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Mission Cards

Mission Cards detail a strategic objective for the player to accomplish

and desc
ribes how doing so will accord the player extra Victory Points (13). The differe
nt Mission Cards are described below:
Enemy Commander wounded: +1 Victory Point
Enemy Commander slain: +5 Victory Points
Bunker Assault
Enemy Bunker Destroyed: +5 Victory Point
Dawn Raid
Having at least one squad with less than 50% casualties or at least one undamage
d vehicle in opponent s Deployment Zone at the end of the game: +5 Victory Points
Engage and Destroy
For each enemy squad wiped out: +1 Victory Point
For each enemy vehicle destroyed: +1 Victory Point
For each enemy character slain: +1 Victory Point
Guerilla War
For every 3 enemy models slain in hand-to-hand combat (32): +1 Victory Point
For every enemy vehicle destroyed or disabled within 24 of your table edge: +1 Vi
ctory Point
Hold the Line
No unbroken enemy squads or operational vehicles within 24 of your edge: +5 Victo
ry Points
Take and Hold
Your objective is a point 24 into the table and 36 from the left hand edge (which
should be in the middle of a standard table). If you have at least one model wit
hin 3 of this spot at the end of the game, and the closest model to this spot is
yours: +5 Victory Points
Witch Hunt
If the most powerful enemy psyker is wounded at end of game: +1 Victory Point
If the most powerful enemy psyker is slain: +5 Victory Points
Each enemy character (12) worth 50 points or more slain: +1 Victory Point
Tyranids only.
Each Break, Fear or Terror test failed by the opposing force +1 Victory Point
Each Character killed or broken +1 Victory Point
Tyranids only. ?Trapped? models have at least one Tyranid model between them and
the nearest table edge at the end of the game.
Each enemy unit trapped at the end of the game +1 Victory Point
Before the Tyranid forces are deployed, roll a D6 for each brood and individual
model. On a roll of 1-3, the model(s) must be deployed in the deployment zone; o
n a 4-6, the model(s) may be deployed within 6 of either the left or right edge o
f the table if desired. Tyranid forces may be set up Hidden (23) even if they ar
e not in or behind cover. Any Tyranids with a ranged attack may also deploy on O
verwatch (24).
Tyranid Attack
Tyranids only.
Annihilate enemy: Win game

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