foods, 2. My room at home 3. my fiends and ry fori ‘4 Getting sick and getting last in a new city 5. being away from home. 5. Notunderstanding people 7. «gating sick 8. My favorite food 8... speaking anew language. 0. Making new fiends and trying new foods ‘= Eixplain the task, Ss complete the sentences in part A. with their own information. Encourage Ss to use their own ideas and feelings. € Group work ‘= Explain the task, Ss work individually to change the order of each sentence in part A. Read the example answer for number 1 ‘Ss work in groups. They take turns reading their sentences. ARer about five minutes, ask groups to share the sentences that most of them agreed with Learning objective: noice and use word stress A© [€01, Track 31) + Write sentence lke ths on the board > Bxplaio thot we strane the ‘words in a sentence Elicit the three key words in the se sence, Underline ham, (Answer: Argent a, country, live) Read the words are stress = TN + Units '* Option: Ss tap their desk with a pene each time they hear a stressed word. B Pair work * Explain the task Ss mark the key words sentences they wrote in part A of Exercise 3 * Then pairs take turns reading their sentences aloud. Remind Ss t pay attention to the stress oo key. ‘words. Go around the class and help with stress ‘as needed, the {J Pepractie sentence stress in a fan and usefil way, use Walking Stress on page T-152, @oiscussion 2 Learning objective: discuss ving in a foreign county Group work 1» Explain the task, Ask different Ss to ead each ‘question aloud. Ask three Ss to model the ‘© Option: Use the questions to practice pronunciation, intonation, and sentence stress. Read each question, Sélisten and repeat ‘= Sc work individually to write two more questions. Go ‘ound the class and give help as needed. 1+ Se work in small groups EILD Toto aroin go eond te cast nd sason oaths cect len, cork crs, esate) Ask lhe ani Stator n gupta he ‘eats Sette «Se take turns asking and answering the questions. Remind Ss that one-word answers are not allowed! [IID oitcease aude tting ie atice calenana tse answers must hoe more than tae words each Stastek de ar apquestond) and ower ea. Sx par aches te Geo Eee @ swarsuor Learning objective: lean information about the topic OF the ‘second cycle customs from various countries * Books closed. To introduce the topic of countries and customs, brainstorm with the class, Write Ss’ ideas ‘on the bard: AUS: Say “Excuse me” f you bump into or touch Someone accidental Indonesia. Wear proper clothes when visting temples ‘+ Write this chart on the board. Ask Ss to guess the answers and match the country and custom Gust Country Arrive on tine for @ mesl —~Thaland (Never touch anyone on the head Indonesia Never point to anything wi ~ Canada + Sela time limit of about ten minutes. Go around the ‘lass and listen in disereetly. Make note of problems, ‘especially with noun phrases and relative clauses. ‘+ When time is up, write some ofthe problems on the board, Eliit $s" sugestions on how toconreet them. "Tey the discussion activity ina different way, using the Onion Ring technique on page T-151, Another way to practice this activity is tohave Se ‘write their questions on slips of paper. Then use Question Exchange on page TAS, Eee Do your students need more practice? Assign Workbook Exercises 1-3 jon pages 25-26 Lab Guide Exercises 1-4 onpage 15 {for more practice in Grammar, Voesbulay, Reading, ena Weting Ustening, Pronunciation, ‘Speaking, and Grammar + Books open, Ss ead the information inthe Snapshot ‘and check their answers. Encaurage Ss to use a dictionary to check unfamiliar words, * Read the questions. «= Se discuss the questions in small groups. (Tey to put Ss from different countries or regions together in ‘each group.) + Option: Play Farthlings have some strange ‘customs! Se imagine they are from another planet and have just landed on Barth, Pairs deseribe five strange customs on Earth eg. The human female species around 14 years old called "girls" stort fo paint ther lips red or pink. The males dan’ da this ‘atany age.) Ss share their observations Crossing cultures * V-32 Leaming objective: practice a conversston about ‘caseoms: see clases with when andl Context AD) [60 1, Track 32) 4s Tell Seto cover the text and Look oly atthe pire, “5 Se incase the picture in pairs and create a story about it Tell Ss there is no correct answer ‘s Setthe scone. foreign student, Marta is asking Jer fiend Karen for advice about visiting someone home, Tell Ss fo listen to find out who invited Marta rodinner. «= Play the opening line of the audio program. Elicit the ‘answer. (Answer: Martas teacher? ‘= Write these statements an the boar Marta asks Keren conkat kind of. aft she should take to her teachers howe what te she shoul bring 2 fiend along ‘= Tell Ss olisten to find out which question Marta doesnot ask Karen, GRAMMAR FOCUS lay the rest of the nudio program. Elicit Se! answers, (Answer: Marta doesn't ask the second question.) «« Play the audio program again, listen and read. Ect the customs that Karen mentions, (Answers: Its the custom to bring smal gift. Ifyou want to boring someone, you're expected to call first and aske ifits OK) «Se practice the conversation in pairs. Fora new way to practice this Conversation, try the Disappearing Dialog on page T-151. B Class activity + Explain the task. Read the focus question aloud. Use it toelicit Se’ responses around the class. * Option: Ss work in pairs to write a conversation, set ‘two days later at the teacher's house. Marta has just arrived at the house with a friend. Encourage Ss to ‘use their imagination to write something fun (es, Marta has not followed the customs explained by Koren.) So role-play their conversations. Learning objective: practice using clauses with when and if for expectations (001 Track 33) * Write these sentences onthe board: ng @ small gi you want to br ‘= Explain that Karen gave this advice. Ask Ss to ill in ‘the blanks from memory or by looking back at the previous Conversation. ‘Check Se answers around the class. (Answers: 1. the custom to 2 expected to) ' Point out that there are several ways to describe ‘expectations Play the audio program for the Grammar Focus box. Ss listen, read, and repeat ** Blict or explain a expectations fines o bel bbe mupposed to: sald ‘new vocabulary he way ould behave * Explain that statements with when and ifelauses up be used somthing that expected oF *) ihe a custom « ally dome F533 + Unit 5 A ‘= Explain the task, Ss match up information about some customs in the United States and Canada. [Ask a S to model the first one, + Se complete the task individually; Then Se compare ‘answers in pairs. Go around the class and give help ‘as needed. Ack early finishers to write their answers fon the board. 