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Article: Hippies v. Hipsters: The Generation the Revolution Died?

The subcultures mentioned are the Beat generation, the Hippies, the Hipsters and
the Punks.
The Beat generation had its roots in literature and collaboration. The Hippies
defended peace, love and freedom, Hippies foundation was built on folk music and
communal living. Punks focused on the individual rather than the community, they
showed their anger for civil rights injustices through loud aggressive music. The
Hipsters dont have any concern about anything except their music.
These subcultures were a kind of evolution: the Beat generation gave way to the
Hippies, the Hippies to the Punks, and in the present there are the Hipsters.
I think that these subcultures are, in a way, important for the evolution of our own
culture, because these subcultures were the ones that made us meditate about the
things we were doing and the moment, since they had a different view of the
situations, and that view had sense, so somehow some ideals were taken in count.
I wouldnt be a part of any of these subcultures, first because I dont feel
completely identified with their values, and second because if I wanted to change
the world (which I do) it would be by actions related to improved peoples life, as
giving free education.
All of the cultures have interesting things, the hippies with freedom, the hipsters
with their music, the skaters with their easy living, etc. But Im not radical, Im kind
of neutral.

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