Selected National Socialist Essays by David Myatt

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From The Archives

Selected National Socialist Essays by David Myatt

Volume One

Editorial Introduction

As an academic noted in an article - published in 2013 by the United States

Air Force - Myatt is "arguably England's principal proponent of contemporary
neo-Nazi ideology and theoretician of revolution." [1]
It seems therefore apposite for us to oer this volume: the rst in a projected
series of documents containing a few of the hundreds of National Socialist
essays of David Myatt dating from the middle to late 1990s, essays which
were not included in the recent [April 2016] pdf collection we released titled
Selected National Socialist Writings Of David Myatt.
Where that collection concentrated on Myatt's more philosophical and
ideological NS writings - his revisionist vision and evolution of National
Socialism - this series will concentrate on his more overtly political writings;
the type of writings published for instance in his newsletter The NationalSocialist - whose banner was 'Propaganda Without A Fist To Back It Up Is
Useless' - and which newsletter was initially issued (from 1995 on) in support
of Combat 18, and later (from 1997 on) in support of his own political
organization The National-Socialist Movement, of which the London
nail-bomber David Copeland was a member.
Thus, in his article The Roots of Racial Awareness: Denouncing Liberal Myths
About Racial Nationalism (republished by Reichsfolk in 1999 and written
when Myatt was on bail following his arrest in 1998 by Detectives from SO12
Scotland Yard) Myatt wrote that:
Correctly understood, racial nationalism - the desire to create and live in an
ethnic homeland or nation among one's own kith and kin according to the laws
and customs of one's ancestral culture - is a more natural, more harmonious,
more healthy way of life than the drug-infested, crime-ridden, multi-racial society
which we are forced to live in today. And forced to live in because the
Government of the day, all the Governments of the past ve decades, and all the
main political Parties, have made and enforce tyrannical laws to create a
particular type of society [...]
The terms "racism" and racist" are recent inventions. Racism itself is a modern
abstract idea, a modern theory, invented by Marxist social engineers and used by
those social engineers, and those who aid and support them and their social
engineering, to mentally condition people and so enable those social engineers to
construct the modern tyrannical, dishonourable, usury-driven, "politicallycorrect" crypto-Marxist multi-racial societies we have today.
The truth is that the nations of the West have been turned into "politically-

correct" societies because of the political and social ideas invented by these
people and propagated for over seventy years by them and their Marxist, their
crypto Marxist, and their liberal helpers. These societies are Marxist in all but
outward name. In fact, there has been the introduction of Marxism by stealth, by
deceit, by social engineering.
For the reality is that Marxism is not fundamentally about opposing so-called
capitalism: it is about creating a mechanistic, soulless, tyrannical multi-racial
society governed by and upholding abstract materialistic values and ideas where
The State has supreme authority and where such Aryan ideals as personal
honour and duty to the folk are at best rejected and at worst unknown.
Whenever we hear or see the words racism and racist we are hearing and seeing
crypto-Marxist social engineering at work. The ideas of the sociological theory of
so-called racism, and the term racist, are a means of social control: a means to
tame, to control, to subvert, to dominate.
In a modern State like Britain, the Police and the Security Service, MI5, are used
to enforce the tyrannical, politically-correct, crypto-Marxist status quo: seeking
out, and tracking down, people who are suspected of being "racist" and indulging
in all kinds of covert surveillance in an eort to enforce the multitude of
tyrannical laws which have been introduced. To enforce such a political tyranny,
the Police have been given more and more powers just as more and more laws
restricting what we can say or do have been introduced. Indeed, "ghting
racism" has become a priority for the Police and the Government of the day: by
which they mean ghting anyone who opposes the politically-correct multi-racial
status quo and especially those, like racial nationalists, who seek to create an
ethnic homeland for their people.
What - correctly understood - is racism? It is any opposition by Aryans
("Whites") to social and political policies of racial preference for non-Aryans
("non-Whites"). It is any preference by Aryans for their own people and culture.
It is any resistance by Aryans to becoming a minority race in what once were
their own nations. It is any deance: any unwillingness to let non-Aryans insult
you and your people. It is any unwillingness to let more and more non-Aryans
crowd into what is already a vastly overcrowded nation. It is, in brief, any of the
healthy and natural aspirations of a people that have created and maintained folk
societies and nations since recorded history began.

In the same year as the publication of that article, Myatt - still on bail and
awaiting trial for 'inciting racial hatred' and 'incitement to murder' circulated the following statement to which he gave the title A Learning
From Adversity:
The following quotes from the Greek classical authors Aeschylus
and Sophocles are relevant to my forthcoming criminal trial, and
express my own attitude to the proceedings, and those involved
with them. (All the translations are mine.)
1) In respect of my own feelings about the proceedings:
What is now, came to be
As it came to be. And its ending has been ordained.

Aeschylus - Agamemnon vv. 67-68

A learning from adversity:

Even in sleep there trickles through the heart
The disabling recalling of the pain:
And wisdom arrives regardless of desire,
A favour from the gods
Who have taken the seats of honour, by force.
Aeschylus - Agamemnon vv. 177-183

2) In respect of those who have contrived these proceedings and

the laws upon which they are based:
There is no protection
In riches for the man of excess
Who stamps down the great altar of the goddess, Judgement,
In order to hide it from view.
Aeschylus - Agamemnon vv. 381-384

Such people have given in to a vigorously enduring Temptation (v.