1926) RU MAb eet B Group work * Read the question aloud. ‘= Ss work in groups to discuss the customs in part A. c ' Explain the task. Ask one oF more Sé to complete the first sentence. ‘= Ss work individually. Encourage Ss tobe creative. Go around the class and spot-sheck Se’ sentences. ‘To practice sentences with ifand when, Ss play Seulptures on page T-144. ‘= Ss work in pairs, They take tums reading their sentences aloud. Remind Ss to stress the key words in the sentence ‘© Ask Ss to share some oftheir sentenes with th Ousreme Learning objectives: ister to he experences of peop '» Play the audio program once or twice Sa tisten and rave bed atasd ident key sformation complete the chart Adio crt (See page F227.) ' © (001, track 34) “Write this famous on the board: ‘Ss compare answers in groups of three. If there are tor Rome se at Roars do. ny doubts bp with the aniwers 1» Aske “What do you thiok this means? Should a person QED living abroad fallow al! the customs ofthe country? Wold you celebrate diferent holidays? Wear 1. Kor role mata oie whan tay x so different dthes™ Blt ideas 2. Spin people ea ate inthe evening and stay out aplan the task. Ask Seto read the questions and tie: surrey us Arabi women wear something to cover the the names in the chart head anda ress hat covers tho wae Boy: re. f= Write five key words on the board for each speaker: [Yeavruieance buen stared ike 1 Ale soup nose sip. ning. bothered ‘© Ss discuss their reactions tothe Listening, How Susan: obey head, dress, nuisance, secure ‘would they feel about each of those customs? f= Ask Ssto predict what they are going to hear. @® srcaxine earaig objective tik aboutoclcurtonsusing when» Se workin pie. Try to match up Se from the same tnd cases try or fom similar etal oer] aren Set time lim of abut ten mints, Go sound A Pair work — and give help as needed. + Explain the task. Read the focus question aloud. ‘Then read the points. Elicit other situations Ss ould Blass activity sive advice on. Write 6’ suggestions onthe board + Explain the task, Ask Ssto read the useful + Focus 5’ tention on Exereise 8 on page 33. Show expressions. Encourage Ss to use them during howto setup a “dos and don'ts ston the boar this activity Sai ea GR i iit one 1 Tel pairs to select three customs from their liste and Der — present then tothe rest of the lass, Note: Tell Sto Wher you vit... youre supposed {ep ther lists for use in Exercise 1. ‘= Option: Ask each pair to exchange lists with another pair. Ask Ss to look for differences and similarities ‘between their lists Its not acceptable for foreign visitors to You arent expected to People arent sipposed to WRITING Learning objective: write 2 tourist pomphiet B Pair work A ‘= Explain the task, Read the focus question aloud. Explain te task. Ask « to reed the model ‘+ So work in pairs, They exchange pamphlets and read. ‘paragraph. ‘each others work, Se discuss anything they felis missing from their partner's pamphlet 1 Se work individually. Se choose five point from the ee ee Jintin Exercine 10 and writen pamphlet. Remind Se _* S#Tevine Uhr pamphlets, incorporating ght to elude at last five points. Encourage Seto write partner's suggestions (as they wish) and thei two ur thee paragraphn own ideas. + Option: Display S* pamphlets the walls Bow fogs TB for aching noten Grossing cultures * T38 ° Be iecatiaceornome eee ac ici SS Berean vs meaner eB ipeenesc oe ee eer “Sea introductory paragraph. Pars pees ee eo See eee “excerpts: shart parts taken fom a bok ‘indowshoppinge wandering around chopping areas ‘od looking notre windows blurt out: bean speaking very suddenly, sometimes ‘without much thought beforehand Interrupt: to begin talking belore someone eee has ‘aurbed tend tor usualy tended wp orld in something unplanned ‘hating! talking iafirmally about topics ‘+ Se read the article individually. Ask them to notice ‘where vocabulary they just learned oocurs. A ‘ Explain the task. Point out that the sentences are the main ideas ofthe paragraphs. The other sentences in each paragraph further explain the main idea. ‘Se reread the article individually, Then Ss match the entries to the main ideas * Goover answers with the class ‘= Explain the task. Ask Ss to read the questions in ‘the chart Explain that Se need to fod the same 795 + Unit 5 ‘= Secomplete the chart individually. Ss ean write nution Instead of complete sentences, ‘= Socompare answers in pairs, *= Go over answers by asking Ss the questions. 1. Chiao: shuts down a inthe evening: Taipe: ‘doesnt shut down 2, Cheagor Students answer questions almost Immediately: some interrupt ths teacher. Taipe: ‘Students ar silent in lass and ask the teacher {questions after elses {3 Chicago: People are friendly t strangers. Taipt People dont start conversations wih strangers © Pair work ‘= Read the questions. Sx work in pais. (Mix nationalities if possible First tell Ss to answer the questions in part B about their own cities, ‘= Then Ss compare their ities to Taipei and Chicago. Encourage Ss ta discuss other differences as well. Ss can work orally or ean take notes about differences, ‘= Option: 8s talk about differences between their cities and other cities they know about, not just Taipei fand Chicago. ‘= Call on Ss to tell the whole class some of the {interesting or surprising things they learned from their partner ' Option: Ss role-play. $1 interviews the person who ‘wrote the journal (played by $2) about his or her experiences living abroad. To recycle information Ss have learned from the ‘Reading and the unit, play True or Ralse? on page T-48, Erno (Do your students need more practice? ‘Assign Workbook Exercises 4-8 ‘on pages 27-0 Lab Guide Exercises 5-6 on pages Video Activity Book Units for more practice in... ‘Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, and Writing {Ustening, Pronunciation, Speaking, and Grammar LUstening, Speaking, and Cultral Aw What's wrong with it? ——Z_—E™_T @ swarsuor Learning objective: tok about common complains + ‘To ntrodace the topie of complaints, write this wells Jnovsn joke on the bose Gistormer Waite, waiter! Theresa fy in my soup! Warter Wall done shout about itor the other customers will want one (0 ' Elicit the meaning of complaint. (Answer: a criticism about a problem Ask Ss to brainstorm typical complaints aboot restaurants (e.g. The waiter was rude. The fond was col). * Option: Lael six sheets of paper with a business ‘rom the Soapshot. Put the sheets around the classroom walls, Se write typical eamplaints on each shot. + Tell Ss to skim through the list of businesses and ‘complaints in the Snapshot. PERSPECTIVES ‘nts unt, students practice making compleints tnd describing probloms: In Cycle 1 students doseribo problems using nouns and past participles ws adjactves In Cycle 2, thoy tiscuss what needs tng using need with ‘passive itinitves and gerund, + Blicit or expla ny new voeabulary, not cooked enough ied that lemme clothing clothing etaller by aesdent (water ort coming frm ake ‘charge total for money (i trv) 1+ Rend the questions. «discuss the questions in pairs orsmall groups. {+ Option: Have a class discussion about aervices and complaints inthe Ss’ country(ies). Reeyele language: from Unit 5 by asking questions such as:“Isit the custom to complain in writing? Ta it aoceptable to ask tooo the manager?” et, Learning objectives: hon to people deserbing Complaints; se past particles os adjectives in context Fara fan way to preview the vocabulary and structure try What’ Wrong? on page T-167, AC) 1001, Track 351 + Books coed. Set the sone, People are calling show called “Ask Priscilla the Problem Solve for adie about com radio M toaske = Tell $s o listen frst for what dems each of the scaler is talking about, Ask Ss to write down, the items * Play the audio program. Kliit the answers, (Answers Lajacket 2.4 table 3.0 vase 4, pants 5, sunglasses 6. an aquarium) = Books open. Play the and read or repeat rogram aga, ston 'Blict or explain any new vocabulary a hole ora rip in fabric ond eonalitin ‘chipped with aoa pte Bolan off & 1m seething rough fnqunriume a place ta keep ive fish Toelp Ss remember the new vocabuay, ask Sst expand to grow Inter ers: hoge areas aio polar foe cape: are Tard rok like subtance in the hicks covering te North ane 149 + Unit7 ‘© Se work individually oF in pais ‘Point out that the eause (reason) makes the effect result) happen, These sentences ould be with + Se go over their answers with a partner or another pair. Ss should show where they found their answers, = Go over answers with the class. 2, None ofthe islands of Kiba sas more than 2 maters above se level 23.Pollvtante are released 4 Polutants trap heat the earth's atmosphere. 