Ska Mm11 Clue3

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SKA March 2011 Mystery

by Verybusymonkey
Clue #3
Sock #1
Work first 8 stitches of needle 1 as you worked them in the previous row (p1, k6, p1). This is now
the new beginning of the row, so shuffle stitches around such that each needle has 16 stitches on
them again 8 stitches from needle 2 to needle 1, 8 from needle 3 to 2, etc.
Work Chart B again.
Work first 8 stitches of needle 1 as you worked them in the previous row (p1, k6, p1). This is now
the new beginning of the row, so shuffle stitches around such that each needle has 16 stitches on
them again 8 stitches from needle 2 to needle 1, 8 from needle 3 to 2, etc.
Begin heel flap instructions as follows.
Heel Flap
Turn work, slip (sl) first stitch and purl back 31 stitches. These 32 stitches will form the heel flap.
Begin working in heel flap as follows:
RS: *sl 1, knit 1*, 16 times total
WS: sl 1, purl 31 stitches
Work these two rows 15 times total, ending after a WS row.
Turn Heel:
Round 1 (RS): sl 1, knit 18, ssk, knit 1, turn work
Round 2 (WS): sl 1, purl 7, p2tog, purl 1, turn work
Round 3 (RS): sl 1, knit 8, ssk, knit 1, turn work
Round 4 (WS): sl 1, purl 9, p2tog, purl 1, turn work
Round 5 (RS): sl 1, knit 10, ssk, knit 1, turn work
Round 6 (WS): sl 1, purl 11, p2tog, purl 1, turn work
Round 7 (RS): sl 1, knit 12, ssk, knit 1, turn work
Round 8 (WS): sl 1, purl 13, p2tog, purl 1, turn work
Round 9 (RS): sl 1, knit 14, ssk, knit 1, turn work
Round 10 (WS): sl 1, purl 15, p2tog, purl 1, turn work
Round 11 (RS): sl 1, knit 16, ssk, knit 1, turn work
Round 12 (WS): sl 1, purl 17, p2tog, purl 1, turn work
All stitches should be worked now and there should be 20 stitches left on heel-flap needle(s).
Sock 2:
Work Clues #1 and 2 as for sock one. Work remaining clues as for sock one, with one difference.
When you get to a bolded paragraph in the pattern where it tells you to shift the starting point,
substitute the bolded paragraph below. This will create a symmetrical pair of socks.
Stop work 8 stitches before end of needle 4. This is now the new beginning of the row, so shuffle
stitches around such that each needle has 16 stitches on them again 8 stitches from needle 1 to
needle 4, 8 from needle 2 to 1, etc.
Copyright Verybusymonkey 2011

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