385) but in the end the gods "take down those persons who, lacking
fairness, turn their attention to such things" (v. 396-398). The gods
often send the blood-letting Furies after such individuals, and their
descendants, and lay upon their people "an unbearable aiction"
(v. 395) often for generations.
"So - you dared to violate these laws?"
Yes - for it was not Zeus who proclaimed them to me,
Nor did She who dwells with the gods below - the goddess
Judgement Lay down for us mortals such laws as those.
Neither did I suppose that your edicts
Had so much strength that you, who die,
Could out-run the unwritten and unchangeable
Customs of the gods: for the life of these things
Is not only of yesterday or today, but eternal,
No one remembering their birth.
I did not seek - because I feared any man's pride To be punished by the gods for breaking their customs:
For I clearly understood I would die even before your proclamation.
That my death is now sooner, I say is a gain
Since how can he who lives among so many cowards as I
Not nd honour in so dying?
There is thus for me no sorrow in this
My destined fate.
Sophocles - Antigone vv. 450-466

It is to be hoped - our gods willing - that my own people will wake

up and learn from the adversity of the tyrannical times we live in,
and from the even worse adversity and tyranny which is to come.
The re-publication of these essays, as with Selected National Socialist
Writings Of David Myatt and the Constitution of The National-Socialist Reich,
should provide suitable source material for those researching, studying, or
interested in, either contemporary neo-nazi ideology and 'right-wing'
extremism and/or the life and past extremism of Mr Myatt. What is also of
interest is how Myatt's political strategy evolved over time: from supporting
covert insurrection and 'terrorism' in pursuit of overthrowing the
government to - via pathei mathos - the ethical National Socialism of
RDM Crew
May 2016
[1] Michael, George. The New Media and the Rise of Exhortatory Terrorism . Strategic
Studies Quarterly (USAF), Volume 7 Issue 1, Spring 2013.

What We Need Is A War!

What we really need, is a war: a real, nation-wide proper and overt war
involving armies. Our people for the most part have become soft, weak,
decadent and un-Aryan. They, for the most part, lead pampered mostly urban
lives totally divorced from the realness of Nature.
Our people, for the most part in their cocooned urban lives, have never felt
real awe: they have never felt powerless before the forces of Nature as they
have seldom if ever faced the possibility of their own death. As a result, they
have become overbearingly arrogant and selsh, having no understanding or
even sense of their real purpose in life - having no feeling of something, like
Nature, more powerful than they are, and having no feeling of how they
belong to their race and how they have a duty to protect and evolve the race
to which they belong.
In their urban decadence, surrounded by peace, material security and the
material plenty of this disgusting capitalist society, they have no
understanding or even sense of their Aryan identity.
They have forgotten the harshness, the suering, the hunger, the nearness of
death, the primal fear which can produce and which do produce real
character. The have forgotten the realness of Nature and the sense of
belonging, of Blood and Soil, which this realness, this closeness to Nature
The suering and death of war, its harshness and its pain, are necessary. The
threat of death - the overcoming of the fear of death - breeds true character.
The suering of war, the self-discipline needed to ght again and again, day
after day, week after week, makes real men.
Only cowards and wimps seek peace - a real man seeks war, and adventure,
and glory. Every noble civilized society that has ever existed has been born in
war and has ourished and survived because it was a warrior society lead by
men who had distinguished themselves in combat.
What we have forgotten today in our selsh arrogance, our materialism, is
that it is not the individual which is important - for the happiness of the
individual is meaningless. The whole, the folk, the culture of the folk, is more
important than the individual, and if for the sake of the whole, the individual
must suer, and die, the so it must be - for otherwise there will be no whole,
no folk, no culture, no folk society, no civilization to thrust ever onward. All
there will be when the happiness of the individual comes rst - before the
whole, before the folk - is the selshness, the chaos, of ignoble capitalism.
Over fty years of peace have made our people soft and decadent. Over fty
years of peace have made most of our men into urban wimps and weaklings into "businessmen", or "executives" or "oice workers" or "salesmen" who

jostle one another at the trough of materialism for the oal of money which
their Zionist capitalist-commissars condescend to provide them with.
The urbanised, unnatural and anti-nature society we have today, with its
drugs, its crime, its lack of honour, its cowardly scum, its weedy "antihunting, anti-war, pro-social work" brigades, is the result of decades of peace
- of materialistic values. Young men now no longer for the most part seek
adventure, or glory through war - they no longer seek to be heroic, to show
valour in real deadly combat. They no longer for the most part desire to hunt,
either animals or men. Instead, they seek pleasure; they seek to be
entertained; they seek to be diverted. They for the most part dream the
dreams which have been given to them - which they are allowed to have.
For instance, there is something wrong, something quite un-warrior like,
about young boys spending a lot of their time playing games like football, and
dreaming of being professional football players, or "pop stars" or something
equally diverting. What a waste of life! What a waste of their Aryan potential!
What a waste of their warrior heritage! Instead of diverting themselves by
kicking a ball around, instead of gaining skill in such a pastime, they should
be out learning how to ght, learning how to hunt, how to survive, for real and dreaming of doing great deeds of glory, of adventure.
What a con-trick has been played on us over the past fty or so years! What
fools we have been! "Give them some sport, and allow them some passion in
supporting some team or some person - but not too much passion" the Zionist
capitalist-commissars once said. "This will divert them, keep them happy and
entertained. It will squander their passion. And make them forget who they
are. May they never discover their Destiny!"
A game is just a game - to be played and enjoyed. There is no real glory in it;
no heroism; no deeds to be proud it. It has no Destiny, as we as a warrior
race have a blood-Destiny. A game is a game, an entertainment: a relaxing
diversion for a few hours, and nothing more. The passion, the skill, the
training, the dreams should all be toward something valuable, something
truely noble, something Aryan, something warrior-like and real and which
extends our great warrior heritage, and which can aid our blood-Destiny.
We must be true to our Aryan nature, true to our Destiny as warriors. We
must throw o the yoke of capitalism, of "entertainment" and "sports" which
our Zionist capitalist-commissars have placed around our necks to squander
our passion, our energy, and to keep us quiet and docile. We must once again
seek glory and war, as our noble ancestors did, as we must once again speak
out aloud this truth of Nature: to seek war, to glory in war, to do deeds of
valour in war, is the mark of a man, while to seek comfort, security and peace
is the mark of a coward.
Now, and in the future, there is only being Aryan, or being a lackey of the
Zionist capitalist-commissars.
Originally published in Issue 27 of The National-Socialist, November 108 yf