5. The seas threatening their existence There are no 6. Thoy cart atford expensive technological answers * Option: Ss work in groups of three or four. Bach group writes at least five comprehension questions ‘with how, what, why, where, or when. Groups ‘exchange questions and answer the other group's questions ~ ifpossible, from memory! B Group work ‘= Explain the task. Read the questions Ss workin small groups. Ss take turns giving their ‘opinions, Bach group chooses one S to take notes. Go ‘armund the class and give help as needed. 1 Ack the note takers to write their group's solutions on the board, The class votes on the three best salutions. Gn Do your students need more practice? Assign Tor more practice in Workbook Exercises 6-8 fon pages 41-42 ‘Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, nd Weng ab Guide Exercises 3-8 on page 7 Listening, Pronunciation Speaking, and Grammar Video Activity Book \ LUstening, Speaking, and Caltural Awareness Lifelong sa SNAPSHOT ‘inthis unit, students talk abou learning references and types of learning styles. In ‘Cycle , students discuss personal preferences "sing would rather and would preter. In ele 2 students discuss ways to learn and personal ‘qualities using by + gerund for manner. Learning objective: talk about popular colege majors ‘= Books closed, Ask: “What are the most important luniversities in Your eountry? Are they private or public? What subjects do Ss study? Do many people goon to college? Why or why not?” ‘= Explain that Ss who go to college in the U.S. have to ‘choose a majar subject in addition to other courses ‘Write these majors on the board. Ask Ss to guess ‘which four majors are popularin the U.S. Economics Fashion — Film studies Interior design Tourism ' Books open. Tell Ss to look at the Snapshot and find the anewers. (Answer: Tourism is not included.) ‘= Encourage Ss to use their dictionaries to check any unfamiliar words or expressions * Blict or explain any remaining new vocabulary. PERSPECTIVES Vocabulary newspapers, magazines, aio, and vlevisien, as ero crime solving: finding the person responsible fr temmitting crime budgeting: making a financial plan that includes expected casts fAtness: the quality or sate of being ft merchandising: advertising o aching products ‘Read the questions. Ss work in pairs or small groups: to discuss the questions. Then ask Ss to share ideas around the class ‘To introduce the topic of earning, give the class a fun warm-up activity, using Vocabulary Tennis on page T-147, Ss name as many school subjects a8 they can, Leaming objectives: discuss a campus survey, see ‘examples of rather and prefer in context AD [eD2, Track 7] + Explain that seolege i offering new courses and ix asking Ss to complete a survey. Explain that curriculum means “all of he courses in an area oftudy™ * Ask Ss to read the survey and find out which four ‘courses from the Snapshot are mentioned. Set atime limit to encourage Seto read quiekly. Ch (Answers: broadeasing, film studies, and nutritional science) * Play the audio program. Sé listen and read * plain the task. To help Ss complete question 3, ‘ak Se to brainstorm some clasves they would add to the curriculum. Write Se suggestions on the Died, lke this Other courses toa k answers. dd. to the cuticulary atonal English salsa den computer sil Thal cooking Make sure Ss understand what to do after they answer number 1. Remind Ss to fill in the blanks if they answer “e.” Ss complete the survey. "hes Se annette os ‘Tally the urvey results asa clas, Draw this cart on the Dou [Hew Gos] Pedi Heath] [ome] Ejeuhda pom 2 broadcasting 4 nutritional scence 6 Ask a $ to come to the board. The S names each course and counts the number of Ss who raise their hhand to add the course. Remind $s to vote for only ‘one course, The $ writes the totals on the board. ‘The $ asks classmates to name other courses they would like and repeats the process, ce. as Learning objective: notice and use rising and taling watonanon in questions of eMOICe (D002 Track a} «= Piaytheoudo program. Point out the intonation ‘patter, Explain that when we ask someone to ‘heme betieen two tings, we use rising intonation i the word before or and fain intonation on the ‘word ater Also, pont out the slight pause tir or «Play the audio program aguin. Pause ater each question to let Ss practice several times. GRAMMAR FOCUS EL, 1s cerrsion ara re ia ani oS | and ypand ise or bodies Aten, Canhomanuse er handsa dest rng edlieg ‘= Ss work in pairs They take turns asking each other ‘he giclee ha fae 6s fen SE *# Option: practice resting the questions of cole in the Perspectives on page 50. Learning objective: practice would rather {nat and woul prefer not) t2 ez, Track 9) Focus Se attention onthe Perspectives on page 50. [ASKS tafind examples ofl rather and Pd prefer. hci that isthe contraction of would + Penk bt would rather mn ould prefer msn the ‘ame thing, Both ae sed wth hoes Auk Seto look at the examples in the Perspectives ‘Ask Sto ind one diference between would ra tnd oul prefer it the newer. (Answer W prefer takes the infntive; would rather takes the tase form) + Winte the flowing onthe boar W mould ater + (ntl + base form of ver Tia voter ler (other (ct) ty Daakll peer beal ioe ate leer (are (ot) sty + Focus $= atteoton on the righthand column and sk “How do you frm a short answer” (Answer Ta rather Ino: Fd prefer (nt ta) * Play the audio program. Sé listen and practice. * Option: Elicit additional examples of questions and responses from around the class, A f= Explain the task. Model the task with the frst tonversition. Ask different Ss the answers ‘* Secomplete the task individually, Go around the ‘ass and give help as needed. Check Se responses TSI + Unite 1.4 Would you profer to take 2 cours in exercise fionee or mutiional science? 8: Fd preter to register fora nutritional science course because its more usofl for me in nursing. 2.8: Would you rather learn English in Austra tor Canada? £8: thnk Pd prefer to study in Australia because iS 2 AcIfyou needed to learn a new aki, would you preter to attend a class or have a private tutor? 1: trate sign up Tor acess than hte a tutor Private tutors ate too expensive! 4A: Would you rather jin a soir or an orchestra? &: fd vather singin a choir han play iv an orchestra, 5. A: Would you prefer to majorin brosdcesting or ‘im studies? 8: Totell you the truth, prefer not to do either. {rather work for 2 newspaper ‘= Ss practice the conversations in pairs, Remind Ss to pay attention to intonation Tokeop working ona specie pronunciation feature, ‘make ithe “patter or sound) atthe week” and focus onit forthe nextfow classes. ye task. Ask two Ss to model the first conversation in part A Ss work in pairs. They take tims asking the yaestons in part A. Remind Ss ta give their own, ‘information and to pay attention to intonation, Go around the class and give help as needed, * Option: Ss write a survey ike the one in the Perspectives, They use their ows information anda sliforent setting i they wish (exe, Brglish classes). {] Perma practice try Question Exchange on ‘page T-152, Ss write their own questions oe __-_ aay “Learning objectives: develop skin Istening for main ‘ideas ond deta ston to people's experiences AO [602 Track 10) ‘+ Ask: “Have you ever taken a class just for fan? Ifo, what did you study? Where? When?” ‘= Explain the task. Go over the chart. Tell Ss to write down only key words and phrases {Play the audio program, pausing after each conversation. Ss listen and complete the chart ‘Auato script ‘See pose T-222,) ROLE PLAY 3 Oe alae: eee listen for what each person learned in addition to the ocus of the course, + Play the audio program. + Ss go ver their answers in pairs. (answers to part Bin ais) TAlrican dance and samba how to be more Confident and interact better with people 2. vegetarian cooking the neath value of foods 53. how ton a small business. investing and managing ‘money ‘Leaming objective: tak about choosing a major ‘= Explain the task. Tell Ss to choose a major from the Snapshot on page 50. Then they decide which specialization they prefer: student A tells Student B about INTERCHANGE 8 ‘= in pairs the major, Student B is Student A’s counselor and has to convince Student A to choose a different major. + Remind Ss to ask follow-up questions. For a fun diseussion activity, try You Choose! page T-167. ‘See page T-122 for teaching notes, ETnenoe Do your students need more practice? © conversarion Learning objectives: practice giving advice of ‘eaming ee by + gerund in context AD le02 Track 11] Ask: Do you ever forget new English words? Do find pronunciation dificult? Whs it” Ehcit So ideas ‘ean you do about Set the acene. Two students, Won Gyu and Kelly, are talking about ways to imp * Write these oeus questi board asses? (Kellys ices of pape (Won Gye) Assign for more practice in Workbook Exercises fon pages 23-45 5 Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, and Weting Lab Guide Exercises 12 Listening, Pronunciation, ee os eres 80 + Bsn then Rd hora ein 1 stytinsoond acter ia a Audio script (See page T ecord of new words and then makes uP C-Class activity + Read the question, Discuss the question with the class. Give extra suggestions if possible, Lifelong learning + T-52 a. FOCUS i 0a Leaming objective: practice by + gerund describe how mw dodhings D) (002 Track 121 Ot et ntl Rm sen writhe Conversation on page 62. Ask Ss to complete these sentences from the conversation. thew erprave your accent by isteing 80 langage CDS) eee English words bet ly writing them gn ploces of paper and sticking them an things in ‘my oom) ‘Point out the by + gerund structure in each sentence. ‘Explain that by + gorund is used! 1. to say how something cam happen: ‘You can improve your English by doing 2 lot ofreading. 2 to deseribe how something was done: earned a lot of idioms by watehing TV. ‘9. to describe how something could be done: ‘One way of becoming fluent is by talking a lot in dass ‘= Eeplain the negative form nat... but (eg, The be tuay fo learn slang is not by reading newspapers but dy watching movies.) 1» Play the audio program, Ss listen and read or repeat. ‘Elicit additional ways to complete Won Gyu's advice, using hy + gerund. Write Se ideas on the board. A ‘+ Baplain the task. Model the fist sentence by eliciting Se suggestions. Point out that more than one answer 1s posible DISCUSSION answers in paira Check Se! answers. 1b 2b 31 4d Sc 6jeh Toe Be © Option: Ss work in small groups to decide which tree ideas in part Aare the best or most useful forlearners of English. Then groups share their opinions 1B Group work ‘= Explain the task, Model by asking Se to complete some statements in part A, column A. with their ‘own ideas, + individually. Ask Se to write down at least eight statements, ‘= in small groups, They take turns sharing their suggestions, The group chooses the best suggestion for each item and makes a note of it. Seta time limit of about ten minutes. Ge around the class and give help as needed. ‘+ Ss change groups and share their best suggestion for each item with the new group. Have a discussion on ways to mnprove Engish outside ‘of class Encourage Ssto share ideas and experiences. Ack Sst set alearing goal fr themselves (ef going to watch th news in English once a week) Leaming objective: ciscuss learning AO 002 Tack 13) + Esplin the task Ask a Sto ea the instructions ante two hls stdin the char Explain that a fod omvertinala someone skilled talking sth peop * Write some useful phrases onthe boar: {think a good way to eam how to cook by Ancther ay I ty to improve m The best way to hi '* Give Ss time to think r about how they would learn oF improve the two skills, : dacs hii in pio mal ro Sixt ‘by + gerund. i people discussing these skill, Tell 86 to write down key words and ‘Phrases in note form. 153+ Unite * Play the audio program, Pause after each speaker togive Ss time to complete the chart. Then licit answers, Audio seript See page T-229) "by waiting her mom nd tana coking oases 3 geting some cockbooks and trying the recipes out 2. bytaking an acting clase = ae Dy talking to passengers when he was fight attendant B Group work * Bxplain the task: Model the task with a, Show how to expand the conversation hy adding ideas ‘and suggestions, * Sevan in smal groupe They ta urns dss the est way to leur each ll 4 @ woro rower Learning objectives: leor nouns to describe personal ‘uaites:diseuss what canbe learned from ding ‘specie actintes A Pair work ‘= Ask Ss to road the list of personal qualities. ‘= Give some time to diceuss the meanings of any ‘new words inthe kit in pairs. Trneeded, let Ss check their dictionaries + Blicit or explain any remaining new vocabulary Vocabulary ‘artistic appreciation uynreness and knowledge of art ‘ander artiste ‘competitiveness the sate of wanting or being sited concern for others: caring eli frather people ‘ouperation: th act of working together to adhiewe ‘courteay polite or considerate bahavior perseverance: steady or entinved action o belief Zeit confidenee: cotdenes in one's powers nad abies tolerance: the state of seeptingdierenecs in other people andr their opinions a a Vocabulary Box, ing a Wansparent ‘contine(sthet Ss can see how many word they have Jeamed) ora shoe bax As new words are taught, ask S townie wach ona an as of paper and puttin the box + Explain the task. Mode! one or two items in the ‘char. Tell Ss how you learned each thing, ® wane Learning objective: ite a short speech about sil, hobby, or erate A * Explain the task. Ask diferent Ss to read the four ‘questions and medel paragraphs. * First, ask 8s to brainstorm skills, hobbies, and crafts learned in recent years. Write Se suggestions on the board king, playing gots chess, baking * Then Se work individually to choose a topic Ss use the questions to make notes. Go around the clase ond ‘sve help as needed, Hobbies playing fis moking 1 Then Se use their notes to write a short speech, * Option: Step 4 can be completed for homework. ‘6 work in pairs. They take turns talking about each quality, Tell Ss that there are no right or wrong ‘answers, Also remind Ss to check (¢ the appropriate owes in ther charts. ' Se think of three more things we learn from parents, from school, and on our own, B Group work 1 Buplain the task. Ask a Sto cead the activities in the bx. Ask two Ss to model the conversation. Elicit additional suggestions from Ss, + Ss work in small groups. Ss take turns sharing their opinions and ideas, Set atime limit of about ten ‘minutes. Go around the elass and give help as needed. Make note of dificulties Ss have with rammar or voeabulary, * When time is up, share some of the problems with the class, Elicit 8’ eolutions. * Option: Ss work in pairs to write a conversation. Tell Ss to model their conversation ater the ‘ne on page 52 and to inelude suggestions using by + gerund. Toreview vocebolry pullout words rom your Vocabulary Box. Write a check} onthe sip of paper Ss were able a recall the word. When a siphas thee cheeks, {ake toutof the box. For more practie, play Bingo on page T-147. Add more qualities B Group work Explain the task * First, ask Ss to underline key words or phrases in their speeches, Explain that public speakers look at the audience most of the time. They look at thelr notes only vecasionally to grasp the next topic: Tell Ss itis important not to “read” aloud! * Option: Ss write key words and phrases on note cards and use the nate cards to give their speeches, Then Se work in groups. They take turns giving their speed * Option: Ss practice their speeches in pairs: Remind Se to give each other feedback, When each § finishes, the other Ss ask follow-up questions, Groups discuss whother they fel inspired to learn a new kil {] Fer anaher way to practice giving a speech ey Look Up and Speake! on paige 1-150 Ulelong learning + T-5A “Ask Seto summarize in one orto sentences what they red. ‘Option: Se wok in pairs r small groups to write _gchort summary ofthe main ideas of the article. ‘Then Su present their summaries tothe class A “e Baplaie the task Use the first word te model he task (= Se wack in pairs or groups of three. Ss scan the article for the words in italics and maatch the words ‘with their meanings. Remind Ss o use the other ‘words in the sentence and the sentences before and after as clues. (© Goover answers with the class. tb 2e af 4s Se 6a © Option: Te reinforce new vocabulary. ack each pair ‘ee group to write one original sentence with each ‘word. Ask Ss to read their sentences aloud or ‘write them on the board. Correct as needed. * Ss work on additional vocabulary from the article. ‘Seean check their dictionaries at this time, if needed. ‘presentation: the way soothing i shown. said © Explain the task Se correct false statements: Point ‘Gat that there may be moe than une way to make ‘tatement true. other people. | Group work ‘= Explain the task: Read the question ++ Sediscuss their learning styles in small groups. Encourage Ss to ask follow-up questions and ‘add information. «© Ank the class: “How many people are (linguistic) learners?” Write the results for each learning style ‘on the board. "© Option: Ss deade which learning styles they prefer. Tell Se to choose maximum of two. Ss go around the class, asking Ss what their preferred stvles re until they find someone in commen. EXID> Wake snore of your Se preterad earning ste you can adapt aur classes to thei needs. End of Cycle Z Do your students need more practice? Assign for more practice in. Workbook Exercises 6-8 Grammar, Vocabulary. on pages 46-48 Reasing. and Wraing Lab Guide Exercises 46 Listening, Pronunciation, onpages ‘Speaking, and Grammar Video Activity Book Listening, Speaking, and Cultural Awareness Assess 3 understanding of Units 7 and 8 with he quiz Cnpagee 200 nad 20 Assess Ss understanding of Units 1-8 with one of the. {ests ot pages 18-172 of the Third Feditun Possages Placement and Bvaluation Package. Units 7-8 Progress check SELF-ASSESSMENT Leaming objectives: reflect on one's learning: identify ‘areas that need improvement ‘= Ask: “What did you learn in Units 7 and 8° Elicit Se answers, + Ss complete the Self-ascessment. Eneourage them to be honest, and point out they will not get a bad grade if they check (/)*a little” GAME ‘+ Se move on to the Progress check exereises. You can have Ss complete them in class or for homework, ‘using one of these techniques: 1 Ask Ss to complete all the exerrises. 2. Ask Ss: "What do you need to practice?” ‘Then assign exercises based on their answers, 8, Ask Ss to choose and complete exercises based an their Self-assessment, Learning objective: assess one's ability to describe problems using the passive with prepositions Class activity * Explain the task, Ask Se to read the chart. Elicit or explain any new vocabulary ‘= Ask two Ss to model the conversation. Student A checks “The quality ofthe air is being lowered,” and Student B checks “fumes from cars.” Ss should not use the same phrase again. Remind Ss that sentences ‘must be logical DISCUSSION *= Ss go around the class, talking to classmates. Ask Se to switch partners after every sentence. Ina smaller class, Ss may later speak to the same partner again. ‘= Ss try to check all the boxes to “win” When Ss “win,” tell them to sit down, Let other Ss continue for a few ‘more minutes. ‘= Spot-check by asking different Ss to read complete sentences, Learning objective: assess one's abilty to offer solutions ‘with infinitive clauses and phrases A Pair work * Explain the task. Ask Ss to read the problems and useful expressions, *= Give time to think of some solutions. ‘= Ss work in pairs to discuss solutions ** Option: For added practice, ask one $ to write down th B Group work ‘= Explain the task, Ask 2S to read the example + Each pair joins another pair, or Se work in new small sroups, Ss take turns sharing thei solutions * Next, the group discusses and chooses the best sulution. One Sin each group should write down. the best solution ‘= Ask each group to share their best solutions 156 (@usstewng _____—— Learning objective: assoss one's ably to ston to nd '» Play the audio program again. Ss seaward tne aang af persona quakes 1 Secompare snewersin pin. If there ae any Bieta dhaayreements play the ado program again coz, Go over answers withthe cas. eo rvaineark Tastee stor ther ato) racy “s Plythe auto program ance ote, Pause ater ‘each speaker far Ss to write. Remind Ss to write +1. Mark believes he lost a soccer game by not scoring tote ot ul entences. opt comantones «Then ad the qualities. Make sre S remember a. Sesoustares fore dance company and ar nao perrance what eaeh one means. Ifneeded, ask other class 3. Kim started taking a painting class. / creativity members to explain or act out the meaning, 1» Tell Sst listen again for the quality the epeakers © WESTIONNAIRE Learning objectives: assess one’s abilty to ask about B Group work Bee er iaricmie pomereth ee byspound = Each pair joins another pair, Tell Ss to discuss both ‘APair work options, even ifall $x chose the same option. Also ask Ss to discuss other options. + Ask each group to share their other options with the class ‘= Explain the task, Ask Ss to read the interview ‘questions, Elicit or explain any new vocabulary. Ask {Sto vad the example answer. + Sc interview each other in pairs, Encourage Ss to give ‘reasons for their answers WHAT'S NEXT? ae Learning objective: become more involved in one's learning fon Se answers. ‘= Focus Ss attention on the SelFassessment agin. Ask: “How well can you do these things now?” ‘= Ask Ssto undertine one thing they need to review. ‘Ask: "What did you underline? How ean you ‘TSI * Units 7-8 Progress check At your service —__—E To his oh stants discuss soveral contemporary tpies, such as professional sovvices onl dating. to Cycle stents ak ‘about services sing cnusatives In Cyelo 2 stufonts discuss servos and dating using ‘hreo-word phrasal verbs and make suggestions wit a variety of structures, Qsuesor_S_ Learning objectiveok abou commonly oeedseices ‘8 To explain te concept of servis ak Sr about their tinea Ask “Where da you go your bir ul? When Jougoto a hursalon ur barr sop, dayou leave daha puch ora ers? Go ave th infrmation nthe Soapsbat Point out thas toner ara cig certs that pele Cosel) ofer inthe US Eis or expla any nb waaay ptentting® taking cea ome Eamaanse person ove at wy brsechok job PERSPECTIVES + Head tho fist two questions Stews Ue questions in mall rps 7 Q Have Ss rank the usefulness of each service in the Snapshot using Voewbulary Stepx on page'T-154, + Ren the last question, Then as Ss ta ist eight camoan serve offered in Ui awn Se started, elicit suggestions Write ideas on tard Photocopying translating beauty treatments ‘+ Ask Ss to compare services in the United States and other countries, Leaming objectives: discuss problems; see have or get something done in contoxt AC (002 Track 16) Books elosed. Write on the board: (a) a survy (ban interview (e) ana inthe task. Ss listen and guess what they are listening to(eg., 0 survey, an ad, ora interview), * Play the firs fw lines of the audio program. Bliit thea swer. (Answer: an ad) Explain that some ofserviees. You enn find similar newspaper or the yellow pages of the phone book, services on the board Launay and dry Beouty series Repair Tiaanng Petting Toll Sw lsten to find out which sorviows are men program. (Answer All rt Mie evan Dx, but Hazel an nomen ty offer thine wives, tn) * Books open. Play the audio program again. 