Bulimia Foods

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What is
Bulimia is an
emotional disorder
involving distortion of
body image and an
obsessive desire to
lose weight, in which
bouts of extreme
overeating are
followed by
depression and selfinduced vomiting,
purging, or fasting

There isnt a main
cause for bulimia to
occur but body image,
low self-esteem, and
troubles managing
emotions are factors in
people with bulimia.
The main cause for
low self-esteem is
experiences in life. In
high school 44% of
girls and 15% of guys
are attempting to lose
weight due to low selfesteem and 75% of
girls with low selfesteem have reported
cutting, bullying,
smoking, drinking, or
disordered eating.

Symptoms of Bulimia involve
depression, anxiety, social
isolation, having a distorted
excessively negative body
image, and reoccupation body
shape and weight. These are all
mental issues that can come
from bulimia or be part of the
cause of bulimia. Someone with
bulimia will most likely be
obsessed with how they look
and how much they weigh and
will not be satisfied with how
they look. They will also have
episodes of binge eating or
eating a large amount of food at
once followed by purging. There
are also visual affects of bulimia.

Effects on the human body

Bulimia has both seen and unseen
affects on the body. People with
bulimia tend to have a large
amount of weight changes. They
have tooth decay, soars on the
hands, mouth sores or gum soars,
dry skin, unhealthy hair, bloating,
swollen saliva glands, and the loss
of energy.

Treatment is available
for bulimia. It usually
includes psychological
counseling and
antidepressants that
help. Both of these
treatments are long
term and it could take
weeks or months
before any noticeable
dierences occur. The
amount of time needed
to recover depends on
if other things are
involved too such as
health problems like
dehydration occur. The
goals of treatment are
to fix any emotional
problems and to fix all
health problems.

Differences between eating

Anorexia is not eating and over
exercising.. Binge eating is
eating an excessive amount of
food and feeling guilty about it.
Obesity is overeating with little
to no working out and Bulimia
is eating and purging after
eating due to guilt.

"Bulimia nervosa treatment."

Bulimia nervosa health center.
Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
"Bulimia nervosa symptoms."
Bulimia Nervosa health center.
Web. 29 Apr. 2016.

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