Facing The Reality

David Myatt

Part One
The Reality

In our ght for freedom, we have to face the reality of our times. The reality
is that our times are very dierent from those which existed in this country
fty years ago - and vastly dierent from those which existed in Germany
after the First World War and which gave rise to the NSDAP and our rst
great victory.
Past Times

In those days, there was still a nationalist sentiment among the majority of
our people as there was an instinctive sense of racial identity. There was
even a certain sense of racial superiority - we Whites, we Europeans, were
civilized, while "natives'' were regarded rather like naughty children who had
to be educated and taught how to behave.
In those days, there was still in existence in countries like Britain and
Germany a rural way of life, steeped in tradition. Because of this, what we
have come to call the Aryan ideal of Blood and Soil actually existed - it lived,
was made real, among our people and in our land.
Furthermore, in those days, a signicant number of our people still upheld
and tried to live by the Aryan ideals of honour and duty. The majority of
young men of those days still aspired to be warriors, like their ancestors they still yearned to ght, as they still sought real dangerous adventure.
Also, we Aryans had much more freedom then than we do now. We were free
to protest, to march, to defend ourselves from attack, as we were free to
speak openly and to produce and distribute literature and propaganda. There
were, for instance, no "Public Order Acts'' restricting and taking away our
natural rights and freedoms, as the Police had far fewer powers of arrest,
search and detention than they do now. In fact, many Police Oicers in those
days were broadly sympathetic to our Cause.
The Reality Today

Today, our nations are very dierent places. In many ways, the nations we
live in now seem to belong to a dierent world. We now have a mainly urban
way of life, as a result of which our ideal of Blood and Soil no longer exists
for us in a practical way. We have tyrannical laws which, for instance,
prevent us holding public marches and meetings, and which restrict what we

can say or do in public. We have a majority of our own people supporting

these tyrannical laws - or at the very least, indierent to them.
Today, we have the majority of our own people ignorant of the Aryan value of
duty to the folk - thus are they indierent to their race, their Destiny, their
racial heritage and their Aryan customs. We have the majority of the men of
our race indierent to or disdainful of the Aryan ideal of honour - thus are
they content to live a materialistic life, unlike their warrior ancestors. Today,
the majority of our young men no longer yearn to be warriors - instead, they
yearn to be "sports stars'', or "entertainers'' or desire to "earn lots of money''.
Today, we have a Police force which is largely unsympathetic to our racial
Cause and which enforces all the tyrannical anti-Aryan laws which our
enemies have made over the last sixty or seventy years to increase their grip
on power. We have the senior ranks of this Police force which sees us, and
our very Cause, as "the enemy'', as criminals, because we still dare to defy
the tyrannical Marxist political correctness which they themselves believe in.
Today, we have the immense power of the Media against us - and over fty
years of brainwashing to contend with. For the past fty years our people,
from the cradle to the grave, have been brainwashed, mentally conditioned,
by the Media, by politicians and by teachers who all have supported the lies
on which the present tyrannical anti-Aryan has been built. These lies are the
lie of "racial equality'', the lie of "parliamentary democracy'', the lie of "the
meaning of life is personal happiness''. Thus have the majority of our own
people come to support the System, or at least not actively ght against it in
any meaningful way.
Today, our very Cause is misunderstood by the majority of our people, thanks
to fty years of lies which our opponents have spread, unhindered.
Today, because of all these things, are options are limited.
Our Realistic Option

Since our aim is to create our own Aryan nation, our own State or Reich,
where we can live in freedom according to our Aryan customs, we have to
realize that this means - whatever option or way we choose - ghting the
present System.
We must ght or struggle against the System for two very simple reasons.
First, the System itself will seek to destroy us, whatever option or way we
choose. They will do this because the people who have created and who
control this System see us as their mortal enemy - a threat to their power,
and even their very existence. Let us make no mistake - they hate us with a
erce, irrational and passionate hatred. They also fear us, even now when
they have so much power and so many resources, and we have so little - for
we with our nobility, our honour and our idealism represent everything they
themselves are not now, never have been and never can be.