84 inten rd * Explain the task, Introduce have something dome with ‘questions like these: *What can you have done in a beauty salon? at « computer store? by a handyman? by an optician?” Write ideas on the board: have your hair cut have your howse painted hhave your computer xed have your eves tested Road the first question, Write a model conversation on the board: A: What do you need to have done® B Well need to have my eyes tested and | want to have my computer upgraded. What about you? ‘+ Model the conversation with a 8 Tel $s to think of at 8 they’ tewd to have done a discuss the qu ive holp as needed, Th with the chs i around the elas sk Sto sae idee ‘Read the second question. Elicit Ss ideas (4, How ‘much do you charge for —# What beauty seretees do uw offer? Do you pick up and erop of the dawndry? Where can I get my oar repaired’ | eve tack 171 Active vite these words on nine carts pou an eet eee ‘rrepar ty |powr le [at oh fx fed ‘s Ask five Ss ti come tothe front ofthe class, Give each ‘Scand. Ask Se to face the elas, holding up their cards in this oer: St: you can SB: have S84 repair shop 84: fix ‘55: your bike Explain that we can say the same sentence another ‘ay Give S2 and St new cards. Now all five Ss face the class, holding up their cards in this order Bt: you con SB: get SB: repair shop SA: t0 fc ‘Si: your bike «= Eliit the rules and write them on the board Actor You can have 2 repair shop fix your bike ‘hove + someone * bose four verb You can get @ repair shop to fix your bike ‘get + sameone + nfmtive verb ‘= Write two cues on the board. Elicit examples about Hazel’ Personal Services: You can have Hazel. You can get Hazels to Passive f Ask six Ss to hold up card: St:you con S2ihove Sh your bike Stifued Sat Sa repair shop ‘Explain that we can say the same thing another way. Replace 82s card. Then ask Ss to hold up cards: Shijou can S2eget_ SB: your bike Stfued ——SSat_ S89 repair shop + Bit the ules and write them on the board You cam have your bike ied (atby a shop). haat + abet + past participle (at/by) PRONUNCIATION the passive examples. Remind Ss that ae Theva cna 1» Play the audio program. Ss histon and practicn. 1 Option Aik Seto makeup their own da ike Hzel's Peraanal Services), using the new structures, For another way to practice this structure, try Errand Day on page TASS. A fe Aska Sto read the first item, Then ask a diferent § to trad the example question. Ss write questions using the active form of have oF ge. Ss complete the task individually. Go around the class and spot-cheek S Blicit Se responses, Possible answers ‘Do you know whore fcan 1 havelget someone to shartan my skirt? 2 havelget someone fo cut my hal? 3 hevelget someone to repair my wateh? 4 navelget someone to fix my scooter? 5 haveiget somone to take ry passport photo? B havelget someone to massage my neck? 3. havelgel someone to clean my leather jacket? & havelget comeane to fake core of my pets while B Pair work # Bxplain the task: Ask two Ss to model the = Se work in pains. Ss take tums asking and answering: the questions from part A with the passive of are or get Leaming objective: noice and use sentence stress AO [002 track 18) * Pry the audio program. Ss listen. lick that stressed ‘ors cary the most important information, Point 9 that we dont usually stro pronouns. * Play the audio progeatn ag ‘choally snd individually a peactice both T89« Unit 9 ‘To practice sentence stress, try the activity Walking. Stress on page 152. B Group work = Explain the task. Each S decides om three things he cor she wants to aye dome. = in small groups. Ss take turns asking and fnswering questions Go around the class nd tien dary re of wntane se, as needed. oe Learning objective: develop the skill of asking where fa, find senices Group work ‘Explain the task. Focus S¢’ attention onthe picture and the first question. Have two Ss model the conversation. + Give Ss some time to read the situations, + Blict or explain any new vocabulary ‘commuter bus: «has for people who regularly travel Tener distances to work portraits pisting fa person or people fous terminal bus station ‘ending machine: a machine where products sich andy o drinks ares ‘= Sediseuss the questions in small groups. If possible, form groups with Se from different enuntries. + Encourage $8 to give opinions. For services that arent available, Sé should diseuss whether the service would be 2 good idea, Set atime limit of about ten minutes. “Rs you walk around the Sloss, make ote of any [sanmar problems. Whor tine is up, write representative problamson the ard and iit corections from $s. For another way to practice the Discussion, try the Onion Ring technique on page T-151 © itencuances ‘See page T-123 for teaching notes. Do your students need more practice? @ wor Power Learning objective: learn tree-word phrasal verbs to talk about services and dating A ‘+ Read the first sentence. Ask Ss to find the meant break up within the m ‘© Elicit that these are three-word phrasal verbs, Point ut that Ss already know a lt of two-word phrasal verbs. Elicit examples and w ings column, 1 them on the board, Explain that the meaning of the three parts together in different from the ind ual parts hase vers + adverb particle + preposition break. o a Se complete the task individually ‘Then $s compare answers in pairs, Ask Ss to wr the answers on the board. Ss check their own work. 1 Option: Show Ss ways wo organize and store new socabulary in theit notebooks (eg, broak up with ean bbe recorded asa diagram ow picture ‘Assign Yor more practice in Workbook Exercises 13 Grammar, Vocabulary, onpages 49-51 Reading, nd Writing Lab Guide Exercises 14 on pages stoning, Pronunciation, Speaking, and Grarwmnar ‘oral PED Tota Ssfnd cthow they earnest soagest ‘ilerent ways o stare vocabulary in ther notebooks e@, ‘organize words by topic or use a sual design. B Pair work ‘= Explain the task, Ask a S to model the first phrasal \work in pairs. They take turns making sentences, preferably about their own lives, = Option: Ask Ss to write a conversation or short story uasing the neve vocabulary. [5 Resse the pha eb ey the ge +} Sculptures on page T-14 At your service T-60 rring objectives practice a comersaten about dg: cape ways of making sgestons i conte AO [002 Tack 19) pat dined T introdote the topic ake Tow, ‘Brand wher id you mew 03 4s Srtseus the questions in pire Then lit some ‘Becestng eee (eg, She cs my nest door teicher: One ds “a beaksopen. Ask Seto coer the text and ook only at serves Auk questions ost the scene (0. Hote teeth aro ment What have hey ber dina! «Ask Sé tolisten to find oot what James is upset tout Play the first line of the audio program, Bist the answer. (Answer: He hasn't had a date fora long time) 1s Next, ash Soto take notes as they listen, Remind Se townte down key words or phrases, Play the audio ‘program once or twice. Sseampare notes in pairs. Ask Ss to share ome of ‘the things they heard discussed 1 Option: Ack: What three ways of meeting people does Mike suggest” (Answer: personal ads dating service discussion groupe atthe bookstore) “Which © srammar Focus docs Jamex choose (diceuson (ithe doesnt find a date, he might find « 1s Tet uncovered. Play the audio prism mgain. Se iste and read. + Blict or explain any new vocabulary. ‘personal ad: a newspaper ad with a brief description of Teer babies interest, pies characteris, ‘perm interested i a date can then cal. dating service: a company that matches people for cc check out: find out aboot something [ssn teen es ore With Feeling! on pose T-150. B Class activity «Read the question. Use the question to stimulate = short class diceussion. ‘© Option: Tel Ss to imagine itis three weeks later, and ‘James has been to the diseussion group. Ss write = Tallow-up conversation between James and Mike. Leamingobjectve-practce moi suagestons wth gerund, eis modal