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Match the colours in English with their German equivalents:

To paint the town red

grtnerisches Geschick

To have green fingers


To be in the red

voller blauer Flecken

To be green with envy

das schwarze Schaf sein

To be black and blue

im Minus

To be the black sheep

pltzlich und unerwartet

White lie

auf die Pauke hauen

Out of the blue

vor Neid platzen

1 Our company has lost a lot of money recently and now were in the _________.
2 My mother just loves gardening; she has __________ ____________.
3 When we heard the news, it came completely out of the ___________.
4 Peter is so honest; he would never tell even a ______ _________.
5 When Jane saw Marys new car, she was ________ with _______.
6 When my son came after that fight with the other boys, he was ________ and
_______ all over.
7 This party is so boring. Let's leave and _______ the town ________ instead.
8 You know, Fred has always been the _______ ________ in the family.

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