The second reason we must ght the System is that our very Cause demands
that we try and free our people by converting them to our ideals (see The
National-Socialist Number 26) and this by its very nature will bring us into
conict with a State whose very existence is a negation of these ideals.
Given that we must struggle against the power and the tyranny of the
System, we have but three options.
(1) We can seek to become the Government of this nation by participating in
the electoral system and getting people to vote for us. This requires a
political party which elds candidates in elections.
(2) We can seek to overthrow the Government through armed insurrection, a
coup d'etat or something similar. This requires a covert group.
(3) We can undermine the Government by taking away the support it has
from our people by seeking to convert our people to our Cause. This requires
a revolutionary Movement of social and political reform which has a spiritual
The National-Socialist Movement has chosen this third alternative - the way
of a revolutionary, spiritual, Movement; the way of a living, organic,
Movement (see The National-Socialist Number 30).
We have chosen this way because it is the only realistic, feasible option we
have today. To understand why this is so, let us consider the other options.
Why Armed Insurrection Will Fail

The option of armed insurrection is unrealistic for the following reasons:

(1) We do not at present have the support of even a large section of our own
people, and such support is essential for any group which seeks to overthrow
a Government through military or guerilla means. Such support occurs when
a signicant number of people see the Government, the State, as the enemy,
as oppressors, and such support is the only way a covert group can survive the people who sympathize with this group, or who support it, provide the
"safe houses'', the food, the nances, the ghters who continue the struggle,
and much more besides. The truth of our times is that most of our people
either support the present State, through ignorance or brainwashing, or are
indierent to it.
(2) We do not at present have any signicant support among the Police or the
Armed Forces, such support being helpful if not essential for a successful
covert or guerilla movement, as it provides: (a) the intelligence necessary to
mount successful attacks, and (b) some of the weaponry needed to tackle the
forces which support the State.
(3) We cannot at present nd - from among our own supporters - even two
dozen fanatical and committed people prepared to die for the Cause.

(4) We have no roots, no base, no foothold, in any community or any area in

our own nation - that is, we do not have a single neighbourhood, or any area
at all, where we have the support of the majority of people. We are dispersed
across the whole country, and as such are easy targets for the State.
The bottom line today is that were a few of us to do anything in the way of
guerilla action, the majority of our own people would betray us to the Police,
such is their lack of sympathy for, and lack of understanding of, our Cause.
We are at least ten if not twenty years away from acquiring the fundamental
things which any real covert or guerilla movement needs. Because of this however desirable it might seem to try and overthrow the State by such
means - such covert action if attempted now or in the near future will
certainly fail.
Before we can even talk seriously of such covert action we have to build the
secure foundation which is needed. This secure foundation is the support of a
signicant number, if not a majority, our own people - they need to see the
Government, the State, for the tyranny it is as they need to support us or
sympathize with us as National-Socialists.
Why Electioneering Will Fail

The option of electioneering - of forming a political Party and contesting

elections in the hoping of becoming the Government - will, with one
exception [1], fail for the following reasons:
(1) The System will simply not allow an Aryan political Party to achieve
success by this means. If any such Party shows any sign of gaining any
success whatever, the System will simply change the rules. Thus they will
make new laws, which take away what little freedom remains to campaign in
public, as they will contrive to have the leaders of such a Party tried on some
charge or other. The System will also try and bankrupt such a Party by
having some organization or other, or some individual, sue the Party and
claim "damages'', as has happened many times in America.
The System will use any and every means at its disposal to save itself - the
people who run this System are not going to just sit back and watch an Aryan
political Party gain success after success. If necessary - and if they cannot
remove the leaders and organizers of such a Party by sending them to prison
on some pretext or other - they will assassinate those leaders and organizers.
(2) Getting people to vote for a political Party at election time is not the way
to gain real support: it does not make the majority of people into real,
dedicated National-Socialists as it does not make them live their lives in an
Aryan way, with honour, with loyalty and doing their duty to their race. Such
electoral support - as far as real signicant social and political change goes means very little.

The support a political Party achieves through voting is not what is required a fundamental political and social revolution is what is required. A political
Party whose fundamental aim is gaining votes at elections is by its nature a
Party which has compromised with the ways of the System itself and the
anti-Aryan values of the System - for everything that such a Party does is
determined or judged by the number of votes received, or the hope of
gaining more votes. Thus does such a Party curry favour with the people, as
the people are now, in the hope of gaining their votes - it does not tell the
people the whole truth about their decadent, dishonourable, egotistical way
of life as it does not try and show them how they should live: as honourable
Aryans, proud of their heritage and aware of their unique Destiny.
Our Spiritual Revolution

The only realistic option available to us is the one that the National-Socialist
Movement has chosen - the way of social and political revolution, a spiritual
revolution, through seeking to convert our people to our noble Cause of
Aryan freedom.
It needs to be repeated yet again that this way involves three things:
(1) It involves us in going out among our own people - talking to them person
to person - and trying to win them over to our Cause and recruit them as
members or supporters for our Movement.
(2) It involves us being part of a legal and openly National-Socialist
organization and developing through this organization a real comradeship
among ourselves.
(3) It involves us in having some rural base, some kind of community where
we can make our ideals of Blood and Soil real and where people can come to
see what our ideals and our Aryan way of life really mean . Such a base, such
a community is of vital importance for us, today, because the sad fact is that
nowhere in our country do these ideals and this way of life still live. This
community - ideally, a working farm - and its way of life will be one of our
best means of propaganda.
In addition to these things, we must learn the lessons of the past ve years in
respect of propaganda.
The rst of these lessons is that all of our propaganda - from leaets, to
pamphlets, to posters - should be geared toward recruiting our people and
geared toward projecting the truth about our Cause: its nobility, our desire
for freedom and so on. That is, all our propaganda should be both positive
and idealistic. This is so because of our fundamental aims: convert and
recruit, and spread the truth about our Cause.
The second of these lessons is that this propaganda must be legal for one
very practical reason. Propaganda which is today illegal under the various
tyrannical laws of the System is both ineective in recruiting others and

totally unnecessary - a waste of resources. What such propaganda expresses,

can be better expressed in a positive and idealistic way - that is, in a legal
way. Anything else which such illegal propaganda might seek to achieve is
totally irrelevant and unnecessary to us - for we are concerned only with our
aims of convert, recruit and spreading the truth about our Cause.
To labour the point - we simply do not need to go outside the bounds of
current law to get our message across.
Why Victory Will Be Ours