plus vers and ragatve questions Q woz Track 20) + Focus S* attention onthe previous Conversation. ASK ‘Stounderline exampescf suggestions Mike makes ‘= Pointout the ways to make suggestions in the Grammar Focus box ‘= Play the audio program, Ss listen and read oF repeat ‘= Gover the examples inthe box again, Clarify which. {forms go together by writing this information on the bard ‘Mobing suggestions or giving advice 1 How about/What ghout/Hawe you thought about + gerund 2 leat bea good sealer su sould ds + eS some additional situations. ‘T-14 tke to lose some weight S81: One thing you could dois to walk everywhere, 2 Have you thought about gu ” Why dont you join «health cht cit suggestions T61+ Unit9 A + Explain the task. Ask Ss to read each problem and suggestion. Elicit or explain any’ new vocabulary. ‘= Tomadel the task, ck Ss to choose possible answers for number 1 from the Suggestions column, Remind that more than one answer is possible, ‘= Secomplete the task individually. Go ermuand the clase and give help as needed, f= Blicit Se responses to check them. Accept any answers that Ss can defend i a logical way. 1B Group work ‘= Explain the task. Ask two or Uhroe Ss to model the activity by making suggestions forthe Gist problem inpart. ‘= Sework im small groups. Seta time limit ufabout five ‘munutes, Go arvund the class and give holp as neaded. * Option Ask one $i exch group to sare with thing ex Noth doen work! Te already Quszenne Learning objectives stent problems and sungestr: develo slink to deta AO [002 Track 21] Read the three problems inthe chad. Ask: “Do you ‘know people who have these problems? What have they done about if?” iit ideas. 2} For mare practice with predicting content, play © Prediction Bingo on page T-148, «Explain the task. Ss will ear three suggestions fr each problem. «Play the audio program. Pause after ench speaker for ‘Seto write. Ss listen and chonse the best suggestion for each problem. @ sreaxine EXID> istening should not boa memory testor Ss.Ta isting slong or contains many deta, break tup into sections, pausing afer each speaker. helpful, markin the ‘Sergt whore you plan to pause, using the symbol Audio seript (See page T-230,) B Group work ‘= Beplain the task + Then Ss compare answers and think of one more suggestion for each problem. '* Check Se’ answers around the class. Accept any answer that demonstrates comprehension. Leaming objective: make suggestions an how to sabe problems Group work + Explain the task. Ask Ss to read the question for ‘each picture, Ss think of thre suggestions for each problem, Se should be able to explain why they are taking the suggestion ‘= Ss work individually to write down ideas. ‘= Then Ss work in groups Ss take turns sharing suggestions. Remind Ss to ask follow-up questions. WRITING “To increase student aking Ue, introduce challenging ‘es (eg, fener than tree-word answers are not acceptable, ach $ must ask three fllow-up questions, or use atleast tree pvasal verbs). # Go around the elass and listenin, Note any problems and go over them later sith the class, ‘= Option: 8s role-play one ofthe problems. [etbretiet were Substitution Dialog on page T-191 with the Conversation on page 61. Ss think of «new problem twdiscuss, Learning objective: rite alter of advice * Option: Do this stivity A Erplain the task. Se imagine they are advice columnists, few minutes to read the letters and choose tue. Set.a time limit of about five minutes. + Then Ss write a reply. Bocourage Ss to give than one suggestion for solving the problem, FID To ae wana ssiamers more chatongng or | Pere me ght sma Yu is encourage em 0 use ore new voebay ae ram er the Reading on paige 63 1 Explain the task: Se imagine they 1 Ss decide who has * Option: B Group work + Collect the replies and shuffle them. Hland one letter toeach S. Give Ss a few minutes to read the letter. Go around the class and give help as needed, the person who wrote asking for advice, They decide ifthe advice ‘alumnist gave good advice ‘work in groups to discuss the letters. Ss tell the rest ofthe group what ind of advice they received he best advice foreach letter. They should try to agree on why they chose the letters as best 3s change groups.‘Then Se share their information with the new group, At your service * 62 [pruned opp ding smething ra short ie bere sn horror wha trong fing of shock ad eat ener toemeclven Secepndsomething thas eps it coals be hanged eben realizing tha something ie reyes ot haoperne raat weved more than asus bout something Sahawoe incense: improve See ake omer te to do something i Brine segativese sae which poren onaders oly bed quis of something come tects Scored: hare te connections changed Tins netive rode ae acta be divectyinvaved A ‘= Explain the tack. Se wil identify the main idea of ‘each paragraph. Point out thatthe other sentences in ‘the paragraph all support the main idea ‘= Se-complete the task individually. Then they compare their ancwers in pairs += Goover answers with the clas. 4452 143+ Unit 9 ‘+ Then Se or pairs compare their answers with others. «Check answers by asking Ss to read the information ‘loud or write itn the board. 2. Avoid being negative; dor't make negative jokes bout yoursel. 2. Tako an scive role when learning a language. stivaly femember regular verbs 4. Moke associations you're catching a plane at 20, C Group work + Explain the task. To model the task, ask two or three Se for their ideas. Elicit why Ss found the ideas usefial + Se workin small groups to discuss the suggestions. Remind Ss to ask follow-up questions and give additional suggestions, ‘= Option: Ask Ss to summarize their ideas for the lass. Do your students need more practice? Assign Workbook Exercises 67 ‘on pages 51-58 Lab Guide Exercises 57 on pages for more practice in Grammar, Vcabulry, Reading, nd Weng Listening, Pronunciation. Speaking, and Grammar Video Activity Book Listening, Speaking, and Unt Cultural Awareness The past and te future uvser. ‘this unit students tlk about significant historic events around the world and fture predictions In Cyele I students tak about important past ents using tine references InGyelo 2 students discuss the future with a variety of structuros. Learning objective: tatkobout ity yeas of popular fads = Books closed, Write the fillowing on the board, ict ‘hat each ix Ask'Ss to match these things with the ate they became popular: Harty Poter 1975 The Beatles 2000 Pokémon 1964 Dis 1998 ‘= Books open. Point out that the Snapshot contains ‘ix fds inthe U.S, from the last fifty years, Bl explain that a fad s something that becomes very popular, often fora short time 1 Se check their answers CONVERSATION + Discuss the pictures. Give Se a few minutes to read the Snapshot, « Elictor explain any new vorabulary, fe scenes becime known in the world munching: starting ceraze: fashion thats popula for a short ime ‘overnight sensation: sudden sucess ‘sweepa the nation: becomes poplar very quickly Toes theentire country + Read the questions. Ss diseuss the questions in small roups, Leaming objectives: pracice a conversation about a word fist an se tine references in conta AD) 1002 Track 22) + Write the title on the bard. Asks “Are you god at istry? Di you lite it at schon Why oe Why nat™ Ss cover the text and look only atthe picture. Se ideas about the picture. Option: Ss study the pieture for one minute, Then Ss close their books: Tn pairs, Sx discus all they can remember about the picture, including small details. Set the scene. Emma is quizzing Steve on some historical events in the twentieth century. Divide the class into A and B groups. Tel group A to Fisten and take notes on Emma's three questions. Tel ‘group B to listen and male note of Steve's ann * Play the sudo program, ‘= Text uncovered Se the securacy of the history? How ma nawer: sa the conversation and check notes. Ask: “Is Steve good at nyrern ac he get right? Play’the auio program ngain. 