CV Will Bartlett

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William J.H.

17 Moore Avenue | Toronto, ON M4T 1V4 | (416) 575-1255 |

McGill University (Montreal, Canada)
2010 2014
B.Com 14, Major in Finance, Minor in Accounting
TMX Options Trading Simulation: Competed as a team of 4 students speculating on 20 companies.
Upper Canada College (Toronto, Canada)
Honour Roll Candidate (2006-2010)

2006 2010


Courses: Canadian Securities Course, Conduct and Practices Handbook, Trader Training Course
Technical Capabilities: Excel VBA, Advanced Microsoft Excel, Bloomberg, Thompson Eikon Certified,
Photoshop, Python

Selected Work Experience

Trader, Retail Equity Division
May October 2014
Royal Bank of Canada
(Toronto, Canada)
Certified and registered by RBC as a trader in the jurisdiction of Canada
Managed foreign equity flow ($5-$10 million/week), executed precious metals trades, and routed US equity orders
Wrote 4 Excel VBA's for US team to streamline procedures for department and saved 1.5 man hours per day
Corrected errors in the 4-6 figure range that IA's had made and needed to be busted/covered
Prepared 6 months of reports on the trading flow of RBCs retail equity division for presentation to MD
Vice President
September-December 2014, September 2015- Current
Cassels Tutoring Inc.
(Toronto, Canada)
Tutored 40+ high school and university students in Math and Economics
Promoted to VP in charge of invoicing $20000/month, scheduling of 3 tutors, and lead generation programs
Summer Intern, Retail Equity Division
May-August 2012 and 2013
Royal Bank of Canada
(Toronto, Canada)
Completed due diligence and provided support in opening RBCs Private Trading Branch in 2013
Prepared 4 months of reports and presentations on the performance of the Alpha exchange
In charge of foreign, precious metals and options trades at the Special Handling desk
Wrote briefings on prospective trading clients of the Private Trading Branch for MD
Data Analyst
May-August 2010 and 2011
Salesforce Search
(Toronto, Canada)
Managed and analyzed over 15000 candidate profiles using Bullhorn recruiting software/database
Learned how to screen candidates over the phone for job interviews
Classified resumes/candidates according to experience, skills and profession


8 years of intensive jazz/blues guitar, investing, travel (10+ countries in 2015), MMA, and fitness (half-marathon)

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