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Rukshi Thiyagayogan

Media Seminar 2: Arts and Entertainment (PSA)

Creator of the text and its purpose
The creator of this PSA is the organization of American for the arts which is
a nonprofit organization promotes and supports art programs all across
America. Thus representing this was made specifically for that topic.
The purpose of this PSA is to persuade the demographic of parents to support
their childs art programs. This was explicitly shown when she started talking
about art in relation to school grades as well as facts to only ask at the end
when the video said then why are art schools stopping their art programs.
Also at the end, the statement of Support your childs right to an art
program comes up bringing the whole message together.
The implicit message was to persuade people who are not into arts to try and
pursue a career in arts. This was implied after they focused the video on
school grades. The girl as shown getting an A after getting an F on her project
only after pursing herself in art. Also the fact that people who purse art get
better grades was also shown. Therefore, hinting that art can get you better
grades. There is no commercial message because there was nothing that was
being advertised and the video was run by a nonprofit organization.
The author has the belief that art is very beneficial for life and art is
education. She thinks that you need art for a good education. This is true as
there are stated facts that suggest this.
The kind of reaction that is expected from an audience based on the
use of language
The target audience would be parents as they are trying to persuade parents
to contribute money to bring back art programs or to start an art program.
The audience should either acquire the implicit or explicit message from the
use of language in this PSA.There was an effective use of conventions which
allowed for the message to be conveyed clearly and persuade the target
audience. There was also use of ethos pathos and logos in order to bring
together different perspectives on this issue to one.
How the specific conventions of the genre fit the meaning of the
All conventions applied in order to effectively fit the meaning of the
Persuasive: They argue one point clearly. They use facts to make undeniable
statements that make them want to do something about this issue
Entertaining: They used a nice contrast on text slides of white and black while
providing entertaining background music that overall kept my attention. They
also used a good video to capture the attention of the viewer, this video has

Rukshi Thiyagayogan
good correspondence with the message and thus fit the meaning of the
media perfectly.
Based on facts: This whole video was based upon facts that fit the message
of the media.
Short: 1 minute 30 seconds.
Emotion: They used emotion by shifting moods. At the start its gloomy
because she failed and after she puts art on and applies art to her project she
gets an A. This emphasizes the difference between no art and art thus
exemplifying that art is education (or better grades)
Has a clear realistic message: They make a statement at the end that brings
the whole message together. This statement was Support your childs right
to an art education . This summed up that they wanted parents to spend
money for art programs.
Identifying tag for the organization; This was shown at the end
Conceptual: How is language being used as a tool to formulate our
Logos: Many types of logos appeals were used throughout this video. Factual
data and stats were sued throughout this video to emphasize (message) that
art is education and will make you smarter. Also a real life example is played
although the video. This being a student getting improved grades after using
art or being in an art program. This creates logic and reasoning that is
undeniable and made the argument even stronger
Ethos: Some ways of ethos were developed throughout the PSA. The video as
professionally done with correct grammar and appropriate vocabulary. Using
percentages and words such as receive and asks questions rather than
statements to get the attention of the audience. This built trustworthiness for
the PSA.
Pathos: Types of Pathos were developed through the PSA. Emotional
examples and emotional experience were displayed through the whole PSA.
The emotional example of the difference between getting an F and then
getting an A showed the happiness from switching one aspect of your life to
something else.
Perspecive of others
Due to this, older audiences may think the same as our perspective as
specific conventions ucha s using akid would

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