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Reference Letter Natalie Leung

May 14, 2016

Natalie Leung was a student in my online Organization Problem Solving and Report Writing (CCMN 313)
course at Ryerson University during the Summer 2015 term. Students are required to prepare an analytical
report on a topic that they select in consultation with me. This report requires both primary and secondary
Natalie prepared a report that evaluated the best tires for her grandfathers car as he had been experiencing
control and safety related problems with the original equipment tires he had on his car.
In her report, Natalie investigated tire technical specifications, including the coding manufacturers place on the
actual tires as well as additional information available from manufacturer websites. She also interviewed her
grandfather to determine what difficulties he was facing as well as determining what he would consider to be
suitable performance from new tires. I addition, she consulted experts such as mechanics to get their advice.
Natalie completed an exceptional report for which she received an A+. The report was particularly well done in
the following areas, she:

Gathered her grandfathers requirements in a systematic and structured manner.

Completed an in depth analysis of tire technical specifications. This is a complex field that covers areas
from load requirements, to average speed driven to road conditions and handling preferences.

Took this highly technical information and map it to her grandfathers requirements. This was a difficult task
as it required translating technical specifications to the requirements she had been given.

Validated her conclusion and recommendation with experts such as mechanics.

Natalie demonstrated outstanding analytical and project management skills as well as the ability to take
requirements provided in lay language and match these to technical specifications. In addition, she is a
capable and innovative writer in that she organizes and expresses her idea exceptionally well. She also
managed her time effectively and met all assignment deadlines. She sought out advice and incorporated
direction she received as needed and appropriate.
I would place this report in the top 5% of assignments I have marked during my teaching career.
Yours sincerely,

Greg Turko

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