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13: Player 2 s Turn

The player(s) who did not go first takes his turn in the same fashion as Player
1 just did. If there are more than 2 Movement (M)
This is the ability of a model to move. Ordinarily, a model may move a number of
inches equal to its Movement characteristic in the Movement Phase (23). For ref
erence, most human models have a M of 4; Eldar models frequently have an M of 5,
and Squats normally have an M of 3. Thus a man can move 4 a turn, and an Eldar 5
a turn.
Weapon Skill (WS)
A model s WS indicates how proficient he/she/it is in the art of close combat and
hand-to-hand fighting. The higher this number, the more combat-worthy the model
is for this type of fighting. A common value for this characteristic is 3.
Ballistic Skill (BS)
BS is the ability of a model to use projectile weaponry effectively. Think of it
as the model s marksmanship rating. The higher the model s BS, the better it is at
shooting a weapon.
Strength (S)
Strength reflects the raw physical aggressiveness of the model and its ability t
o damage another model in close combat. A model inflicting hits on an opponent i
n hand-to-hand combat may use its Strength to calculate how damaging those hits
are. Most ?ordinary? models have a Strength of 3.
Toughness (T)
This is the natural physical resilience of a model s skin, hide, scales, etc. A hi
gher Toughness makes a model more difficult to damage with weapons of all kinds.
A common value is 3.
From left to right across the top, the characteristics are explained below.
Movement (M)
This is the ability of a model to move.

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