SEHIR ECE 518 Assignment 1

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SEHIR ECE-518 Digital Communications II

Due on Monday March 20th , 2016 by Midnight
by Dr. Kemal Ozdemir, Istanbul Sehir University
In this assignment, we will apply the topics we have learned about ISI and equalization.
There are 5 questions.
Question 1 (25 points): Simulation of a digital system with pulse shaping filters
(a) Question 9.7 of the book. Choose the modulation to be QAM-4.
(b) Comment on the results for different values of .
(c) How significant it is change the shaping filter length to 31 and 41?
Question 2 (15 points, Data rate of different modulations):
(a) Question 9.12 from the book.
(b) If we were to use two modulations in the given bandwidth, say 4-PSK and orthogonal
4-FSK, how would you allocate the given bandwidth?
Question 3 (25 points, Probability of Error Calculation:
(a) Question 9.32 from the book if im values are -1/4, -1/2, 0, 1/2, 1/4 with probabilities
1/8, 1/4, 1/4 1/4, and 1/8.

Question 4 (25 points): Zero-Forcing Equalizer

Question 9.42 if xk values are

0.25 if k = 2

if k = 1

if k = 0
f (n) =

0.25 if k = 1

if k = 2

if otherwise

(mod 7).


Question 5 (10 points): Understanding of the overall System

(a) Draw the complete block diagram of an overall digital communication system that
shows all the variables so far we have used for matched filtering and ISI. This is similar
to the block diagram we draw in the class on Wednesday March 9th, 2016.
(b) At the end of the drawing indicate the type of the equalizers that can be used.
(c) State simplifications of the overall block diagram when 1) There is no ISI, 2) When the
channel is flat, 3) We perform symbol by symbol detection with ISI and the channel.

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