If we stick to our aims of convert, recruit and spreading the truth about our
Cause, and if we develop our Movement as it has been explained above and
elsewhere (see the past four issues of The National-Socialist ) that it must be
developed, then we will certainly win.
If we do these things we will win for one very good reason: there is no power
on this Earth which can stop the victory of a moral and spiritual Cause which
has truth and justice on its side and which has as its champions idealistic
men and women who are prepared to seek converts.
The power of money cannot stop the victory of such a noble crusade. All the
might of all the armies and all the Police forces in the world cannot prevent
the victory of such a Cause. All the laws of all the Governments cannot
prevent the spread of such a Cause.
These things are as they are because our Cause is now much greater, much
more powerful, than any one individual. It is much greater, much more
powerful because it is noble and spiritual and because we who truely uphold
and champion this noble Cause know that we, as individuals, are expendable
- for we have re-discovered the ancient wisdom of our race which our
enemies have tried, with their money, their power, their decadence, their
laws, to make us forget. This wisdom is that we are part of our race - and
that the very meaning of our own lives is to aid our race.
Thus, were one of us to be imprisoned - someone else will carry on the good
work in society while the person in prison becomes a Hero, a living icon
admired for their courage and their devotion to duty. Thus, were one of us to
be assassinated, someone else is always there to carry on the Cause, while
the person assassinated becomes a martyr, remembered and revered for all
The only question which really remains to be answered is when victory will
be ours. The answer depends on us - on we who are living now. Victory can
be ours in our lifetime if we are noble and dedicated enough - if we live as we
are meant to live, as Aryans true to our noble values of honour, loyalty and
Originally published in Issue 31 of The National-Socialist, April 109 yf

[1] One way of achieving practical power by conventional political means is if we are gifted
by Providence with another Adolf Hitler. That is, if a genuine Leader arises to guide us to
victory, for such a leader, like Adolf Hitler did, could convert our people into idealistic
National-Socialists, and thus achieve both an outer political revolution and a genuine social

Part Two
Revolutionary Fantasies

The title [Revolutionary Fantasies] was used by Jost of Aryan Kindred several
years ago and his article was critical of those who talked and wrote about
doing "revolutionary deeds" along the lines of "leaderless resistance".
I did once, several years ago, consider for a while that it might be necessary
and indeed feasible to use such tactics, but as I explained in part one - The
Reality - such tactics are not practical now for three basic reasons, reasons
which I learned the hard way, from practical experience.
First, we as National-Socialists (and even as exponents of Aryan identity)
lack support among our own people, with such support being a pre-condition
to any successful or meaningful revolutionary action. The majority of our
people, to put it bluntly, simply either do not care or do not understand what
is going on. As long as they have food, shelter, a reasonable (or in most
cases, very good) standard of living, entertainment, a partner, a reasonably
happy family life, and other such things, they have no desire for change: they
feel no need for radical, revolutionary change.
Second, we do not even have one real Aryan community which we can call
our own; that is, where thousands of us live in the same area, in families and
as single individuals, and which openly and willingly upholds our ethos, our
way of life, our principles, our beliefs, and where we have our own Schools,
and some kind of local Aryan authority: where we elect our own local oicials
who believe as we do and who strive to do their public duty according to our
Third, we cannot even nd a few score dedicated fanatics prepared to ght
and die for our Cause. I know, for I have tried to nd such people for several
Furthermore, every single covert organization we create is either disrupted,
or inltrated by ZOG agents, or both, and quite often the disruption that
occurs is due to pettiness, to the human failings of some of those involved.
Quite simply, it is diicult to nd people of the right calibre.
In addition, because of the tyrannical nature of our Governments, which now
have enormous resources and power at their disposal, those who try to plan

and organize such things have to be very, very careful to avoid being
compromised, and arrested. There is now so much covert and overt
surveillance, by Government agencies, so much inltration by their agents
that trying to even start something is very diicult, given the fact that we do
not know who, outside of our small circle of close Comrades, we can trust.
We no longer have a common link with our people: we are no longer of their
communities because they do not have real, folk, communities anymore.
It amounts to the fact that there is and has been a lot of talk about
revolutionary and covert action, but very little action. And the few actions
which have been undertaken have made no dierence at all. They have not
led to new recruits; they have not even made any dierence whatsoever to
the power, the inuence, of ZOG. They have not led the majority of our
people to the truth, or aected in any signicant or even noticeable way the
tyranny, the manipulation, that goes on. All such actions have done is to feed
the fantasies of those who desire to act, but who lack true Aryan guidance:
who lack someone strong enough to tell them that such fantasies are and will
remain, for the near future, just fantasies.
And the sad thing is that many activists have had to go to Prison, for a very
long time, as some have been killed, for us to learn the lesson we needed to
It is thus highly irresponsible of any of us to encourage anyone to think in
terms of such "revolutionary fantasies." The desire for revolutionary action
that some of our young men feel is a good and natural desire, a healthy
response; but we need and must direct that desire into productive things and
toward achievable and necessary goals. We must build the foundations we
need before we can seriously undertake such action, and these foundations
are real support among our own people.
Our Fundamental Problem

