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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 29, 2016

Why should we accept every happening to us as a gift of His Grace? Bhagawan

lovingly explains to us today.

In order to save His devotees, God takes many different actions in

several ways. Devotees, unable to recognise and understand the
inner meaning of such actions, think that God is giving them
unnecessary difficulties. People only have external vision. God has
inner vision. Paramatma is always caring for the well-being of His
people. Even if a son, who has been brought up with much care by
the mother, makes a mistake, the mother will correct the son and
punish if appropriate. When we see this, we feel that a mother who
has brought up the son with such care, love, and tenderness is
harsh in punishing the child; but the mother does so with affection.
In the same mannerGod, the universal father, will punish His
devotees, when needed, with love. Do not mistake it to be God
desiring to punish people. God is always full of grace.
- Summer Showers in Brindavan, 1976, Ch 3.

Sorrow and happiness should be treated alike as gifts of God. Baba

29 meI,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,hr Gtnw nUM,Bgvwn v`loN id`qy AwSIrvwd dw qohPw, ikauN smJxw
cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[

au`qr:Awpxy Bgq dI r`iKAw krn leI,keI FMg Aqy v`K-v`K ikirAwvW

AwpxwauNdy hn[mnu`K nUM,Bgvwn v`loN kIqIAW v`K-v`K ikirAwvW dw ArQ
smJ nhIN AwauNdw Aqy auh socdw hy ik Bgvwn aus nUM,AncwhIAW musIbqW dy
rhy hn[lok kyvl,bwhrly sMswr dI moh-mwieAw nUM hI jwxdy hn[Bgvwn
nUM,AMqr-igAwn huMdw hY[Bgvwn hmySw,Awpxy lokW dI BlweI hI krdy hn[jy
iksy dw bytw,ijs nUM aus dI mW ny pwl-pos ky v`fw kIqw hY,koeI glqI krdw
hY qW aus dI mW,aus nUM suDwrdI hY Aqy zrUrq muqwibk,szw vI idMdI hY[jd
AsIN vyKdy hW ik iksy byty dI mW,ijs ny aus nUM,ipAwr Aqy rihmidlI nwl
v`fw kIqw hY, aus nUM szw dy rhI hY qW auh ies qrHW ies leI kr rhI hY ikauN
jo auh,aus nUM ipAwr krdI hY[ausy qrHW Bgvwn,ijhVy ies bRhmMf dy ipqw
hn,Awpxy Bgq nUM,zrUrq dy muqwibk,ipAwr nwl szw dyx gy[ieh socx dI
glqI kdy nw kirau,ik Bgvwn,mnu`KW nUM,szw idMdy hn[Bgvwn
hmySw,id`ivXqw(AwSIrvwd) nwl Bry hoey hn[(smr Swvrz ien
ibRMdwvn,1976, A`iDAwey iq`n)[
KuSI Aqy gmI nUM,Bgvwn dw qohPw, smJxw cwhIdw hY[(bwbw)[

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