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Composite Actions(Group of Actions performed as a single Action) Go by Actions class.

Actions class:
So, to make WebDriver perform multiple actions at the same time, you need to
follow a three-step process of using the user-facing API of the
Actions class to group all the actions, then build the composite action, and then the
Perform the action.
All the actions are basically divided into two categories: mouse-based actions
and keyboard-based actions. In the following sections, we will discuss all the actions
that are specific to the mouse and keyboard available in the


There are two ways by which you can make WebDriver wait for WebElement. They
implicit wait time
Explicit wait time
. Implicit timeouts are common to all the
WebElements and has a global timeout period associated to it, but the explicit timeouts
can be configured
to individual WebElements. Let's discuss each of them here.

FirefoxDriver - 7055
IEDriverServer 5555

ChromeDriver, similar to IEDriver, uses JSONWireProtocol to communicate with

the Chrome Driver server. It serializes all your test script commands into JSON and
sends them over the wire to the Chrome Driver server. The server uses the Chrome's
automation proxy framework to control the Chrome browser.

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