Our fundamental problem is lack of support by our own people. The majority
simply do not understand or care about what is going on. They simply have
lost their Aryan identity.
We belong to a dierent world than them; it is as if they are strangers.
Seventy, even fty, years ago it was not like it is now. But such has been the
manipulation of our people by the social engineering of ZOG, such their
brainwashing by the social and political ideas of ZOG, that they no longer
behave, think, act or even feel like Aryans.
Our fundamental and necessary task is to create real Aryan communities
where we can have Comrades, and only Comrades, as neighbours. Our real
task is to create the infrastructure we need: Schools, shops, stores, farms.
We need living, working, examples of our principles, our beliefs. We need to

show people by example. We need to build, slowly, methodically, the

foundations of a new Aryan way of living.
In terms of existing nations, this means we must seek to convert, to win over
to our Cause, whole streets, whole neighbourhoods: we need to concentrate
on certain areas and by, doing practical things to aid our people there, win
them over by example.
And most important of all we need to forget for the moment about our
Governments; we need to forget about those things which we cannot do
anything about, which we are powerless at present to change, and instead
change what we, as individuals, can change: things in our own street, our
own neighbourhood, our own town.
That is, we must seek achievable, practical and realistic goals. This means
forgetting for now about changing the world; forgetting for now about
national and State politics. It means a change from politics to community, a
change from useless rhetoric to practical, worthwhile deeds.
We must stop dreaming unrealistic dreams, stop living in the past, and
silently and slowly get on with the job of building the foundations for real
Aryan communities, both new ones, through migration, and within existing
In respect of founding new communities, if we really believe what we preach
- if we really believe that our duty to our folk comes before our own
self-interest - then we will make the changes in our life which are necessary,
nding like-minded Aryans, and beginning to plan where we can go, as small
groups of brothers and sisters, to found our new communities and so begin to
live as we should live, as decent, hard-working Aryans.
And I know in my heart that it will be from one of these small Aryan
communities that a new and free Aryan nation will emerge.
1st December 111yf

Our Greatest Enemy - Egotism

Our greatest enemy - greater, more powerful and more persuasive than the
Zionists and their tyranny - is ourselves.
The real enemy we must face now and ght is our own egotism - our own
selshness. The plague-like disease of egotism has all but destroyed our race.
We, the Aryans of the world, once created and maintained mighty Empires.
We, the Aryans of the world, once founded and maintained great civilizations.
We, the Aryans of the world, were once mighty warriors - the greatest and
most feared warriors this world of ours had ever seen. We achieved the
things we did because we were Aryan - that is, because we triumphed over

our egotism, our lower and selsh nature.

We achieved the great things we did, as a race, because we could be
idealistic and heroic - because we often did place the welfare of our
comrades, our folk, before ourselves, and because we often gave our own
lives so that our comrades, our own folk, would live. We achieved the renown
we did because we were prepared to sacrice our material comforts, our
security, for the chance of glory in battle or for the chance of going where no
human being had gone before. And we did all these things because we had
Now - with some exceptions - we Aryans are just like the rest of the human
beings on this world. We wallow in the sub-human mire of materialism. Our
people themselves can now be bought by a compliment, by a chance of a job,
by some "promotion" at work, by some bribe or some material gift. Their
desire now is to be comfortable, to have personal possessions, to drive a new
and more powerful car, to wear the "right" - the "fashionable" - clothes, to be
"accepted" by those they regard as friends and colleagues. They desire to
have a home of their own as they desire holidays and a "good time".
Corruption, dishonesty and dishonourable behaviour are now rife among our
people. The honour which once distinguished us as Aryans has almost been
forgotten among our own people. Ask any of them what honour is, and most
of them would not be able to tell you - at best, some may mumble some words
about "good reputation", but I doubt if any would be able to dene what
honour really was, as few if any would wish to live by a Code of Honour, for
such an honourable life is hard.
Our real task, as National-Socialists, is to root out, once and for, the
pestilence of egotism, the plague of dishonour. Our task is to once again act
and live like Aryans - with honour, with a sense of duty to our folk. Our task is
once again to uphold the noble idealism which raised us up out of barbarism
and which made us superior to other races. Our task is once again to be
prepared to put our duty before our own personal desires, before our own
Even we who are National-Socialists - and who understand what being Aryan
means - have not been immune to this destructive pestilence of egotism.
Every year, for the past fty years, someone or some many from our ranks,
have put their own interests, their own pride, their own "reputation", or their
own selsh material greed before their honourable duty to their folk.
Every year, for the past fty years, someone or some many from within our
own ranks, has given in to their lower, their sub-human, nature and acted
dishonourably by spreading rumours, or by accepting some bribe to inform
on their comrades.
Every year there are those who call themselves National-Socialists who
disgrace our Cause by their dishonourable and un-Aryan behaviour.

