Laura Hampton-Ed 271 Outcome 3-c 1

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Final Observation ED 272

Student: Laura Hampton

Practicum Supervisor: Jennifer Margolis

School: Mabel Rush

Term: Spring 2016

I observed Laura working in an Intensive Learning classroom for students

grades K-2 on May 27, 2016. During this time, Laura was initially working
with a small group of two students, each of whom was completing a different
assignment. The first student was working on adding single digit numbers.
Laura gave the student a number line for visual assistance with counting,
and he was able to work independently to complete two pages of addition.
The second student worked on a dot-to-dot sheet where she had to connect
the dots by counting backwards. The student initially had a difficult time
understanding the concept, but Laura gave her a number line and used the
visual cue to point to a number, then asked the student, What number
comes before? Using this method, the student quickly grasped the material
and was able to complete several worksheets. Laura explained to the
student that she was strengthening her counting backwards skills to prepare
for learning how to subtract numbers.
Laura then transitioned to working with a new group of three students who
were cutting out words and placing them in the correct order to form a
sentence, then drawing a picture to illustrate the sentence. Laura did a great
job working with a group that had a lot of energy. She asked the students to
read their sentences aloud to ensure understanding then had the students
verbally describe their pictures. Laura did a great job using appropriate
behavior management techniques while engaging the students and
encouraging them to complete their work. When one student began using
the scissors in an unsafe manner, Laura reminded him that if it was too
tempting to use the scissors in this way, they could put the scissors away.
The student quickly refocused on the task and completed his work. She
calmly and quietly reminded the students to use their quiet voices, and
gave good positive feedback to the students using verbal praise, stars on
their corrected papers, and the classroom sticker-reward system. Laura
encouraged the students to work together and interact in a positive manner,
which they did throughout the group. The students respond well to Laura,
and its clear that she and the students have developed mutually respectful

It has been a pleasure to watch Laura grow and develop as a paraeducator

over this past year. She is comfortable working with a wide range of
students, some of whom need a higher level of 1:1 assistance. Laura is softspoken but firm and confident in her interactions with the students. She
works well with the teacher and other staff, and asks for direction or
clarification when needed. Laura has done an excellent job in the classroom,
and would be a wonderful addition to any team.

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