Before You Watch: Body Language

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1. Before you watch

Part 1
a) What is body language? Do you think its important?
b) Do you pay attention to other peoples body language when you talk to
them? Why?
c) How can our body language affect the first impression we make?
d) What gestures are considered offensive in your culture?
e) Have you ever misinterpreted somebodys gestures/ body language?
Part 2
List as many gestures and forms of non verbal communication as possible

2. While you watch

Fill in the table with the dos and donts of making a good first impression.
imperative form of verbs.



3. After you watch

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verb : MAKE, GIVE, PUT
a strong handshake
. eye contact
.on the right outfit
. a good first impression
..a great entrance
.. a smile on your face
information about yourself

Which do you consider the most important to make a good first


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