It was really egotism which destroyed National-Socialist Germany - not

the power of the Zionists. It was egotism, the stupid arrogant, dishonourable
pride of the sub-human, which caused so many German oicers to betray
Adolf Hitler and his noble Aryan cause. It was egotism, the cowardice of
self-survival, which caused so many Germans after the war to denounce
National-Socialism and to betray former members of the SS to the Allies.
It was egotism which has almost destroyed our movement in the past fty
years - the egotism of informers, the egotism of traitors, the egotism of a
posturing "toy Fhrer", the egotism of greedy men and women, the egotism
of petty gossips.
We as National-Socialists have a mission to replace sub-human egotistical
materialism with the higher consciousness of racial identity. We must, for
once and for all, eradicate the pestilence of egotism, and we can only do this
through the idealism, the nobility of honour. Honour is the sole cure for
egotism. Honour is the means whereby we can raise ourselves up from
barbarism - a means whereby we can full the greatness of evolution which
lies within us.
Honour is the superior weapon we need to defeat the Zionists and their
allies. Through honour we can triumph and create a new Reich, a new
National-Socialist State, a really free and independent Aryan nation.
To win the war we are ghting all we have to do is live and die by a Code of
Honour. Faced with our weapon of honour, the wealth of the Zionists is
useless. Faced with our weapon of honour, the egotism of their Marxist
materialism does work. Faced with our weapon of honour, the decadence
they have created in our societies does not work. Faced with our weapon of
honour, the Armed Forces they control, the Police forces they control, the
Security Service they control, are useless - for they with all their
conventional weapons, all their conventional forces, cannot destroy our
honour - only we ourselves, when we act dishonourably, when we are
egotistical, can destroy our honour.
This simple truth about honour is National-Socialism. This simple truth about
the indestructibility, the power, of honour is what Adolf Hitler and his loyal
followers fought and died for. This simple truth about honour is what we
must take out among our people and use to free them from their lower
egotistical nature and from the clutches of the Zionists whose nal global
triumph, as Adolf Hitler said, would be the funeral wreath of our human
"On this planet of ours, human culture and civilization are
indissolubly bound up with the presence of the Aryan. If he should
be exterminated, or subjugated, then the dark shroud of a new
barbarian era would enfold this Earth." Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf,
Originally published in Issue 29 of The National-Socialist, February 109 yf

The Revolutionary Ideal

The reality of our times is that the best Aryans are the aggressive, sometimes
violent individuals who are part of and who are drawn to such "direct action"
organizations as Combat 18. That is, such Aryans represent what it is to be
Aryan. The stark truth of our times is that the aggressive Aryan "football
hooligan" is behaving in a more natural, more healthy, more Aryan way than
the "respectable" middle-class business man striving to make money.
Furthermore, organizations such as Combat 18 - aiming to recruit and use
such "hooligan" elements - represent genuine National-Socialism in action.
That is, such organizations are more Aryan, more genuinely NationalSocialist, than those organizations which try and appear "respectable" in the
hope of either winning votes, or gaining more members, and which
accordingly speak about the need for "more law and order".
Those who do not understand these things do not understand NationalSocialism, and accordingly they do not understand or know what it means to
be Aryan.
Today, in the anti-Aryan and increasingly multi-racial society of our time, the
ideal National-Socialist is the ghting Aryan who is, or who can be, tough
and ruthless and who does use, or who is prepared to use, violence. What
matters is action - by Aryans, and against the enemies of our Aryan race. A
genuine National-Socialist movement, group or organization seeks to recruit
tough and aggressive individuals. If it does not do so, it is not being Aryan and thus is not putting the theory, the ideals, of National-Socialism into
practice in the modern world. A genuine National-Socialist movement, group
or organization seeks to capture and express our natural and healthy
aggressive Aryan nature. It is seeks to harness our aggressive, tough,
warrior nature in a disciplined way by having aggressive, tough Aryans ght
our enemies "on the streets". Such ghting - however ruthless - by such
tough, aggressive individuals, however "hooligan" they may appear to tame
and domesticated and thus "respectable" Aryans, is National-Socialism in
This is so because the National-Socialist values which we, as NationalSocialists are ghting for, are completely dierent from the values which the
"respectable" nationalist or even "racial nationalist" groups and
organizations are ghting for.
Our values are rst and foremost revolutionary values, just as our
fundamental ideals are revolutionary ideals. As genuine revolutionaries, we
want to see the complete destruction of our present-day societies, for we

