Global Warming: Fill in The Gaps To Complete The Sentences

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Global Warming

Fill in the gaps to complete the sentences:

1. For ________ million years the earths climate ______________________ .

2. In the last century the __________

_______________ has risen extremely fast.

3. According to scientist its ______________

________________ thats driving the

temperatures up.

4. This process is known as ____________ _____________ .

5. Huge amounts of ____________

_______________ and other gasses have been

released to the atmosphere.

6. The Greenhouse Effect begins with the ___________ .

7. 1998 was the ____________ ____________ in measured history.

8. According to NASA studies the extent of Artic sea ice has declined about ________ per

cent in the last ________ _________ .

9. Temperatures ______ ____________ about 2 to 10 degrees by the end of the century.

10. Hurricanes will be more _____________ .

11. Consumers can help by ____________ ______________ around the house.

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