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High Intensity Training or H.I.T is one of the most advanced training methods used by
bodybuilders. It was made popular by 6 time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates. Dorian changed
the sport forever when he came on the scene, bringing size and conditioning never seen
before in the sport.

At the time most bodybuilders trained with lower intensity and higher volume, while Yates
would only be in the gym for 45 minutes. The difference was the high level of intensity Yates
would train with. Dorian would give it all he had in that short amount of time.

Dorians H.I.T was short and very intense. He would do 1-2 warm-up sets along with 1
working set for each exercise. Here just one working set might seem surprising but that itself
is enough as the intensity is so high. The first warm-up set is light where you can do 12-15
easy reps. The second set is heavier and more challenging. He would use a weight that he
could do 10-12 reps without reaching failure but still challenging enough.

This was all a build up to the third and final set where DY would need to give everything he
had. This is exactly what High Intensity Training is all about. The focus is on working the
muscles to complete failure, so another set after the third becomes impossible to do with the
same intensity.

Keep in mind that High Intensity Training or H.I.T is about progress, which means that you
should aim to keep adding weight at every workout. But make sure that the increase in the
weights are of the small increments and that you are still using proper form.

Real Muscle Failure:

When Yates would train he would concentrate on not only reaching muscle failure in the
positive portion of the movement, but also the negative portion. He said that you have not
reached true complete failure until you cannot complete another positive or negative part of
the movement. Dorian would always lift in a slow and controlled manner (controlling the
weight down through the negative part for 3-4 seconds) until he failed on every part of the
movement therefore stimulating the most muscle fibers possible for maximum growth.

Due to the slow and controlled movement, when starting this program you will not be able to
lift as much as you usually would in the gym. The slower tempo makes it much harder to lift
your heaviest weight. You have to leave your ego at the door and do it properly so you can
get the best results.

Forced Reps and Reaching True Failure:

The way to reach failure on the negative part of the exercise is by doing forced reps. This is
when you get your training partner to help you lift the weight and you control the weight by
doing only the negative. This is Dorian Yatess definition of TRUE FAILURE and what
H.I.T is all about.

DY would also use other techniques to make the set more intense, like drop sets and rest

Rest Pause:
Here the set is done with a particular weight. Once you have reached failure rest for 10-15
seconds then pick the weight back up and do as many reps as you can again.

Drop sets:
Do a set with a specific weight then once you reach failure drop the weight and pick up a
lighter weight (about 30% lighter) and the complete as many reps as possible with that

Here is Dorian Yates H.I.T training Program

Dorian Yates Workout Routine

Day 1: Shoulders &Tris
Day 2: Back& rear delt
Day 3: Off
Day 4: Chest & Bis
Day 5: Off
Day 6: Legs
Day 7: Off


Smith Machine Presses

- 1x15 reps, warm-up set
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8-10reps

Seated Laterals
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8-10 reps

One-Arm Cable Laterals

- 1x20 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8-10 reps

Dumbbell Shrugs
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x10-12 reps

Triceps Pushdown
- 1x15 reps, warm-up set
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8-10 reps

Lying EZ-Bar Curl Barbell Extensions

- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8-10 reps

Back & Read Delt

Hammer Strength Pulldowns
- 1x15 reps, warm-up set
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8-10 reps

Barbell Rows
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8-10 reps

Hammer Strength One-Arm Rows

- 1x8-10 reps

Cable Rows (Overhand Grip)

-1x8-10 reps

Hammer Strength Rear-Delt Machine

- 1x8-10 reps

Bent-Over Dumbbell Raises

- 1x8-10 reps

- 1x10-12 reps

- 1x8 reps, warm-up
- 1x8 reps

Incline Barbell Press
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8 reps

Hammer Strength Seated Bench Press

- 1x10 reps, warm-up set
- 1x6-8 reps

Incline Dumbbell Flyes

- 1x10 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8 reps

Cable Crossovers
- 1x10-12 reps

Incline Dumbbell Curls

- 1x10 reps, warm-up set
- 1x6-8 reps

EZ-Bar Curl Barbell Curls

- 1x10 reps, warm-up set
- 1x6-8 reps

Nautilus Curls
- 1x10 reps, warm-up set
- 1x6-8 reps

Smith Machine Press
- 1x15 reps, warm-up set
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8-10 reps

Seated Laterals
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8-10 reps

One-Arm Cable Laterals

- 1x20 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8-10 reps

Dumbbell Shrugs
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x10-12 reps

Triceps Pushdown
- 1x15 reps, warm-up set
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8-10 reps

Lying EZ-Bar Curl Barbell Extensions

- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x8-10 reps

Leg Extensions
- 1x15 reps, warm-up set
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x10-12 reps

Leg Press
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x10-12 reps

Hack Squats
- 1x12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x10-12 reps

Lying Leg Curls

- 1x10-12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x10-12 reps

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
- 1x8-10 reps

Single-Leg Curls
- 1x8-10 reps

Standing Calf Raises

- 1x10-12 reps, warm-up set
- 1x10-12 reps

Seated Calf Raises

- 1x8-10

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