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Understand the Signs













Astrology Home
The Mounts of the Hands
The Mount of Jupiter
The Mount of Saturn
The Mount of Apollo or Sun
The Mount of Mercury
The Mount of Mars
The Mount of Moon or Luna
The Mount of Venus
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Lines & Signs on the Mount of Jupiter

Lines & Signs on the Mount of Saturn
Lines & Signs on the Mount of Apollo
Lines & Signs on the Mount of Mercury
Lines & Signs on the Mount of Mars (Lower / Upper)
Lines & Signs on the Mount of Moon
Lines & Signs on the Mount of Venus
The Lines in the hands
The Line of Life or Vitality
The Line of Head or Mentality
The Line of Heart or Emotion
The Line of Fate or Saturn
The Line of Sun or Apollo
The Line of Mercury
The Line of Mars
The Line of Intuition
The Girdle of Venus
The Via Lascivia
The Ring of Solomon
The Ring of Saturn
The Lines of Union
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The Rascette or Bracelet Lines

The Lines of Travel

The Mount of Venus

(a) Indications for Venusian type

The Lines of Children

The Lines of Influence from the Mount of Venus

The Mount of Venus is the biggest of all - hand oval - shaped, beautiful and of
medium size - soft fingers with conic tips - waisted thumb with weak will power good Line of Head - a very good Line of Heart - an irregular Line of Fate - small
pink nails.
(b) Physical features
Attractive and handsome - graceful, shapely and well- balanced, medium height white complexion tinted with pink - round face - smooth and dimpled cheeks eyebrows beautifully curved - hair long and broad at the root - nose tip rather broad
- small mouth -Lower lip thicker than the upper one - white regular teeth.
(c) Psychological dispositions
Sociable - elite - love of life - kind -hearted and sympathetic - gifted with grace of
gestures, ease of manners and elegance of deportment - fond of new clothes with
bright colours - preference for latest styles - fond of perfumes - optimistic in outlook
- very popular and adored by all - love of fun and merriment - never loses faith early marriage - polite and refined - food is scanty and flavoured with spices - fond
of picnics - opposite sex plays an important role - honest and truthful - often
deceived but given to forgiveness - dislike of fights and quarrels - rather ambitious.
Qualities of a bad Venusian - unscrupulous debaucher - detestable profligate - all
the thoughts and actions detected toward obscenity and corruption - no regard for
any moral code or ethics - indolent and self-indulgent - interference in others' affairs
- creator of family troubles.
(d) Health Indications
Tendency to develop venereal diseases - tuberculosis - heart and lung diseases.

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