Upmarket Firm Offers The Worst Shopping Experience

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Upmarket firm offers the worst shopping experience...

while no-frills Iceland is the

No-frills Marked by the absence of extra or special features; basic: no-frills
housing; no-frills airline service.
Tesco caught telling porkies for selling foreign lamb after claiming it sources local
Porkies - Brit slang a lie Also called pork pie [from rhyming slang pork pie lie]
The market is awash with UK lamb
Moroccan teenage couple who posted a kissing picture on Facebook are arrested
(...but police crackdown sparks a wave of copycats)
Copycat (v.,n.,adj.)Closely imitating or following another: a copycat version of a
successful product; a copycat crime.
Apple accused of kowtowing to China after it pulls iPhone app that lets users view
banned websites
kowtow [kata ] To kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in expression
of deep respect, worship, or submission, as formerly done in China.
2. To show servile deference.
1. The act of kneeling and touching the forehead to the ground.
2. An obsequious act.
[From Chinese (Mandarin) ku tu, a kowtow : ku, to knock + tu, head.]

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