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SKA March 2011 Mystery

by Verybusymonkey
Clue #4
Gusset and Foot
If you had switched to a single needle while working the heel flap, divide the 20 stitches onto two
needles (10 each), then proceed as follows:
RS: sl 1, knit 9 stitches (now on needle 3 again), then knit 10 stitches (now needle 4 again the break
between needle 3 and 4 will mark the start of a new row until toe shaping. With needle 4, pick up 16
stitches along heel flap (pick up stitches in slipped edge stitches), work Chart A pattern over the 32
stitches on needles 1 and 2, then pick up 16 stitches on other side of heel flap then work 10 stitches on
needle 3.
Continue in pattern as follows to decrease gusset:
Non-decrease row: k to instep; work instep in Chart A pattern over 32 stitches; k to end of row.
Decrease row: k to last three stitches before instep, k2tog, k1; work instep in Chart A pattern over 32
stitches; k1, ssk, k to end of row.
Work these two rows until you have 16 stitches on each needle.
Continue working sole stitches (needles 3 and 4) in stockinette while knitting instep stitches in Chart A
pattern until the chart has been worked through three full times (since start of gusset). Then work
instep stitches in Chart B one time. Proceed to foot pattern below.
Foot pattern: k to instep; work instep in Chart C pattern over 32 stitches; k to end of row.
Work in foot pattern until 2 inches from desired length. Then knit the sole stitches on needle 4 one
more time so that rows will now start at needle 1 again. Proceed to the toe pattern below.
Row 1: knit all stitches
Row 2: k1, ssk, knit to end of needle 1; knit to last three stitches on needle 2, k2tog, k1; k1, ssk, knit to
end of needle 3; knit to last three stitches on needle 4, k2tog, k1
Repeat these two rows until you have 14 stitches across the instep needles (needles 1 and 2), and 14
stitches across the sole needles (needles 3 and 4) (28 total). Graft toe using kitchener stitch.
Weave in ends and enjoy!

Copyright Verybusymonkey 2011

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