Score: 100 Points: Speaking Assignment Activity Guide

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Instituto Virtual de Lenguas - INVIL

Programa: Programa Nacional de ingls
Curso: Ingls 3 - 90121
Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn
Tipo de curso: Terico-Prctico
Crditos: Dos (2)

The goal of the speaking activity is to express ideas about real life
situations accurately and efficiently based on the contents studied in
the course.
Specific objectives:
You are expected to:

Take part of an interview.

Talk about personal background.

Make use of good, accurate Pronunciation.

Make proper use of Grammar and Vocabulary learned in the course.

Listen to questions and instructions and respond accordingly.

Topic: Talk about an important moment based on the given topics.

Learning strategy: You will have the chance to increase your speaking ability through the
preparation and presentation of an oral interview based on the contents learned.

Score : 100 points

30 points : Forum

70 points : Interview


Instituto Virtual de Lenguas - INVIL
Programa: Programa Nacional de ingls
Curso: Ingls 3 - 90121
Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn
Tipo de curso: Terico-Prctico
Crditos: Dos (2)

The speaking activity will have two sections:

1. Speaking assignment FORUM
Expected outcomes in the forum (30 points):
The participation in the forum will be assessed based on the contributions given by you.
Procedure and instructions:

1. Post a photograph -in which you should appear- of an unforgettable moment you
have lived before with your family, your friends, at work, in a trip, at a party, or any
other situation that you want to share.

2. After posting the photograph, you will make a video (

describing the photograph and answering the following questions. Then you will share
the link in the forum:
a. Where and when did it happen?
b. Why is that moment important for you?
c. Who were you living that moment with?
d. How did you feel at that time?
e. What special details did you remember from that day?

3. Additionally, you will write 2 meaningful comments about two of your partners


Instituto Virtual de Lenguas - INVIL
Programa: Programa Nacional de ingls
Curso: Ingls 3 - 90121
Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn
Tipo de curso: Terico-Prctico
Crditos: Dos (2)

2. Speaking assignment INTERVIEW (70 points)

Expected outcomes in the interview
As a closing part of the activity, you will have an interview
with your tutor about an important moment in your life.
This interview will be carried out via Skype. This will be a
realistic scenario of everyday English, in which you will
use the topics below.

The interview consists of two parts; personal introduction and a conversation about the
1. Personal introduction.
A short introduction about yourself where you tell your tutor your name, age, place of
birth, job, address, marital status, phone number, hobbies, and other information you
want to include.
2. Important moment.
On the day of the interview, you will talk about that important moment in your life
(photograph posted in the forum) keeping in mind that you will have to use mostly past
tenses. Your tutor will ask questions based on your photograph.
In case you have not uploaded the video at the moment of the interview; your tutor will
present some topics for you to perform your activity:
Your birthday

Your wedding

Your graduation from high school/university

Your first trip abroad

Your school days

Your childs birth


Instituto Virtual de Lenguas - INVIL
Programa: Programa Nacional de ingls
Curso: Ingls 3 - 90121
Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn
Tipo de curso: Terico-Prctico
Crditos: Dos (2)

Example of an interview:
Tutor: So Juan, you uploaded an interestion photograph in the forum and we are going to
talk about it.
Student: Ok, I chose that one because it was an unforgettable birthday.
Tutor: Ok cool! What important moment do you have about this particular photograph?
Student: Well, about that picture, if there is something in my life that I could not forget, it
would be my 18th birthday. I learned the true value of friendship at that point of life. Since I
was a small child, I did not like birthday parties as it was tedious. I dislike crowds and people
fussing over me. It can be annoying when many people tried to be nice on that particular
day. Well, my perception on birthday changed completely on my 18th birthday
Tutor: Ok, thats great, continue please!
Student: Yes, something unexpected happened and whenever I think about that day, it puts
a smile on my face
Tutor: Why? What happened?

For the interview you will need to have the necessary virtual tools such as headphones,
microphone, webcam and a good internet connection.

Before the interview you will be required to register in a google drive, where you will
choose a date and a time for the interview established by the tutor.

To register your interview date in the drive you should include ID number, full name,
group number, email address and Skype username.

It is important to log in to the Skype at least 10 minutes before the interview in order to
guarantee that the required elements function properly.

Important: For the interview and as a security measure it is mandatory to present your ID
(Cdula y carnet de la UNAD) and to use webcam.

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