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Occupation End Notes | April 22, 2010 Volume 8 Number 8

Save the Earth, End the Occupation!

Today is Earth Day, and in this week's eco-friendly edition of Occupation End No
tes, we shed light one of the underreported aspects the Israeli occupation: its
impact on the environment. Whether it's Caterpillar bulldozers ripping up Palest
inian olive trees, U.S.-provided white phosphorous shells affecting water suppli
es in Gaza, or Motorola greenwashing the occupation by winning "energy saving" g
rants while producing technology for land-grabbing settlements, Israel's militar
y occupation has devastating environmental impacts.
A recent article in the The Palestine Telegraph highlights the environmental imp
act of Israeli military activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. In a
ddition to uprooted olive trees and agricultural land, the Israeli occupation me
ans stolen or polluted Palestinian water resources, settlement waste water and l
andfills diverted into Palestinian villages, and pollution from Israeli industri
al zones illegally built in occupied territory affecting Palestinian populations
So ending the Israeli occupation isn't just about restoring human rights and int
ernational law--it's also about saving the earth.
Luckily there's plenty of ways for you to get involved in this important work. F
rom Tax Day protests to divestment debates, from upcoming conferences to speakin
g tours, this week's edition of Occupation End Notes is packed full of exciting
information, resources, articles, and actions that you can take!
If you have a resource or an update you'd like to see included in Occupation End
Notes, click here to email us. To support the important work of the US Campaign
to End the Israeli Occupation, the largest and most diverse coalition of organi
zations and organizers working to challenge U.S. policy toward Israel/Palestine
click here. Your support makes this important work possible!
Want more news and updates about the work of the US Campaign and its member grou
ps? Read unique content on our blog, keep up with the latest media coverage and
press releases, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and check out our YouTube and
Podcast channels to get your occupation-ending fix between editions of Occupati
on End Notes.
In solidarity,
US Campaign National Office Staff

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