view these societies - and everything which aids or supports them - as

anti-Aryan and totally opposed to our natural and healthy Aryan values and
ideals. Thus, we are not ghting to maintain or strengthen the present
system of "law and order" - for it is an alien order based upon alien and
anti-Aryan laws. Rather, we are ghting for a society based upon Aryan laws
and thus for a completely new Aryan order.
These Aryan laws reect or represent our true nature as Aryans. Our present
society - however "patriotic" or "nationalist" it might once have been - is not
Aryan and never really was Aryan. The suppressed truth is that there has
never been a truely Aryan society since ancient times - except for the glory
which was National-Socialist Germany under Adolf Hitler, and even Adolf
Hitler and his German followers had only begun the Aryan revolution which
was, and is, necessary to make our people Aryan again in body, mind and in
Our true nature, as Aryans, is to be warriors - to love ghting; to love combat
and to love testing ourselves in tough and violent sports such as boxing. Our
true nature, as Aryans, is to hate our enemies and to want to defeat them by
killing them in battle. It is against our warrior and predatory nature to live a
tame, "respectable" and domesticated existence, toiling away like a serf.
It is our true Aryan nature which makes us want to carry, and use, weapons
including "rearms", as it is our true Aryan nature which makes us want to
settle personal disputes with our sts. It is our true Aryan nature which
makes us brand as cowardly and weak any young man, or any man, who does
not lust after battle and adventure, and who does not have the pride, the
strength of character and the tness to defend themselves. It is our true
Aryan nature which makes us intolerant towards, and prejudiced against,
non-Aryans and their inferior culture. It is our true Aryan nature which
makes us proud of our own superior culture and proud of our own superior
Aryan race.
A society which does not value and which does not uphold the aggressive and
war-loving, weapon-carrying and proud nature of the Aryan warrior is not an
Aryan society. Thus any society which bans the carrying of weapons, which
places restrictions on ownership of rearms, which frowns upon militaristic
behaviour, which seeks to curb "racial prejudice" and which does not train its
young men in violent, aggressive sports such as boxing, is an anti-Aryan
Our present societies have become so anti-Aryan that it now necessary to
completely destroy them, and begin again. Further, our own people have
become so lost to their own Aryan nature - their own proud, predatory,
warrior and violent nature - that only a real bloody destruction of the old
order will awaken them and free them from the Zionist mind-control, the
anti-Aryan brainwashing they have been and are being subjected to.
Our aim is not to try and return to "the glorious, patriotic days of old" - or
even to try and re-awaken a "patriotic spirit" within our own particular

nation. Rather, our aim is to destroy the old anti-Aryan Zionist order so that
we can create a totally new Aryan order, where the ideal is the aggressive,
tough, proud, war-like individual rather than the hard-working "respectable"
home-loving person.
The days of the old patriotic nation-States, with "nationalists" speaking about
past national glories and past national triumphs, are nished. Today, there is
only the quest for an Aryan homeland, an Aryan society, with past Aryan
glories and Aryan triumphs spoken about and remembered. Thus, there is a
celebration of Aryan heroes - from Odysseus, to Alexander the Great, to
Caesar, to Vespasian through to modern heroes like Leon Degrelle(1).
In brief, there is for us now only the quest for a National-Socialist society - a
new Reich - since only National-Socialism represents and expresses what is
Thus, we National-Socialists are not interested in - and indeed must scorn
and reject - the idea of trying to pander to, or re-awaken, the old "patriotic"
values, the old national prejudices, the old Imperial or expansionist hopes,
and the desire for more of the old "law and order" which a majority of our
own people, in a particular nation-State, may still have. Thus we NationalSocialists are not interested in - and indeed must scorn and reject - the idea
of trying to appear as "respectable", as "responsible" and as representative
of these old "patriotic" values and the old "law and order" which supposedly
went with them.
Instead, we want to convert our people to our values and our ideals - that is,
to what is Aryan - and persuade them, or show them, that what is needed,
now, are aggressive, violent, tough ghters who are intolerant of other
cultures, and who are proud of being Aryan. What is important, in these
crucial times for our race, is defying and ghting our enemies, and ghting
for our freedom to live as Aryans in an Aryan society. It is does not matter
how such ghting is done, or however ruthless it is, so long as such ghting
is eective. What we and others need to understand is our own true nature,
as Aryans, as we need to express and represent this proud warrior nature of
Any political party, any organization, group or movement which does not
capture and which does not express, through its deeds, our true Aryan
nature is part of the old system, and must be rejected. And they must be
rejected despite all their leaders' ne-sounding words and speeches about
"tactics" and the need to be "realistic" and "accept our people as they are",
with their Zionist-made and untruthful beliefs about National-Socialism and
about National-Socialist Germany.
Well, we National- Socialists are not interested in our people "as they are".
We are interested in what they can become if they live, act and think like
To succeed, we need to be open and honest with our people and our potential

supporters. We must be openly National-Socialist, since we desire to create

and live in a pan-Aryan National-Socialist society, not in a "nationalist" one,
and since we sincerely believe that only National-Socialism can save our race
and build the Aryan society we need and must have for future Aryan
greatness to be achieved. We must proudly and honestly and deantly tell
others about our Zionist enemy, and about the manipulation, control and
brainwashing which this enemy has used and does us to mentally condition
and control Aryans. We must proudly and honestly and deantly tell others
what it means to be Aryan as we ourselves must live, act and think like
It is up to we who are National-Socialists to do these things, for if we do not
do them, then no one else will, for only we, as National-Socialists, understand
what it means to be Aryan. We understand this because quite simply that is
what National-Socialism itself is - an understanding of our Aryan nature, our
Aryan heritage and our unique Aryan Destiny to create a new and higher
race of beings who will be the masters of this world of ours and the builders
of a Galactic Empire.
To be Aryan, we must be proud, tough, deant, aggressive, and intolerant of
other cultures, as we must actively ght our enemies, if necessary in a
ruthless way. In brief, we must be, and appear to be, erce and war-like by
nature, and scorn any and all attempts to be or appear to be "respectable"
and tame.
The tame, "respectable" Aryan citizens of our modern anti-Aryan societies
must see us, and either be appalled, and probably tremble with fear - or feel
their own warrior blood, their own warrior nature, stirring within them.
Those who are fearful are unimportant because lost to their race, while those
who feel the stirring of their own Aryan warrior blood are or could be our
future comrades-in-arms.

Originally published in Issue 15 of The National-Socialist, 107 yf

cc David Myatt & Reichsfolk 1996-1999, 2000

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