8 listen and read, » Bs practice the wersation in pair. i = Bxplain the task, Ask Ss to find and read the quiz questions in part A. Bit Se! guesses foreach one ‘and ask them to write ther ideas on the board, Tokeop activity ively at he board have several Se work atthe same tine. Assign each Sa secton ofthe board and ive each a marker. When Ss are finished, the pass thoi marker to another «© Play the second part of the audio program. $s listen for the correct answers. Audio script (Seo pag 7-230.) # Discuss the correct answers. Wirld War bogan in 1814 The United Nators has ba World War Wines 1945, or another way to practic Substitution Dialog 00 past the original quiz with their own. The ‘the conversation in pai they practice T68 © onamman rocus PS apace inces earners trie {CD 2 Track 23) ol ete ern | Dorin iets Ss eas Saat Payson Toye — 2 The United Nations has been in exstence ceo pen Re tee ee eS B70 Tet Se ry aa rat nd then teach whet hey conto. f= Write the answers on the board, (Answers: in, {niduring, ago 2. since for’during. 3 for, from...) A point of time in the past (in, ago, during) Rock‘n'roll Disco Madonna es 19018501975 1390 2000 Tock Wy rll became popular about 50 years ago. ‘Disco beeame a craze in 1975, ‘Madonna was on the music scene during the 1990s. A period of time that continues into the present (since, for) rg pls The United Nations has xsd ince 1945, The sited Nata has ese er over 60 yar. ther spn of ie ac lat ord) for alengthof ie eg for to echthree hare ‘period of time inthe pat (rom 1, for) jae ion ios ae Wor Wa st from 1914 to 1918, Wer War sted fr fur years © Pronuncrarion Lege died vs AQ) (002 Track 24) 4 Explain that in longer words one syllable carries themain sress while another ylable carries the secundary sires # Tall to cus on the main and secondary stress Play the audio program, Ask Ss to ta in tothe trees Pott nt he pate alwaye stressed, aa ~ Play the aio program. Ss listen and read A ‘Focus Se’ attention on the pictures, Elicit what Ss know about the Beatles and Mars. «= plain the task. Ss use time words to complete the paragraphs, List the time words on the hoard. «= Ss complete the task individually, ‘+ Ss compare answers in pairs. 1. lock music has beon popular for mare than $0 years. “The Beales wore 9 wellknown Englih band in/duing the 19605, Thoy performed tagether fr ton years ‘rom 1960 1 1970. In 2003, the Boatos released ‘other album, eventhough two ofthe original members had aiready dod. The album was recorded in 1969, nearly 40 yaars ago 2.4m 2008, the Unitad States launched two Mars txploration spacecrafts, Ther mission, which lasted for more than a yeat, was to gather information about the rocks, sol, and atmosphere on Mars using rovers tallad Spintand Opportunity. The rovers functioned longer than anyone expected-scientst thought thoy ‘would ast for only four months on Mars. n/during that time they have sent back thousands of ve pietures ofthe surface of Mars B Group work ‘= Explain the task, Ask two Ss to model the ‘= Ss work individually. They write two true and two. falke statements about world events ‘= Then Ss present their questions to the group. Others listen and correct the false statements. * Play the second part ofthe audio program. Ss listen and write the words from the bax in the correct column. Remind Ss to isten for the main stress, * Play the audio program again. Go over answers with the cass jsodvantage” comvmuneaton revolution 7 Po fun way to peace mya stra past participle * Explain that this ctracture deseribes hypothetical situations in the past. The rould/would have clause stores what didnt happen + Enonurage Ss to make up their own examples, 1 Play the audio ping A ‘= Hxplain the tsk. Hend the example. ‘Se listen and practice FS * Uo + Sc complete the task individually Go around the class and spot-check Se" responses. 1. should have beon more conscientious when Iwas via 2. hould have paid attention to what ato a5 kid 3.[ahould have made more friends when Lwas in high schoo 4. Tshouldn' have argued so muchishould have argued less when Iwasa teenager 5, Ishouldn' have been so naiveishould have been less naive when | started looking fr my frst ob. ‘= Then Ss work in pairs. They talk about which statements are true about their own lives. ‘= Explain the task: Model how to do number 1. Then have Ss complete the task individually, ‘= Ss compare answers in pairs, Elicit answers around: the class. ‘= Explain the task Read number 1in part B. Ask Ss to) complete the clause ‘+ Ss work individually to complete the task. Go around the class and spat-check Se! answers. Ss compare answers in small groups, Accept any’ ;wers that are both grammatical and logical. * Option: Ss save thei sentences for the Pronunciation om page 76. © wrencuancen ‘See page 7-127 for teaching notes © Pronunciarion Learning objective: notice and use reductions of neve andbeen AO [002 Track 35) ‘= Remind Se that we strese key words. Words such as [pronouns and ausiliary verbs are reduced. When ‘ave follows a modal (eg, should, could, would, i38 reduced to /ov/ i sounds ike the word of. The word ‘ben is reduced to fin! ‘= Ask'Ss to listen forthe reductions, Play the audio, progeam. Ss listen and read * Play the audio program again. Ss listen and repeat. = Option: Ss work in pairs. Tell So use their sentences from Exercise 8, part C on page 75. Se take turns practicing the reductions of have and Been. LISTENING B Pair work 7 + xplin the task Model a few sentences with words from bball page 74 and others of your own. For example: Tatuld have teen lee whanT we youre, IF been more sensible in college, leo aye + Ss complete the sentences in pais, Then Sx practi he eto For more practice with reductions, have Se work in {groups and play the Chain Game on age T-1A5, Learning objective: develop sis in isting to main ideas and summaring AO [e02 Track 36] Explain the task. Draw the chart on the board. + Tell Ss to listen the ist time forthe regret. Play the aucio program. Pause after each speaker for Ss to complete the chart, For another way to set the seene, try Clowd Prediction on page T-154, BO spain the task. Ths time Ss lis effect these regrets had. ' Play the audio program once or twice, Pause after ach speaker to give Ss time to fill in the chart en tofind out what * Blict Ss responses ® wane ‘Learning objectives: write a tener of potogy: practice the ‘new grammar structures A 1s Si attention on the picture, Ask what is happening. Then uk Sto read the letter of apology Explain the task, Read the questions. 1 Give Ss time to make some notes, Set 0 limit of about seven minutes: Go around the clas and give hulp ns reed To check anawors, draw te chart on the board ‘28k Ssto complete it This way, those whe are weak at stoning willbe abe to see the answers, ‘Audio seript (See page 7:282.) 1. Barbara regrets that she didn't take typing in high school When she goto collage, she discoverod She had to type all her assignments and she taught hereet typing. 2. Alox ogres that he ever started smoking. He's been laying te give itup, and its rally dificult. 2. Yishun regrets that she didn’t lean 0 play tho guitar taen she was ahd. She wishes she could bring 3 ‘ular tow party and play songs and have everyone For more practice with recognizing the grammar uuctures, play Stand Up, Sit Down on page T-151. Use Variation 1 ‘= So-use their notes to write a first draft For a new way for $s to think of and plan their content, try Pass the Paper on pase T15% B Pair work ‘+ Explain the task, Se work i pairs: They exchange letters and discuss what they would have done in a iar situation, Lile’s litte tessons * 1-76

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